Naruto: Child of Chakra

Chapter 92 - 92. Next Hokage?

Chapter 92 - 92. Next Hokage?

The meeting of Hiruzen ended with one note. "Konoha will need a new Hokage soon, as I can not do my duties efficiently anymore. But until then, I hope you will help me govern the village well and help rebuild the destroyed parts."

He humbly bowed his head and ended the meeting. He let everyone leave first as having himself be picked by his son and put on a wheelchair was embarrassing.

After this meeting, he went to his office. To his surprise, the three elders were waiting for him there. Hiruzen was not at all happy with them. He sent his son away and let Jiraiya remain in the office.

Hiruzen had already talked with Jiraiya and had told him that he does not trust these three to make the best decisions for Konoha. So, he made Jiraiya an elder of the Konoha council too. He also had another idea, which might be risky but would ensure the peace and safety of the village at all times. But for that idea to be implemented he'd first need to deal with the current ones in the council.

"Don't look at Lord Jiraiya like this. I have made him a member of the elder council." He announced.

Koharu and Homura protested immediately, "But you never discussed it with us. How..."

Hiruzen shook his head, "You didn't even ask me how I am, why I am in a wheelchair, nor did you come to the meeting. You have the least right to speak right now. Where were you when this village was on the brink of destruction?"

The two elders shrank their necks in shame. But they mumbled something under their breath.

"I am the Hokage, I have the right to decide who sits in this room or who does not. You three have completely let me down today. If it weren't for..." Hiruzen didn't complete his words. To be honest, he was actually a bit thankful to Shiroken. If he had not come, then who knows how much damage Hashirama, Tobirama and Minato under Orochimaru's control would have caused. No people died today, but if Shiroken wasn't here, many would most likely have died.

"Lady Koharu and Lord Homura, I am relieving you of your duties. You did not appear when we needed you two the most. What's the point of having such elders? And Danzo, I heard the Jinchuriki of Sunagakure was attacked by some Anbu while I was gone. Do not think I am unaware of your unlawful activities. This is my last warning to you, any more mistakes and you will be out of the council too." Hiruzen sternly warned him.

His reason for not firing Danzo was that the man would then become a rogue without a leash. Also, after he is gone, the next Hokage will need Danzo, not just to help him but also to bring a different point of view against the suggestions of other elders.

Danzo just made an ugly face but didn't say anything. Meanwhile, Homura and Koharu were offended, "We have given our lives to this village, how can you disrespect us like this?"

Jiraiya jokingly threw his remarks: "Well, I still see you alive here and half of the village destroyed. So... No. You did not give your lives to the village."

"Boy, you are too young to speak to me like that." Koharu scowled.

Hiruzen raised his voice, "Enough, he's young and yet has done more than you two combined. I always treated you three like my friends, but this is a time of crisis, a time of life or death of our village. I will not tolerate any mistakes right now."

"Fine," Koharu and Homura got up to leave. But Hiruzen stopped them. "You still have one last task before you leave, however."

The two elders stopped in their tracks and looked back. They were already humiliated, if this new task was something outrageous then they were going to voice up. But, what Hiruzen asked made them as calm as a soothing wind. They took their seats. Although they were not elders anymore, they still felt valued.

"I want us to decide on a new Hokage. One who can lead this village to a new era of prosperity. As you can see, I have lost my arms and legs, I can not rule anymore. So, I would like you all to propose your candidates for the position of Hokage." Hiruzen said.

Danzo's eye lit up at that moment. It was his dream to become the Hokage even before Hiruzen became one. In fact, he wanted to become the Hokage when Orochimaru refused to become one and Minato's name was put forward. He was dissatisfied with Hiruzen from then on. The friend he saw in Hiruzen died since then, as he realised that his "friend" didn't see the strength in him.

But he didn't want to give his own name, as that might cause problems. So, he started to first cross a few names so that none will be left.

"I propose Lord Jiraiya's name," Danzo spoke. Of course, he knew this name was going to be turned down by Jiraiya himself.

"Yes, Lord Jiraiya is the best we got here, also one of the most senior ninjas in the village." Homura and Koharu also agreed, albeit displeasingly.

"No, I don't want to. If I become the Hokage, who will go on all the important missions and do the intelligence gathering? For a Hokage candidate, we don't need the strongest person in the village, instead, we need the smartest, compassionate and understanding person." Jiraiya swiftly dodged responsibility.

"What? You propose we make Shikaku Nara the Hokage?" Hiruzen asked him.

Jiraiya was quick to correct, "No, he's lazier along with being smart. He can't be Hokage. Lord Danzo, why don't you become the Hokage?"

Danzo, as if receiving beautiful flowers from the hottest woman imaginable, got excited. But he kept calm and acted as an elder would. "Ah... I have grown old. I don't think I can be that strong. But at this time of crisi..."

Before Danzo completed Jiraiya started again, "Sad, you could have been good for the village, but you're as old as Lord Third, I can understand if you don't want to. Then, what about Kakashi? He's a prodigy and if we train him a bit more we can make sure he's strong enough to defeat any Kage."

Danzo, seeing being ignored like this, felt extreme anger. He was about to agree to their request but Jiraiya changed the topic and gave better names. Then... he realised, Jiraiya just played a game right now. He swiftly removed him from the race to Hokage positions. ~How can I be so naive? This was my chance. I... I must find another way.~

Hiruzen seriously considered Kakashi. "Hmm... He's a good Jonin. Also very loyal to the village. But... if we want to train him into a powerhouse it would take us a few years, we don't have that much time. Out of all Jonin in the village, you are the strongest, Lord Jiraiya. If not you then who?"

Jiraiya, along with others, fell into deep thinking. They needed someone senior, respected, as well as strong.

Jiraiya showed a cheeky smile, "Did you forget about the Sannin? One got caught, one is here and that leaves..."

"But... she's addicted to gambling," Koharu interjected.

Jiraiya snorted, "So what? Lord First was addicted to gambling. One more thing, she is the best when it comes to medical ninjutsu. If you want Konoha to become a powerhouse, we need her."

Danzo quickly objected, "But you all are forgetting something. She is a Senju. The village hates Hashirama right now."

"Only one-fourth Senju. If you can remember, Hashirama married an Uzumaki, and his son, Tsunade's father, married a non-Senju. So, she is probably closer to a non-Senju clan. She doesn't even have Senju in her name and the villagers don't know about her background." Jiraiya said. josei

Hiruzen thought about it, "Hmm... we can... do something to spread words in the village that the legendary medical-nin is returning to the village to help people. With a few more words here and there, people will easily accept her. And it's about time she returns to the village. I'm shocked her money lasted this long."

"Well, she did take all the Senju inheritance," Homura added.

So it was decided, "Good, Jiraiya, you suggested her name. Find her and bring her home. But make sure her hemophobia is gone."

"But... I have my research... Tsk... Fine. I will go." He relented seeing Hiruzen's serious gaze. After that, Jiraiya left.

Soon Homura and Koharu also left, leaving only Danzo. Before he left, Hiruzen warned him, "If I hear any bad rumours about Lady Tsunade in the village, like what happened with Naruto, I will directly come after you and there will be no trial, this I assure."

Danzo stopped at the door. He didn't look back as it would reveal his shocked and slightly panicked eyes. ~How much more does he know?~ Wondering this, he silently left.


"How long is he going to sleep?" Naruto poked at Gaara's face. All of them had come to Shiroken's rented house. Which was actually the old Uchiha Clan's patriarch's house. Monari had the right over the land left by the Uchiha by blood, and even if her claim was preposterous, who was going to mess with her? They were only staying there for a few days anyway.

"He would have tried to kill you if he was awake," Kankuro told Naruto.

"Why? Is he a bomb? Look, he's so small. But he does fight well." Naruto said, remembering the exams and Lee's fight.

Temari was silently sitting on the couch, looking and observing Shiroken and Monari. Monari was playing with a little monkey at the moment.

~Who are they really? I'm sure they are hiding something.~ She felt it in her core. She knew that an extraordinary person like Shiroken can't be that simple. She had never heard about him in the village, so how come he became the "Chief Executive"? She needed answers to these questions.

[By the way, DAMN! Koharu used to look GOOD. Check out this para comment.]


[You can see Elder meeting, Koharu and Hamura on my Discord - OR see them on Instagram -]



(Advised you don't join right now as there are only 25 chapters. I Will be uploading more soon.) You can read 30 Advanced chapters at

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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