Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 330

Chapter 330: Doom Trail

"That's what he was proud of. [Read the latest chapter]" Natasha said, looking away.

Banner is observing a Kun-style fighter in curiosity. Those who want to come as scientists are very interested in this fighter that can take off vertically.


Rogers felt that he had caught another confused word, and while repeating it, he quickly walked towards Banner.

"Dr. Banner."

Hearing someone call himself, Banner turned back subconsciously, just not far away, seeing Rogers' right hand raised.

"Oh my god." Banner took a few steps, holding Rogers' right hand: "Hello, they said you would come."

Banner looked up and down at Rogers.

Unexpectedly, the famous Hulk would be a fan of Captain America.

"I heard you can find the Universe Cube?" Rogers prefers to talk about work.

He is not very fond of the eyes of fans who are admired.

Banner heard that some uncomfortable rings clasped the index finger and thumb of his hands, and he looked left and right, hesitating.

"Have you only heard so much?"

"I only care so much." Rogers looked directly at Banner.

Banner looked at Rogers' sincere eyes, and touched slightly in his heart.

This kind of understanding is really rare.

The last time I saw it, it was still in Zhang Lan's eyes.

Looking around, Banner turned away his real thoughts and changed the subject.

"Do you feel very new about everything here?"

"Actually, I feel familiar."

During the conversation between the two, behind him, Natasha had to remind with a voice.

"Gentlemen, you'd better go in as soon as possible. You won't be able to breathe outside for a while."

At the prompt of Natasha, the alarm sounded on the deck-this is the alarm for cleaning the deck.

Rogers could clearly feel that his feet were shaking violently.

"Is this a submarine?" Rogers guessed.

For submarines, he still knows-except for this size, it is much larger than he knows.

Banner heard it, and thoughtfully, she took a few steps forward to the edge of the deck.

"It turned out that they wanted to keep me in a deep, water-tight iron jar."

Natasha behind her looked at the two of them walking towards the edge of the deck with a playful smile on their faces.

I saw that Rogers and I stood on the edge of the deck, looked out, and saw the scenery, but they made it unacceptable to them.

They just stood on top of an engine.

The turbulent sea did not submerge upwards, but an abnormal vortex was rolled up, and countless currents were carried by some force, rushing towards the bottom of the deep sea.

The keen Rogers can certainly feel that the sea level is away from him.

In particular, when the sea level fell to a certain height, the two of them saw a huge "electric fan" that was too large to add.

Well, this should be the "propeller" of this aircraft carrier.

When the seawater completely left the propeller, the strong wind spread out, and the blowing Rogers line became prominent, and his face was dumbfounded.

Along with the coercion, there is Banner.

"No situation seems even worse!"

Kung Fu spoke, and his feet shook for a while. Both Banner and the two could clearly feel a sense of weightlessness that would only occur when they rose sharply.

It's like someone is pressing you hard.

As the height increases, the air in the periphery becomes thinner.

Fortunately, Rogers, his human-like body, can exercise vigorously even at a height of several thousand meters.

This is verified in Avengers II.


Banner would not work.

Unless he becomes greener and bigger, otherwise, he is just an ordinary person under normal conditions.

Under the leadership of Natasha, Rogers and Banner quickly came to the command room of this space carrier.

The cross-controlled command center, the work stations with clear division of labor, and the flickering data flow on the screen are all blinding Rogers.

Can not Understand it.

Especially after the spacecraft carrier opened the reflector, the huge spacecraft carrier was steamed on earth.

The detection methods of vision, light, sound waves, radar, etc. have been unable to detect the traces of aircraft carriers.

Rogers was really conquered.

When passing by Fry, Rogers naturally took out the banknote in his pocket and took ten dollars to pat on Fry's chest.

Lacking accounts is not his habit.

Fury held the ten-dollar bill in his hand, and the corner of his mouth was curved.

To say the most powerful underground drainage channel, it should be Tokyo, Japan, the world's largest underground drainage system-"peripheral drainage system".

It is simply an underground drainage channel built according to the palace.

If the underground drainage channel in the United States can be driven into a car, then the underground drainage channel in Japan is more than enough to drive a train.

This is the role of urban planning.

The scale of underground drainage channels was planned well before the city was constructed.

It is precisely because of the government's foresight ~ ~ that has established such a huge underground transportation channel, underground drainage channel, has become a favorite place for many criminal organizations.

This is a free and secret location.

In addition, the environmental protection of the New York government in the United States is very good. The underground drainage channel does not have much odor.

Apart from the lack of sunlight, everything else is very good.

No, Rocky, under the leadership of an old agent like Barton, successfully established his own temporary base in the underground drainage channel of New York.

It is appropriate to describe the Aegis Bureau with a big move.

Over the years, the SHIELD has made many enemies.

Enemies of enemies are friends.

Through this, Patton successfully recruited enough manpower for Rocky.josei

Loki sat on a step with his elbows on his knees, holding his scepter in his palm.

This is the only thing that can give him a sense of security.

Suddenly, a bizarre wave of spirituality emanated from his scepter, and the psychic gem on the top shone with a blue light.

That was the original master of the scepter of the soul-the tyrant, calling him.

With the power of the soul scepter, Loki's ray of spiritual power followed the call of tyrant and came to an empty planet instantly.

This is a death star.

On the zenith, there are endless stars.

In the distance, you can also see several huge flying objects resembling slugs, flying in the starry sky.

It was a battleship of the Zitari, a biotechnology battleship.

It is both a creature and a battleship.

The person standing opposite Rocky, he was wearing a gold rim and silver armor, wearing a pierced mask, covering most of his face. The hood with a hood was covered behind him, and the edge of the hood made him unclear. Look.

He is the most oss in "Avengers One"-

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