Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: The Realization

(Clone POV continues)

The tsunami is coming closer...

I look at it and with a smile in my face and I use [Wind Style: Chakra Scapel].



When I came to this world...

I didn't know how weakness can be this frustrating....


I then see mist ninja coming towards me I see thousands of them but what I am really concentrated on is the 4 ninja leading them.

The special thing about them is the swords they have, they are four out of the seven ninja swordsmen...

The swords they are using are:

Kiba: Twin swords that are imbued with lightning which increases their cutting power. They are said to be the sharpest swords ever forged.

Kubikiribõchõ: A giant sword with a butcher-knife-like appearance, the wielder can use the semi-circle on the blade to decapitate an opponent's head, hence the name. The sword has an ability to regenerate using the iron absorbed from the blood of those it cuts down. It is also called Executioners Blade.

Nuibari: A sword in the shape of a needle with a long thin wire that resembles thread attached to it, which can be used to pierce enemies and "sew" them together in human bundles.

Shibuki: A sword that has a scroll full of explosive tags incorporated into it, lined up behind the blade, combining swordsmanship and explosions.

They are definitely dangerous...

The swords that is... not the ninja using them, they are at best elite jounin but they have become to depended on a weapon I can tell that much... but still I will not underestimate them.

In the bingo book they all have a bounty between 50 million and 65 million ryo.

Mostly because of their swords. But that still makes them S rank ninja.

As they get closer I give a signal to Shikaramu Nara to take command and go to battle. As I do so I stealthily put explosive bombs all around my body as soon as they see me they signal each other and immediately start attacking me not leaving me time to think. As soon as they are close I....



(Yami POV)

I see the clone explode... but I can still feel the ninja swordsman.

I make another clone but this one I order to go and order Shikaramu to do something for me.josei

I then go outside of the underwater and go towards the four ninja swordsmen I look at them and as soon as the smoke clears out I see them unharmed...


Aha I see so they used the Explosion Blade to cancel out my explosion and the Executioners Blade as a shield to propel them backwards....

They are experienced and work good as a team I will give them that...

I take out two kunai and then go towards them as soon as I get close the guy with the Executioners Blade comes slashing towards me as soon as it does I act like I am going to block it as soon as my kunai touches his sword, it cuts right through it. Because I ran wind chakra through my kunai as soon as our blades touched. He jumped back but I knew my wind chakra will still cut him...

But my kunai is stopped by the guy with the Lightning Swords. I am about to slash with my other kunai.... then I feel a thread wrapped around my other hand.

Then as I am trapped I see the guy with the Explosion Sword slashing towards me...


... [Author note (cliffhanger)..... *then I feel a gun pressed against my head* I start sweating and say... "I -I was just joking"]

(Go On with the story now)



I use my super strength technique and force my arm to get cut off in the wire as

I then grab my cut off arm with my teeth and jump back.

I see the 4 ninja swordsmen stare at me with a little surprise... after all an eleven year old kid had the willpower to cut off his own arm.


I understand something now....

I look back at them and say to them with with gratitude while smiling.

"I am really grateful to you guys you made me learn something."

The one with the Explosion Blade looks at me and says bewildered...

"Have you gone crazy kid."

'I came so close to death today...'

I then put my cut off arm towards my stump and think...



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