Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Chakra Upgrade Card

Prop card: Chakra upgrade card (D)-(10* redemption times) energy points


Name: Chakra Upgrade Card

Category: Props Card

Rank: D

Efficacy: Improve the physical energy and mental power of one-tenth of the D-level limit. In order to raise the upper limit of Chakra, the D-level limit cannot be exceeded at most.

Consumption: one-time consumption of cards

Remarks: This card increases with the number of times the host exchanges. The exchange will be up to 10 times and then refreshed will increase the level, but the rules need to be reused to open the right to use.


is easy to understand. For D-level, first unlock with D-level rule fragments, each card is increased by one tenth of the chakra limit, which is 10 chakras, and ten of them are naturally full.

Then Chakra Card will be promoted to the C level, and then the C level rule fragments need to be unlocked again.

According to the current Cha Lan upper limit of 94 points, as long as one can reach 99 points, the D-level limit, and then 9 additional Chakra cards can be used by others.

is simply amazing!

Now Zhang Lan is terribly regretful. Why did he exchange the Hao Fireball so directly yesterday? Without Chakra's Howard Fireball, is that still the second Prince Sasuke's Howard Fireball?

grinned at the spot, he was very distressed, he must save money after secretly, and other good cards will not be stunned.

Evil system, what a mysterious store!

Indignantly closed the mysterious store, Zhang Lan began to exercise his ability to control sand, this ability he had just mastered, and there is still much room for development.

At least, I love Luo in the anime can sit on the sand and fly, and now Zhang Lan can only barely hold himself up to slow down the impact of his fall, but used to fly...Helicopter is a very Good choice.

Now Zhang Lan put out words with sand in the N+1th time, asking Fury if he had any eyebrows about Chakra's cultivation, in order to avenge Fury's vampire behavior.

Finally, something happened.

It was completely dark, and a car came from a distance. Zhang Lan entrusted the Aegis Bureau to investigate today. It was Aobadai's car.

I have to say that Tony is also a careless person. Since he has begun to suspect Obadi, he did not remove Obadi from the accessible list, and the car drove into the villa unimpeded.

got up and patted the dirt on his body, and then walked slowly to the villa. He did not intend to prevent Obadi from taking the miniature ark reactor, otherwise where would he go to hit the boss?

So Zhang Lan went straight to the entrance of the garage, where the underground research room was connected, and it didn't happen that he had access to the basement.

easily found the nostalgic miniature ark reactor that Tony had experimented with yesterday, picked it up with one hand, and sat silently on the sofa sitting on the side.

Waited for about ten minutes, Zhang Lan walked to the laboratory's elevator, where Tony's bedroom was connected.

is only two floors, and soon arrived, as soon as the elevator door opened, you could see Tony sitting on the sofa.

Zhang Lan walked slowly in front of Tony, and saw that his face was extremely pale, his chest was wet with a white shirt, and he looked at Zhang Lan with surprise, his body was still paralyzed, and he could only work hard Zhang Lan made an eyeful.

Seeing this, Zhang Lan couldn't help but mourn for his friend for a second, then took out his phone, took a few photos under Tony's extremely angry eyes, and then pulled out the nostalgic version of the Ark Reactor.

"Are you looking for it?" Zhang Lan quipped: "At first, you were going to throw it away. You have to thank Pepper for your nostalgic feelings."

Finally, Tony was no longer amused, and it was a real accident if he dragged on again. After helping Tony click on the old miniature ark reactor, Zhang Lan sat beside Tony.

"You said you, since you suspected Obady, why not remove him from the accessible list? And, when he came, did Jarvis not inform you of Obady's visit?"

"Lan, Mr. Stark did not set up a visit notification function." The answer to Zhang Lan's natural is not Tony, who is still stiff, but the intelligent machine steward Jarvis.

Since then, Zhang Lan finally knows why Abadai can sneak up on Tony silently in the movie.

Thinking wise man, there will be a loss.

Tony, who resumed his ability to move, immediately pulled Zhang Lan to inquire about Pepper's news, and was very nervous.

Waiting for Zhang Lan to answer, there was a voice of Rod yelling Tony at the gate.

"Hey, Rod, go to the basement, we are going down." Zhang Lan shouted loudly, then set up Tony, and walked to the elevator: "I think you need your steel armor, don't mind if I take a trip Ride a ride?"

The elevator door opened and was seeing the opposite Rhodes rushing over, nervously asking Tony's physical condition.

Rod: "Tony, are you okay?"

Tony: "Where is Pepper?"

Rhode: "She is fine, she is with ten agents, and then on the way to arrest Obadie."

Tony heard the words, and his expression became very nervous: "They must be short of manpower."

At this time, under the Stark Industrial Research Laboratory, Pepper was taking 10 agents such as Coleson to arrest Obadie, but the identity card could not be accessed. Coleson took out a bomb and prepared to break in. , And took a few steps back with Pepper, holding his hands to his chest with cool back to the door.

The blink of an eye when the bomb exploded was also cute.

For this period of time, Tony, with the help of Jarvis's robotic arm, was about to dress up the steel suit-MK2.

"This is the coolest thing I've ever seen." Rod on the side praised heartily. He was the first to see the steel suit.

"It's okay, let's split up." Tony replied calmly, showing off a blue sports car that he had smashed a few meters away with a flamboyant palm cannon.

Show off naked.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Rod asked.

"Clear all the planes from the sky." Tony coolly closed his helmet, and the electromechanical sound came: "Blue, are you really going to pass together?"

"Of course, UU reading books You know my ability, I can at least protect Pepper." Zhang Lan is not sure, how to grab BOSS?

After hearing that, Tony hugged Zhang Lan a little, and said that after grasping tightly, an acceleration directly broke through the ceiling and rushed out.

He needs to hurry!

"Ah-your uncle Tony, don't go in a driveway..." Zhang Lan howled across the sky.

And Rod, in the garage, looked at the hole in the ceiling with envy, looking back at an unfinished set of steel armor with an eager look. After staring for a few seconds, he swallowed.

"Come next time!" Then he drove his car and left.

Zhang Lan in the sky also realized what is called rapid flight. He feels that the whole person is not good at high speed. He can't breathe at all. If he used sand to attach a layer to the surface of the body in advance, he might be caught by Ling Ling. The air pressure scratched a scar.

Mingming TV series can run outside the flying plane!

"Are you all right, blue?" Tony asked with some worry.

"I can still persist, rest assured." Zhang Lan shouted reluctantly, the wind was too strong, and the volume was increased subconsciously.

"That's good, I continue to accelerate." Tony said with confidence, making Zhang Lan startled.


The sky in Los Angeles is swayed by Zhang Lan's miserable screams. They are all deceptive in the TV series. Is it easy to operate?

Because of Zhang Lan's particularity, only Fury was responsible for monitoring this time. He now admires Zhang Lan's screams with great joy. The depressed mood that Zhang Lan ridiculed was all gone.josei

When there is no one, he can take off his disguise to be his true self.

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