Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 255 - First Kill

Chapter 255 - First Kill

The participants' reactions were within the academy elder's expectations. He continued. "Anyone who wants to quit, please state your intention right now. This is your last chance."

Many participants became hesitant upon hearing this. Entering the academy was their greatest wish, but of course, it had to be on a premise they were still alive in the end. 

The academy elder added more information. "When you enter that place, no one can rescue you. You will be completely isolated from the outside world. Hence, I hope all of you think carefully before making a decision."

"I quit!"

The academy elder's statement was like a huge boulder, crushing the last lingering thoughts of the hesitant participants. They didn't hesitate anymore and raised their hands, expressing the desire to quit one after another.

The majority of the people who quit was possessed a good background. Even if they hadn't entered the academy, they could still live well without much struggle. It was absolutely unnecessary for them to take the risk.josei

As for those who were carrying their family's hopes, they quickly solidified their thoughts and became resolute a short while later. They totally had no choice and could only continue forward.

In an instant, there were twenty thousand people left in the square. The people who quit earlier weren't that much as Yun Lintian had expected. 

"Very well." The academy elder looked at the crowd with a satisfied smile. "Let's not waste time further." He then waved his hand, and a ball of blue light suddenly appeared before the stage and gradually expanded into a huge portal.

"Everyone will be sent to a random location after passing through the portal. All you have to do is persist for a month, and you will be teleported back automatically." The academy elder explained. "Enter when you're ready."

No one moved as they watched each other, waiting for someone to go first. Yun Lintian thought it was better to enter before others. He simply gave a cautious point to Chu Heng, Chu Mi, Lan Shuiying, and Yang Chen before walking toward the portal with White Dragon Spear in his hand, disappearing into the light.

Peng Xiaowang and Peng Lu glanced at each other briefly and followed suit. It seemed they had an ulterior motive against Yun Lintian.

Seeing this, Bai Qingyi, Qin Yuyan, and the rest of the group quickly followed Yun Lintian.

Yun Lintian's vision turned entirely white for a while until he regained clarity and found himself standing in a plain-looking forest.

The first thing he did wasn't check the surroundings but communicate with the Gate of Beyond Heaven in his mind and his interspatial ring. The result was, as Yun Lintian's conjecture, both of them could be used just fine. Yun Lintian could enter the Land of Beyond Heaven and take anything from the interspatial ring at any time.

Discovering this, Yun Lintian immediately felt at ease. As long as he could summon the Gate of Beyond Heaven, his safety was pretty much guaranteed.

Yun Lintian exhaled and looked around for the first time. The forest in front of him was nothing extraordinary. There wasn't any strange vegetation or a sign of a profound beast. The ancient trees seemed to be a common thing here, as they were all over the place. Yun Lintian assumed this place should be the perimeter area.

Following, Yun Lintian opened Eyes of Heaven to check the so-called spatial suppressing formation. The first thing that came to his sight was a bizarre grey colored dome covering the sky. Yun Lintian could feel a powerful aura emit from it. Without a doubt, this was the spatial suppressing formation. 

Moreover, Yun Lintian noticed a surveillance formation hiding behind it. Every action within this Fallen Dragon Forest was definitely be monitored by the academy. It seemed he had to move cautiously during this period.


While Yun Lintian observed the formation, a male figure suddenly emerged from a white light a hundred meters behind him. Before Yun Lintian could react, a scorching flame arrow speedily flew toward his head, obviously aiming to kill him.

Yun Lintian's eyes turned cold as he instinctively avoided the flame arrow with Shadow Step. 

The man who attacked Yun Lintian was shocked upon seeing the target vanish in a ghost-like manner. He frantically spread Spiritual Sense out to find Yun Lintian, but it was futile as he didn't even see a trace of Yun Lintian's presence in the surroundings.


The man suddenly felt a sharp pain behind his head, and his vision instantly turned black. His lifeless body slumped on the ground with a giant hole on his head. He couldn't be dead more than this.

Yun Lintian retracted his White Dragon Spear and looked at the corpse while shaking his head. He didn't expect someone had actually attacked him without checking his strength first. Just this move alone displayed how inexperienced this man was.

Unbothered to think further, Yun Lintian used the spear to check for any item on the corpse and found some dried rations, nothing more. He grabbed them and looked around for a while, choosing the north direction, and moved forward.


In Lin Zixuan's bamboo hut, a light curtain displayed Yun Lintian's movement hung in the air in the living room. Lin Zixuan calmly sipped the tea and listened to a report from a beautiful woman on her side.

"Master, he just killed the opponent in one move. His movement technique is like what Palace Master Han said, he could literally travel in a short distance without a trace." The beautiful woman said calmly.

She was wearing nothing more than a simple and ordinary-pure white long robe. She had a celestial countenance, long slender eyebrows, and a pair of eyes like a bright moon hanging on the dark sky. 

Her long hair reached her waist. It had not been combed or tied up in any way. It merely splayed out over shoulders, releasing a soft luster. Her entire body constantly exuded a tranquil aura that gave anyone peace of mind. She was the current number one student and the number one beauty of the divine city, Jiang Yingyue.

"You can't see it?" Lin Zixuan put the teacup down and asked.

"No. It's beyond my ability.." Jiang Yingyue replied honestly.

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