Napoleon in 1812

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Their circumstances - 2

Chapter 30

Charles Louis. Austria’s greatest commander who defeated Napoleon’s invincible army for the first time. But he had now stepped down from the military and was enjoying a leisurely life. Officially, he did this to take responsibility for the defeat of Austria in the Battle of Wagram, but in fact, it was to escape the constant checks of Francis II. Francis II, who had a foolish and weak crown prince, had been very wary of Prince Charles, who was the next heir to the throne and was greatly favored and supported by the Austrian people.

Despite that, Francis II just talked about the return of Archduke Charles with his own mouth.

“No, no. The Minister did not hear anything.”

“Yes, I understand. Your Majesty.”

But Metternich’s head did not stop and thought extraordinarily. That was right. Napoleon’s tremendous victory over the Russian Empire had enough effect to make Francis II think of the return to the military of Charles Louis, whom he was the most wary of. Metternich, an experienced diplomat, showed no facial expression, but imprinted on his mind the remarkable change in attitude shown by Francis Il today.

He was expecting that this card would definitely emerge later.


General John Moore, (1) who was fighting in the Peninsular War, was killed at the Battle of Corunna. His successor was General Arthur Wellesley,121 who had been recommended by members of the Tory Party and by the Count of Liverpool (the Prime Minister) to take command of the British army on the Iberian side.

Arthur Wellesley served as a member of the British East India Company’s Indian Army and led to victories in the Battles of Malavelly and Assaye, making a remarkable contribution, but was defeated by Tipu Sultan, (3) the Sultan of Mysore. The first thing he did when he arrived on the Iberian Peninsula was to bring together a sense of comradeship among the soldiers with strict discipline, clear reward and punishment, and squad-level training and camp.

Arthur Wellesley’s goal was to make a 180-degree difference between the Portuguese army, which was mired in lax military discipline and continued defeat, and the British army, which was greedy and lazy, in order to recover throughout the peninsula.

‘Gentlemen. From today, we will build the best defenses that the French guys won’t get past even if they sell their souls. This line of defense will serve as the last bastion of the British and Portuguese Allied forces and will serve as a prelude to a great counterattack.’

Arthur Wellesley was not just a military commander. His ability to build defense positions and fortresses, which he trained while serving in India’s military, shone. With engineers deployed in the rugged and high mountainous terrain of the Portuguese border, Wellesley formed defense lines called the lines of Torres Vedras.14

The French launched an onslaught to break through the lines, but all of their offensives were blocked. André Masséna, Louis-Gabriel Suchet, Auguste de Marmont…51 All the prominent French enemies were blocked by this barrier and bit dust. Arthur Wellesley, who succeeded in bleeding the French army, actively supported the Spanish Resistance and distributed some supplies from Britain.

This allowed the insurgents to continue to point guns at the rear of the French army without fail. The resistance’s persistent guerrilla tactics consumed the French army steadily and gradually ousted the French influence from Spain. Arthur Wellesley was at the center of the reasons that caused the Iberian Peninsula War to become an ulcer for France, consuming astronomical manpower, finances, and supplies.josei

“Sir! I’m reporting to you, sir! Our Spanish friends have sent us a very fantastic gift!”

The grenadier regiment officer’s excited voice was not the right attitude toward his commander. But Wellesley, did not condemned his disrespectful demeanor. In fact, the ‘gift’ of their Spanish friends was so precious that even Wellesley, the embodiment of calm and coolness, was excited.

…(omitted…. Enemies are now occupying an advantageous position, and they are prepared for our attacks, so you should never attack recklessly. All you have to do is to drag on while protecting the main points with waterways or roads. The most important for our allies is to defend our positions, it is okay not to respond to the enemy’s hasty provocations as the front lines may be pushed back. Don’t worry too much about the loss of Fort Ciudad Rodrigo and Fort Badajoz. The enemies have continuous supplies from Britain anyway. If the situation is maintained, the enemy soldiers will feel the fatigue faster than our allies. Contact Soult:01. to seal off Cádiz and Andalusia. Give orders to stop meaningless hard work and join Madrid. In the meantime, set up a defense site in the hills of Salamanca and make it a second Badajoz fortress. With Salamanca sealed off, the British and Portuguese troops would not dare to go to Madrid.!

The sender of the letter was not written, but no one here did not know who ‘he’ was. Because there was only one Frenchman who could order Marshal Auguste de Marmont, the commander-in-chief of the French Army throughout Iberia, in informal language.

That was right. The Spanish militia that was attacking from the rear had obtained a personal letter from Napoleon Bonaparte, the French Emperor.

“This single theft has helped us a lot more than the past four years that they have spent pricking the French army’s ass. It is a classified document that will shake the core of the Peninsula war.”

“Even the goose without taste has the skill to rob! Those Spanish weirdos are pretty good too! Hahahaha!”

Although Wellesley would have frowned or yelled at the officers’ vulgar jokes, he only smiled lightly at this moment. The unusual appearance of Arthur Wellesley, who had not expressed his feelings awfully, surprised the British officers who knew him for a relatively long time.

Arthur Wellesley told them why he was so excited.

“Because if this letter had reached Auguste de Marmont, we would have been in deep trouble. Our forces lost thousands of soldiers to capture two fortresses, Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, to open the way to Madrid. However, if the French had entered Salamanca with a large army as described in this letter, we would be wandering again, losing the advantage of occupying the two fortresses.”

It was difficult to move in the Iberian Peninsula on the roads between cities because of the large number of mountainous areas and valleys, and it was therefore possible to defend a territory with only a few strongholds. Among them, the city of Salamanca was a very important point for the British, Portuguese and French forces.

This was because the city was on the border between Portugal and Spain and on the road to Madrid. Even if they occupied the two fortresses Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, if the road was blocked, they had to return to the other side. If their allies could not capture Salamanca, then to go to Madrid they would have to pass through the province of La Mancha, but it was inland and therefore several times harder to supply.

What if this letter had reached Marmont without being found? Their allies would have literally just vomited blood.

‘It’s too sharp and accurate to be a strategic decision made thousands of miles away. Is this the true face of the genius of the century, Napoleon Bonaparte? If the Spanish militias hadn’t caught the messenger carrying this letter, we’d really have to fight a tough battle.’

That was why Arthur Wellesley was able to let out a sigh of relief openly. Napoleon’s personal letter to Marmont was now in his hands. This was good luck from God.

“Napoleon’s letter is now in our hands. It is the Lord’s revelation that we must win for the national interest and honor of the kingdom and for the balance and stability of Europe. God Save the King! We will subdue those European lunatics and be victorious!”

“God Save the King!!!”

The British-Portuguese allied forces, led by Arthur Wellesley, marched to Salamanca for a decisive battle that would set the game in the peninsula war. The French troops, led by Auguste de Marmont, also advanced to Salamanca to protect Madrid.

Wellesley figured out that Marmont’s number of French troops was nearly 50,000, almost equal to their own, and devised a trick. It was to move the convoy and the wagons back and forth to create a cloud of dust. As if to make a strategic retreat to evade engagement.

Indeed, Marmont was caught up by Wellesley’s deceit and rushed to move his army. Having not received Napoleon’s letter, Marmont acted like Napoleon did not want him to. As if he had waited for that, Wellesley instructed the division commanders and brigades to turn and attack.

Arthur Wellesley’s exquisite formation shone again along the ridges, allowing the British and Portuguese allies to fire bullets and shells at the enemy from an advantageous position. Wellesley coordinated his units divided by mountain ranges and wetlands, putting them in the right places to nibble away at the reserve of the Marmont Corps.

Upon confirmation that all the French reserves were exhausted, Wellesley rushed the elite grenadier regiment toward the enemy base. The French heavy army, which had no reserve unit anymore, could not handle the grenades thrown by the grenadiers, a volley shot on two rows, and the bayonet charge inflicted later. With this one shot through the center, the French army completely collapsed and became routed.

Of the 50,000 British and Portuguese allied forces, only about 5,000 were killed. On the other hand, at least 7,000 French soldiers were killed or wounded, and 7,000 others retreated but were taken prisoner as their retreat was cut off. The commander-in-chief, Marmont, was severly injured, with his right arm and two ribs broken. When the Division General Bertrand Clauzelle) pulled the Corps back out of harm’s way, the remaining number of French troops was less than 20,000.

It was a overwhelming victory for the British, and for Arthur Wellesley.

“Thee haughty tyrants ne’er shall tame! All their attempts to bend thee down Will but arouse thy generous flame, But work their woe and thy renown!”(91

The British soldiers, who were the protagonists in the victory, sang ‘Rule Britannia’ after ‘God Save the King’, praising the great battle victory. The Battle of Salamanca 101 was Britain’s most complete and decisive victory over the French in the Iberian Peninsula.

The capture of Madrid enabled direct interaction with the Spanish resistance. Portugal, Gibraltar and Seville have also regained stability. Even Arthur Wellesley declared “With this one victory, we have a decisive victory in the war!’

Unfortunately, however, their joy did not last long, blocked by the rapidly changing world situation. This was because the result of the war and battle between France and Russia in the far east reached the Peninsule: the incredible defeat of the Russian army, resulting in the end-of-war negotiations between France and Russia.

Arthur Wellesley had no choice but to pound the table with his fist when he heard that Russia was again in a trade blockade against Britain. The British barracks fell into silence. Only silence enveloped them, and the joyful atmosphere of the troops that won a great victory not long ago was nowhere to be seen.

Napoleon was coming back.

TL notes

[1] John Moore

[2] Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington

[3] Tipu Sultan

[4] Lines of Torres Vedras

[5] André Masséna, Louis-Gabriel Suchet. Auguste de Marmont

[6] Jean-de-Dieu Soult

[Z] The message is written in informal speech in Korean.

[8] Bertrand Clauzel

[9] You can listen to ‘Rule Britannia’ here

(10] Battle of Salamanca

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