Mythical Slayer: Mythical Girls Contract

Chapter 37 37 – First Day Oni Festival

Chapter 37 37 – First Day Oni Festival

After the opening by Kirimaru, the crowd began to walk in their respective direction to see some attractions by Onis. They went with a smaller group of friends or families.

Kai wasn't different from them. He went to one of the attractions around the arena, where he fought Ranga a few days ago.

Apparently, the Onis caught a 'monster' and had a show where the young Oni tried to beat it or tame it.

As they walked toward the arena, Kai asked Amber about something.

"A monster, is it? Are they different from Malice and Supernatural disasters?"

"They are similar," She replied. "While Malice is born from an unpurified Spirit Power that is created from absorbing Nature power too much, Monster is born when Malice invades an animal body. As a result, a mutation happens, and a monster is born."

"I see." He nodded.

That was really an easy explanation, but she skipped too much.

While in theory a monster was born from Malice invading an animal's body, the one who did it was only a small Malice, smaller than 1 meter. The bigger Malice didn't need an animal body to cause destruction, as they were already strong enough.

The reason why small Malice invaded an animal body was to get a physical body that could move better than a pure, undiluted Nature power that was shaped like black mud. The mutation caused by their invasion also made them bigger, faster, and stronger than their small body.

Still, they were weaker than the 3 meters tall Malice Kai fought on his first day after obtaining the power, as their regeneration slowed down considerably compared to when they had black mud bodies.

Of course, those monsters were still dangerous. The fact that the Oni tribe dared to make those monsters an attraction only showed how much they loved to fight and how strong they were compared to normal humans.

"Now I am curious about those monsters." He muttered in a low voice, but it seemed like the Phoenix girl heard it.

"Then why don't you join the attraction? If it's you, I am sure the Oni won't mind." Amber suggested.

"Nah, I won't join anything this time. I just want to watch." He shrugged his shoulders. "I have had enough fight lately."

"You're no fun, Kai." The Phoenix girl pouted. She wanted to show off Kai's strength to everyone in the Supernatural World.

It was like her instinct. She wanted her master, although Kai wanted her to call him by name, to be recognized by other people. That was why she agreed to Ranga's challenge and didn't stop him from helping the Spirit Foxes.

But if he didn't want to, she also didn't want to force him. She respected his decision, although that was something unfortunate.

"Well, let's just watch for today. It will be fun."

"Yeah." He nodded, and they walked to the arena, still holding hands.

'There will be more chances in the future.' Amber thought in mind. 'He's bound to get involved with almost everything. It is his fate.'


Inside the Japanese mansion located at the center of Oni Village, Kirimaru walked down the terrace hallway with his son, Ranga, in tow. Their expressions were serious, as they had just received an important guest from outside.

The guests were that important to the point Kirimaru himself needed to receive them. Ranga only tagged along because he was the heir and would eventually be the chief. This was the perfect time to acquaint himself with other powers outside the Oni Village.

They stopped in front of a Japanese room with a sliding paper door. Before they entered, Kirimaru looked over his shoulder at Ranga and warned him in a low voice.

"Leave the talk to me, okay? Don't even try to talk to her, let alone try to hit her. Haven't you learned your lesson yet from that human?"

"I know, pops," Ranga replied half-heartedly. Then he grinned, remembering his loss against a human he had underestimated at first. "I've learned my lesson."

"Good." Kirimaru nodded, satisfied. His son usually couldn't be controlled, but he had changed recently.

The reason why Ranga was so brash and went ahead without thinking about the consequences was that he was strong. Only those from old generations of the Oni tribe could beat him.

But then, a human appeared and defeated him in a fair fight. Not only that, he was injured badly to the point he needed to rest for 2 days before he could walk again. He also wore clothes this time to hide the bandage around his body, as his injuries still hadn't fully healed.

After hearing his son's reply, Kirimaru opened the door, crossed his arms over his chest, and entered.

The room was big, filled with Japanese furniture, and had tatami floors. Some traditional paintings were hung over the wall, and a big table in the middle where his guests sat around it on a blue cushion.josei

His guest was a beautiful girl wearing white and red Miko Hakama and an Oni with tanned skin.

"I am sorry to keep you waiting, Chigusa-sama."

He greeted the Miko first, then turned to the female Oni, who sat one step behind her.

"I see you also look good, Sayo." His tone was different from when he greeted Chigusa. It was colder and had a hint of anger in it.

The tanned Oni only kept her head low, refusing to raise it.

"Please don't be too harsh to Sayo, Kirimaru-sama. She has been really helpful to me." Chigusa smiled slightly, looking at Kirimaru straight in his eyes.

"I am glad if she's of use to you," Kirimaru said as he walked toward the cushion on the other side of the table from where Chigusa was; Ranga sat behind him.

The edge of his lips curled up as he narrowed his eyes slightly, observing Chigusa, the one known as the Prophet. Her position was a bit strange but still higher than his in the Supernatural World.

He could only act like this because the Prophet visited him unannounced, not through the official procedure.

"What do I owe to Chigusa-sama for visiting this humble Oni Village? Surely, you're not here just to enjoy the Oni Festival?"

The only thing he could think of about Chigusa visiting him was to tell him about something. The Prophet was famous for foreseeing the future. Her position was so important that she would never be allowed to leave Nijo Castle.

The fact she was here only meant one thing.

'She has something to tell me privately that no one in Nijo Castle should know about.' He guessed.

"Indeed, Kirimaru-sama. I am actually here for personal business. Before that, have you heard from the Japanese Slayer organization about my latest prophecy?"

"Unfortunately, I haven't heard about it yet." Kirimaru shook his head. "May I know what that is about?"

It was strange that he didn't hear about it yet. They had an agreement that every leader of the Japanese Supernatural tribe would be told if there was a new prophecy.

'What is this prophecy about that even those human geezers hide it from me?'

"Then I shall enlighten you about it. Sayo." Chigusa called out to her shadow, the Oni behind her.

"Yes, Chigusa-sama." The tanned Oni, Sayo, bowed deeply. "The prophecy is about the Ruler, the descendant of the strongest. It was said that person had appeared and is currently in Japan." She explained in one breath.

Kirimaru's eyes widened in pleasant surprise. His lips curled up in a mad grin, while his son Ranga was a bit confused.

"Is that really it, Chigusa-sama?"

"It is correct. As you know, I don't know about my prophecy and always count on Sayo to remember it."

"That explains why those old geezers, who haven't died yet, hide the prophecy from the others. Hahahaha." Kirimaru laughed loudly, but then his expression turned serious once again. "So, may I ask why you privately visit me? I believe you wouldn't do that just to tell me about this."

"Indeed, Kirimaru-sama." Chigusa smiled with hidden intention as she tilted her head slightly. "I am here to meet the Ruler. Apparently, Sayo has seen a man resembling the description of the Ruler, or at least similar to what is described in the legend."

"Hoo?!" Kirimaru whistled as his interest was piqued. "Tell me more about it."

"That's what I am doing, Kirimaru-sama." Even in the face of a brash Kirimaru, Chigusa's smile had never faltered. After his interest was piqued, the Oni chief had long forgotten his attitude.

"I believe the Ruler was the man who fought Ranga-sama a few days ago."

"That human, huh!" Kirimaru raised his voice and slammed the table with his hand. His grin widened, showing his white teeth with four small fangs. "Let's invite him immediately! I remember that I offered him to visit my house. Hahahaha, what a pleasant surprise!"

While the meeting took place, Kai stopped in front of a stall to buy some tea before watching the monster attraction. For some reason, he felt a shiver down his spine and instinctively looked at the center of the Village where the mansion was located.

'Somehow, I felt like someone talked about me. I have a bad feeling about it.'

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