Naruto: Child of Chakra

Chapter 145 - 145. The Rap Battle

Chapter 145 - 145. The Rap Battle


Jiraiya was confused for the past few days. He noticed some signs and his instincts were telling him his doubts were completely correct. He saw Tsunade and Shiroken walking in the streets close to each other, going to restaurants for dinner, he saw them sitting close in the office.

All the signs were clear. Broken-hearted, he went to ask Tsunade if his guess was right, if he was, then he'd just congratulate her.


"Tsunade-chan... how are you? I've been hearing some rumours lately," He entered her office with an all too cheerful face.

Tsunade sighed, "Who is it now? I hope no clan is foolish enough after what happened last time. Some are still yet to be released from the hospital."

He chuckled, "No, not that. This rumour is about you. That you and Lord Dama are a thing now… Are you?" He bluntly asked as if he was not serious.

But, his face turned sad as he saw the expressions on her face. They were of someone in love. And she didn't even deny it. "Yes, we have decided to date each other. But... we're just dating, we have an agreement that if any of us feel it's not working then we will break up."

"And if it is... working?" He inquired.

"Well... I haven't thought much about that yet." She honestly said.

Jiraiya sighed and stood up. He forced a smile on his face and congratulated, "Haha, then I wish you a lot of luck and happiness, Tsunade."

However, when he was leaving, Tsunade spoke to him, apparently already seeing what was going on in his mind, "Jiraiya, I... I know you have had feelings for me for a while now. But... I'm old... I can't just fool around. While you... I can't see myself being happy with a man who fools around women's baths and watches them in the name of research. I tried to like you... but every time you prove you and I are not compatible.

"I want someone serious and reliable. And Lord Dama, even after being all-powerful, is down to earth. He is as scared and serious about dating someone, as me. That is why I am trying this with him.

"I hope you don't take it out on him."

*Sigh* Jiraiya's shoulder fell and he turned back. This time he showed a genuine smile, "HAHA... I know that. But I can't change myself for love... as that would be denying my true existence. But... if you are happy, I am happy, Tsunade. See you later."

He silently left her office and returned to work.


"We finally meet, Lord Dama." Raikage A entered the Daimyo palace and greeted Shiroken. He was surprised to see him as Shiroken looked young, although it was common knowledge that he was pretty old.

"What happened to the Frost Daimyo?" Darui asked.

"Dead, in the ground now, turned into fertiliser for the good old nature," Shiroken replied and gestured for them to sit.

There were four seats only, two for the two Jinchurikis and two for the Raikage and Darui. Once seated, the Raikage started. "We have defied the Daimyo by coming here, so we expect that you also show some sincerity. I only wish for peace."

"Sure, everyone loves peace, but most only care about peace inside their limited borders, while outside their borders they continue to spread violence. There is a huge difference between your peace and my peace, Raikage. What I want is an unconditional surrender of Kumogakure, you shall have no authority over it, I will run it, creating partnerships with other Shinobi nations." Shiroken directly put forward his terms.

The mood in the room immediately turned heavy. The Raikage didn't come here to just surrender, he came to bargain with him.

"We can surrender, we agree to come under your authority. But... I should remain the Raikage. I will still run the village, but will recognise your authority over the village as you take over the country." Raikage stated his bargain.

The Raikage signalled to the back and the door opened. Men with huge boxes entered and placed them in front of the Raikage one after another. "For compensation, I shall give this. Five hundred million gold coins." *BAM* The boxes were opened.

"Not just this, but three thousand diamonds of various sizes." Another chest was opened and shining colourful diamonds appeared.

Shiroken's face remained bored and tired. He rested his head over his hand on the table. He scoffed when he saw the gold, "Hmm... a bribe. Tell me, do you not know what my powers are?"

The four looked confused. So Shiroken, while remaining in a resting position, raised his other hand in the air with his palm facing the ground. *BAM* *BAM* *BAM*

All of a sudden, gold bars started to form under his palm and fell to the ground. Soon after it was diamonds. His message was clear but he still told them verbally, "Fools, I am the master of nature. I can create an infinite amount of gold and diamonds. I don't need this worthless wealth. To me, the smile of an innocent child on the street is worth more than this entire bribe you brought.

And..." His face turned serious and he straightened his back, "The fact you had such wealth yet there are so many villages living in poverty in your country tells me exactly what I wanted to know. You all are... DISMISSED!"


In an instant, the roof of the entire building was ripped apart by Kurama's claws. Only the walls remained as the towering forms of all the bijuu appeared. They had encircled the whole building, and looked too close due to their size.

"GYUKI-CHAAAN... MATATABI-CHAAAN... Don't worry, we're gonna get you out soon." Saiken shouted as if him saying it loud would be easier to reach them. They could just talk mentally but Saiken forgot it.

The Raikage and the other three looked frightened as they stepped back slowly. He tried to do damage control, "No need to be so quick, Lord Dama. We can come to some other terms. And besides, it will be easier to run the village if I was the Raikage. Don't forget, my village is not like Suna and Kiri. The villagers of Kumo live a very good and happy life, they love me too. How will you explain my death?"

Shiroken had plans for that too. But since Raikage was insisting so much, he gave an offer, "Then listen to my one and only offer. You shall make a total surrender of your authority. You will be the Raikage only in name, with no power to make any decision or command the Shinobi forces. My 5 administrators will run the entire village. You will take retirement after 5 years and after that, the position of the Raikage will be abolished. Instead, an elected position of a Chief Executive will take its place."

Raikage's eyes twitched. This was as good as total surrender stated before, the only difference was that he would be a puppet. But, in a moment of sudden greed for more power, he asked for something else, "Fine... but... you must allow Bee and Yugito Nii to keep the beasts."


Raikage's body flew right into Shiroken's hands, his throat held strongly in Shiroken's palm. Shiroken's eyes looked shining red, enraged apparently, clear from the angry face. "They are my family, not your property. DO NOT TEST MY LIMITS, RAIKAGE!"

Chomei was also enraged and shouted, "YES... Bro Gyuki and Sis Matatabi are family. You should be destroyed for even thinking you can keep them. I WILL DESTROY YOU WITH MY RAP NOW... HUH!"

"Not again..."

"Come on..."

"Don't start now..."

Other tailed beasts sighed and grunted when they heard this. But happy Chomei was too cute to be stopped so they just tolerated it.

♫We have come here for you,

Bringer of death and punishment that's due...YEAH.

♫Surrender and bow,

Or see your life fade now.

Your good deeds are null.

It's time to pay back in full.♫

♫Shiro is here, the harbinger of peace,

And we need your population to decrease... YO!

♫It doesn't matter if it's a Sunday.

Nobody cares if it's a Monday.

All we're here is to bring good days.

Watashi wa Chomei-desu, ♫

♫And I ain't your homie,


But Chomei didn't know that Bee was also an avid rapper. So the man came forward and replied with his own raps, "Hah, your power is weak. Now face my raps."

Similarly, Darui and Yugito Nii sighed. While they had forgotten that the Raikage was still being choked.

♫Bakayaro, we ain't so weak to bow to a Konoyarooo.

We can still fight and beat ya alongside my brooo.

♫We strong and frightenin',

We're brothers from the land of lightnin'... YEAH!♫

♫We care about no bijuu,

Imma stomp on you like a fricking Kaiju.♫

♫So come on, let's fight,

Let's end it here and see who's right... YEAAAH!♫

Chomei, as if offended by his preposterous words, rapped back, "Hah, foolish. Take THIS!"

♫Stay in ya rabbit hole or get the Bijuu-Dama,

Your existence is nothing but a sad-sad drama.

♫So you better surrender,

Cuz I am the world's mightiest defender.♫

♫Your powers ain't even yours,

All you dumbassery poor Gyuki endures.

We'll destroy you, this I ensure.

So take my advice and grow MATURE... HMPH!♫


"BEAUTIFUL!" Isobu shouted.

Kurama and Shukaku also nodded, indeed, this one was pretty good, Chomei owned the enemy like a boss. Heck, even Darui and Yugito were clapping for him.

Gleeful Chomei chuckled and sounded embarrassed, "Hehe... I just did my best... come on you all... I'm not that good."

Shiroken chuckled and looked at his family lovingly. They were just too cute and kind in his eyes. josei


Shiroken remembered he was still holding Raikage, so he threw him away. The man was blue due to no air. *BOOM* the Raikage fell right under Bee's feet.

But the Raikage looked angrily at his brother. "YOU USELESS BASTARD... I WAS DYING THERE AND YOU WANTED A RAP BATTLE?"


[You can see Bee and Raikage on my Discord - OR see them on Instagram -]



(Advised you don't join right now as there are only 25 chapters. I Will be uploading more soon.) You can read 30 Advanced chapters at

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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