Nameless King

Chapter 110 Displacement

Chapter 110 Displacement

When Wain touched the Ring of Damned mechanism, it glowed brightly, but nothing happened. Wain was surprised and decided to try again.

He concentrated, and suddenly the screaming spirits engraved on the ring lit up in green flames.

Then the green energy began to spread slowly through the mechanism. But when half of the mechanism was covered in energy, the ring went out, and the energy disappeared.

"Looks like there's no easy way to do this..." Wain muttered puzzledly.

'Hmm, why couldn't I move this mechanism into the Ring of Damned? Maybe the reason is that this mechanism is too big, it's over five meters high. But maybe it's because the mechanism weighs too much. I wonder if there's anything I can do to improve the Ring of Damned?' Wain thought.

Wain's plan failed, so he tried to think of another one. He wanted to take this mechanism with him, as it was too valuable.

The lava that this mechanism produced could be used as a universal tool to increase regeneration.

Moreover, Wain envisioned that by having one, the members of Last Light could create other such mechanisms and sell the healing lava in the future.

"Do you have a piece of paper and ink?" Wain asked, turning to the goblins.

The goblins nodded, and after a while, Wain was sitting at his desk writing something on a parchment scroll. The goblins didn't have regular paper, but that wasn't a problem.

"What are you going to do?" Zero asked.

"It's simple. Now I'm going to send this letter upstairs, and Gisle will provide us with everything we need." Said Wain.

Before that, he asked the fire goblins for the things he needed, but unfortunately, the village didn't have any of the things he listed. The walkie-talkie didn't work either, as the distance was too long. So Wain decided that he would send a letter upstairs.josei

When Wain finished writing the letter, the ring on his finger shone brightly, and an azure trident appeared next to it. Wain aimed the letter at the trident's blade and headed for the mechanism.

"Zero, are there no dangers up there?" Asked Wain looking at the through hole in the ceiling.

"No, there are no monsters near this place." Answered Zero.

"Great," Wain replied briefly and jumped on the mechanism, then bounced off the mechanism and, through the hole in the ceiling, made his way to the top level of the Nest.

Wain looked around for monsters, but he didn't see anything suspicious. All around him were scorched earth and a few lava lakes in the distance.

Wain looked up and muttered, "This canyon is very deep, sloping at least a mile and a half high."

Wain wanted to throw the trident to the bridge. That way, he could get a message to Gisle, but it was not easy to do so.

Many people before the apocalypse had practiced javelin throwing professionally in Wain's world. The record in his world was almost 100 meters, but that was official and verified.

"I knew a few people who could throw a spear 150 meters. That's something incredible, but now I have to break that record by at least ten times.' Wain pondered.

Wain could throw the trident right now, but he wasn't sure he was capable of throwing it at that height.

He needed to hit the exact spot next to the bridge, for if Wain missed, the trident would end up somewhere in the middle of the slope. In that case, he would not deliver the letter to Gisle.

"I need to somehow increase my strength for one throw. Perhaps I should speed up?" Wain muttered, and lightning boots appeared on his feet.

Then Wain turned into blue lightning and began to run in circles. In this way, he was gaining speed to make his throw more powerful.

This went on for a while, and at one point, Wain threw the trident upwards with all his might. It was like a blue flash of lightning heading for the wooden bridge at the top.



Suddenly the trident flew into the ground to the left of the bridge. People were shocked. They thought they were being attacked by someone. But as Gisle approached the trident, he reassured his men.

"Huh, he found a way to send me a message even in this situation." Said Gisle taking the letter off the trident.

Gisle began to read, "Get it all down. Ropes, nails, bulk vessels, tools, wooden beams..."

The list was quite large. It took Gisle a while to read it all. In the end, Gisle sighed and began to think where he could get it all.

He talked to Clovis and other people and realized that they had pretty much everything Wain asked for, but Gisle had another serious problem.

He didn't know how to get all the things Wain needed downstairs. It was a big problem, but suddenly a great idea came to Gisle.

"That's right, you can get all that stuff down in bubbles!" Said Gisle and summoned the guy who had previously put out the fire by summoning massive bubbles with a skill.


Thus after a while, Wain saw several bubbles flying in his direction, each with many things in them.

"Wain? Zero?"

As the bubbles almost reached the ground, Wain heard a familiar voice in the distance. Turning around, he saw Teresa and Agnes running toward him.

"Oh, long time no see." Said Wain.

"What are you doing here?" Teresa asked worriedly.

They came running here because they saw blue flashes from a distance. They thought something was interesting and decided to check it out. But, it was actually Wain, who was using Lightning Boots at the time.

"Waiting for delivery." Wain simply replied.

Teresa and Agnes didn't understand anything, so Wain decided to explain the present situation.


"So you made friends with the monsters and want to ferry them upstairs along with the mechanism... Why do I feel like I just heard some nonsense?" Teresa muttered.

Wain smirked and said, "It doesn't matter if it's bullshit or not. The fact is it's true. We need these monsters. They are useful and harmless. This is the most valuable find of Last Light in a while."

Agnes and Teresa were shocked, but they quickly grasped Wain's idea. Unlike most people, they had no prejudice against monsters. Like Wain, they believed that what mattered was action and nothing else.

"Okay, enough talk. It's time to get out of here. We've got a lot of work to do." Said Wain and headed for the things lying not far from them. All the bubbles had already landed and burst.

Agnes, Zero, Teresa nodded and headed after him.

For the next hour, they and the fire goblins were busy at work transporting the monsters upstairs, as well as the healing lava and the lava producing mechanism.

Wain poured all the healing lava into vessels and moved them to the Ring of Damned. Wain decided not to hide that he had such a useful item any longer. He could trust Zero, Teresa, and Agnes.

The goblins joined them in tying the mechanism with ropes to be dragged along.

Wain and Zero remained below while Teresa and Zero climbed up through the hole in the ceiling. Together they were able to move the mechanism to the upper level of the Nest.

The goblins then climbed up the rope, and now they had to go up the slope to the bridge.

"Wain, what shall we do? First, lift the mechanism and then go back for the goblins?" Agnes asked.

"No, we'll do it another way. The three of you are strong enough to get the mechanism upstairs without any problems. Be careful not to break it. I'll take care of the goblins." Said Wain.

"What? How are you going to lift thirty goblins by yourself? I realize they're not big, but still."

"Don't worry, Gisle sent plenty of rope, they'll just tie each other into one single chain, and I'll pull them up with one hand. My strength is enough to lift thirty goblins." Wain said confidently.

"Good." Agnes nodded and, together with Teresa and Zero, headed up.

They held onto the ledge with one hand while the other hand held onto the ropes. In this way, they pulled the mechanism behind them. It would take them quite a while to get to the top, but they could do it without problems.

"Now it's my turn." Mumbled Wain looking at the thirty goblins behind him. They obliged the rope tightly around their bodies, and Wain could easily drag them behind him.

"I'll try to proceed carefully, but I promise nothing." Said Wain and gripped the rope tightly.

Then he jumped high up and began to climb the slope. As Wain supposed, he would be able to drag thirty goblins behind him alone. It took him a lot of effort, but he made it all the way to the top in time.


Wain made one last dash and jumped to the top along with the fire goblins.

Everyone was shocked at the monster's sudden appearance and especially that he brought monsters with him.

"Welcome back," Gisle said, smiling.

Wain nodded. He warmed up and rested a bit. It took him more than an hour to climb to the top, during which time his muscles began to ache, and his body stiffened.

"I see the bridge is almost finished," Wain muttered as he looked at the bridge, which was more than a hundred meters long. Clovis needed a little more time, and the crossing to the north part would be possible.

"Yes, but that's not the most important thing right now. Will you tell me what happened downstairs and why you brought the monsters with you? Agnes, Teresa, and Zero have already filled me in, but I'd like to hear it from you personally."

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