Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 324

Chapter 324: Do you want it?

"Optimus Prime, the source of fire was not taken away by Megatron, but another person...a guy who claimed to be a **** and arrogant!"

"God?" Optimus Prime froze for a moment, and then reacted: "Which is it, Asgard's Rocky?"

" do you know?" Now, Zhang Lan's turn was flabbergasted.

"We learn the language of the earth through the Internet. Before coming to see you, we searched your information on the Internet-you know, you are an Internet celebrity."

Zhang Lan heard the words, nodded, and bowed his head for a while, before continuing to speak.

"Optimus Prime, although the source of fire is not taken by Megatron, but in Rocky's hands, it is not necessary to be safe in Megatron's hands. You see, our agreement is temporarily canceled and we will get the source of fire in cooperation first. Then thinking, how?"

"Okay, no problem." Optimus Prime promised unexpectedly.

"I know you... um..." Zhang Lan, who was ready to say something, just started, and found that something seemed wrong, and quickly changed the topic: "Um... how did you promise so refreshing, not according to common sense? Card."

Optimus didn't answer immediately. He stood upright, his gaze fixed on the jeep carman beside him, his tone heavy and long.

"Once, in the war in Cybertron, I saw too many people die, that scene...I don't want to reproduce it on the earth."

In response to Optimus Prime's feelings, Zhang Lan pursed his lips, and finally said nothing.

After experiencing a planetary war, Optimus seems to know more.

The war taught many people the skills of being smart, cunning, calculating, brave, and framed.

That's because they need to survive.

Like Optimus Prime, there are very few who learn to love in war.

Since ancient times, there are records in the history books, but for such a benevolent leader, achievements are not inferior.

Among them, the most well-known is Li Shimin.

"It's just a pity that the cruelty of the war hasn't taught him to kill decisively."

With a little emotion, Zhang Lan was preparing to enrich the phantom to search for the traces of several people including Megatron, but the phantom would first talk back.

"Blue, I found a very interesting thing, you should be interested."

Zhang Lan froze, reached out and took out the life card, and threw it into the air. The life card hung directly in the midair, which was very strange.

As a gift from another candidate for the main god, the life card is made of an unknown level of material. Even if Zhang Lan's firepower is now fully open, he can't break it off even a small horn.

After the life card appeared, a beam of light spread out, including Optimus Prime and several other autobots surveyed everywhere, and the surrounding environment directly changed into another space.

I saw a black, nearly 20-meter-high mechanical life form, using a long-handled axe, where it was arbitrarily destroyed-on his left shoulder, it was Rocky in a antler suit .

"It's Megatron!"

Jazz exclaimed.

After leaving, he didn't care. He naturally recognized Megatron.

What caught his eye most was the old man with white hair on Megatron's right shoulder.

Even if it is already old and rare, this white-haired old man is still feared by many people-the most important thing is now Zhang Lan, who very much agrees with his original point of view.

Between superhumans and humans, there can never be a peaceful relationship, there must be a battle!

——Eric Lancer!

This Eric is not the Professor Eric who studies the Rubik's Cube.

This name may not be familiar to many people, but his other name, that is famous, that is-Magneto!

Rocky attacked the plastic prison holding Magneto-Eric!

Especially the blue in Eric's eyes-Zhang Lan is sure that he was not this pupil color before.

Eric, controlled by Loki!

Immediately, Zhang Lan was about to set off and stop Eric’s escape-this is a ruthless guy, he knows that there are too many things on the earth, which will bring a lot of help to Rocky!

And, Eric himself is a powerful fourth-level mutant!

Phantom stopped him.

Because this video is a video from five minutes ago. In fact, the location of the plastic prison is already in ruins.josei




Zhang Lan stomped on the vent, a small pit directly exploded on the concrete floor under his feet, cracks spread across the edge of the pit, and the spider web spread out.

"Angry is the source of all evil...God said that loving the world is for the sake of the world...Let us sway the double pulp...Happy birthday..."

Such a chaotic way of speaking is naturally a bumblebee.

The meaning in the words is very simple, that is, Zhang Lan should not be angry.

Zhang Lan looked up and crouched beside him, looking at his bumblebee with concern, his anger gradually suppressed.

With a forced smile on the Bumblebee, he said that he had no problems. Zhang Lan's eyes swept in the room, and he fell into contemplation.

On the side of Optimus Prime, the blue electronic eye looked straight at the original position of the fire source, and the right index finger tapped regularly on his brain. com is also calculating what.

Both leaders are in deep thought, even the most jazzy jazz is quiet and non-existent, afraid to disturb the two.

Optimus Prime was the first to act.

He turned his head from the position of the flame source, staring at the life card suspended in mid-air no longer loosened, and asked tentatively in his mouth.

"Are you... also a living body?... a mechanical living body?"

The phantom in the life card is naturally the sight of Optimus Prime, understand that this is a dialogue with him, and a white Zhang Lan projection appears above the life card.

"Well, Mr. Optimus, are you talking to me?"

"Yes, may I ask, are you also a kind of mechanical life form? I can feel that you have your own emotions, which can't be simulated."

" can call me Phantom, this is the name that Blue gave me." Phantom introduced himself first, and turned around to look at Zhang Lan with a very human face. When he didn't show it, he continued to speak: " I am indeed a kind of living body, except that it belongs to intelligent life and survives on network signals."

After Mirage had finished speaking, he looked back at Zhang Lan carefully and saw that he was still pondering. It was only a small relief.

"Oh... like this... Then, do you want to have a body?" Optimus Prime asked tentatively.

"The body?" The phantom blinked, blinking: "I am nothing but a robot. If it's just a robot, it's just a signal manipulation. It's not a body. Aren't you...?"

At the end, Phantom's tone was surprised and his tone was a little sharp.



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