Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 495

Chapter 495: Strange's inspiration

How did Strange recognize her identity...

Zhang Lan touched a badge on his clothes.

That was the Empire Badge of [Breaking Dawn Empire]-a shining sun.

This is a badge that can only be worn by people in [Breaking Dawn Empire].

What Zhang Lan wore was naturally the first badge made by the empire, number 1.

Then, it is not surprising that the other party uses this subtle information to derive his identity.

"Well, Dr. Strange, since you guessed my identity, you should also know that I don't need ‘help' right?"

She didn't care too much about Strange's attitude. Zhang Lan carefully looked at the neat guy with the beard in front of him. He didn't know why, and he raised the idea of ​​making fun of the other party.

"If I knew your identity before I "saved you", I think I should support the guy who stepped on the accelerator and give you a hard look!" Strange's tone is not friendly, but more and more Disgusted.

It seems... because of some willingness, he turned out to be disgusted with Zhang Lan?

This sense of disgust came after Zhang Lan's identity was known.

This time, Zhang Lan was instead curious: "Well, Strange, you are not curious how do I know your name?"

"If you have no problem with your eyesight, I think the United States has stayed for so long, and you still understand English." Strange nodded with a name tag on his chest.

Above, Strange's full name is written.

This blue did not pay attention.

With a smile, he shook his head, and Zhang Lan said straightforwardly about the future Supreme Master who seemed to hate himself and refused to leave.

"So, Strange, you seem to be...averse to me? Why?"

"Why?" Strange stared: "If one day, you find that girls who like themselves, colleagues who adore themselves, and patients who were once proud of them, all fall in love with another man, or just one A man who can make patients for others. How do you feel when you meet that man?"

Strange's expression was very excited. Obviously these words held back in his heart for a long time.

Looking up and down at the slightly crazy Strange, Zhang Lan made a "babble" voice in his mouth, shaking his head with a smile.

Strange, who has not experienced hardships, is now a full of arrogance, pride, self, and the world. He is the central narcissist.

However, the appearance of Zhang Lan inadvertently captured some applause that belonged to Strange, so Strange didn't wait to see himself.

It's like... The kid who was robbed of a lollipop has deep grievances.

Zhang Lan was funny for Strange's child.

However, in Strange's opinion, it was a naked mocking, and he was even more angry.

"Why, a death breaker who only knows to fight and increase the workload of others, is eligible to laugh at a life-saving doctor?"

Seeing that Strange had misunderstood herself, Zhang Lan was rather helpless, and she didn't want to answer it, and she would be regarded as a high eye and a high eye.

For this guy who may be the Supreme Master in the future, Zhang Lan still doesn't want to leave too much negative emotions.

After all, he used to be one of Strange's little fans.

"Um...Dr. Strange, then, before answering your question, I think you should answer me a question first." Zhang Lan did not answer, but thrown a question: "What do you think is The complete system, I mean, like Chakra practice, can change a person's system."

Strange's expression, like a person who ate a lemon, shrunk almost like a whole sheet-this fully expressed disdain for Zhang Lan's question.

"Don't think I don't understand your so-called Chakra system. The United States once invited me to join the "Chakra Research Center", but it was only rejected by me, but I have also read the general information."

"Wow, you should be thankful that you didn't agree, otherwise you won't stand here and mock me now." Zhang Lan didn't care.

The guy at the Chakra Research Center, whether he wants it or not, is now buried on the island forever.

"So, you are an executioner!" Strange made no concessions: "I tell you, Chakra is just a system that differs from modern technology, just like a person's personality, which changes according to the surrounding environment. Yes, the same pair of twins, they grew up from the same sperm, but when they grow up they can have different personalities, all because of their different choices."

——“Like, I chose neuroscience, so I am a leader in neuroscience, and you as the pioneer chose the Chakra system that has never appeared, so you became the first person on earth... Admit it, but you are really good."

Strange said, but in the end he vented his arrogance instead, complimenting Zhang Lan involuntarily.

Obviously, this was what he said in his heart. The previous words were nothing more than angry words caused by jealousy.

It's really childish.

However, Zhang Lan didn't care about Strange's final boast, but instead repeatedly murmured in a dull expression, and it showed that he was enchanted.

This surprised Strange, thinking that his words were too heavy, and while frowning and thinking about how to change his tongue, Zhang Lan suddenly raised his head, and the three hook jades in his eyes slowly turned, very fascinating.

"Go on!" Zhang Lan's eyes slightly warmed: "Continue to talk about my question!"

"Ah... Say... oh oh, let's go on!" Strange was startled, slightly startled by Zhang Lan's writing wheel, and once thought that the other party would attack himself.

However, a strange wave emanated from Zhang Lan's writing wheel, which made Strange instantly calm down and continue to talk about his unfinished speech just now.

"As you can see, I think that we are just the creators of different fields. My achievements in neurosurgery are not worse than yours in the Chakra system, except that the system we are engaged in already exists. There are huge differences and different audiences, which has led to our different popularity."

——"A detailed example is necessary. My neurosurgery is a branch of the medical branch, and medical treatment is closely related to earth technology, so it can be said to be a branch of technology."

——“Your Chakra System is like a complete scientific system. Ninjutsu is similar to weapons in science. It has a variety of functions similar to missiles, electric batons, and helicopters. Body techniques are similar to Stark’s steel wars. Clothing can make you have a stronger body, and illusion is like mental hypnosis. It can better hypnotize each other. Medical ninjutsu is similar to our earth medical treatment, divided into various..."

Listening to Strange's chat, the light in Zhang Lan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He got it.

He discovered a new and complete cultivation system-the earth science and technology system.

The technology of the earth, especially the technology of Marvel Earth, is not a complete large system, from scratch to the king of a certain field, they are all in the process of becoming stronger.

For the meaning of the word strengthening, Zhang Lan is still too restrictive, thinking that only the strengthening of combat effectiveness can be regarded as a complete system.

The strengthening of the brain, the strengthening of the body, the strengthening of the nerves, and even the strengthening of technology are all considered a complete system.

"So, a complete cultivation system might as well be...complete, a civilization?" Zhang Lan murmured.

It was at this moment that the system suddenly sounded—

"Ding Dong! Congratulations, Blue, you have completed the hidden task... um, forget it, it is too difficult to name, in short, you understand the meaning of the cultivation system, rewards... even if you [the cultivation system expansion] The mission is completed [2/3], but Earth’s technology is not included in the mission!"

As the voice of the system fell, Zhang Lan's expression became more exciting.

That's right, Chakra itself is the civilization of the "Naruto" world, so technology, as the civilization of "Marvel Universe", is certainly a complete cultivation civilization.

The system is clever. Borrowing the name of the task directly gives [1/3] the task completion degree, but it is also free from the difficulty of Zhang Lan's collection.

Only... Atlantis, but also a civilization!josei

Well, it is not a racial civilization in the Marvel Universe!

Zhang Lan, with shiny eyes, didn't even listen to the speech behind Strange, and anxiously drew a door to the space to go, but was caught by Strange's eyes.

"Hey, I said you, you have to leave after you have heard it? It's too polite." Strange was very dissatisfied with Zhang Lan, and his speech only began with a beginning. How could he just give up halfway? .

"Uh... Strange is right." Zhang Lan looked excited: "Thank you for your speech, which helped me a lot. I owe you a favor, and the earth also owes you a favor. I can find anything in the future. Me, I will try my best to help you!"

With that said, Zhang Lan shook off Strange's hand and stepped into the door of space.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Strange pulled Zhang Lan again, and was dragged by Zhang Lan's power for a few steps and didn't care: "If you owe me a favor, I want to exchange it now! "

Zhang Lan stopped and looked at Strange curiously, but he did not rush away: "Are you sure? My relationship is not so cheap, don't just use it casually."

"Of course, not casually." Strange rubbed his hands, showing that he is still a little excited now: "That...if you can, can you tell me what my future is like ? I heard that your talents are prophetic."

As the first person on the earth, Zhang Lan can be said that his information is well known by people all over the world, including the first words and deeds. It is easy to infer that Zhang Lan has the ability to predict.

In order to build momentum for the Blue God, Frye was the first to stand up and affirm this "fact" thought to be a rumor.

As everyone knows, Fury is nothing more than a cheat by Zhang Lan.

This Zhang Lan will not admit it. After all, on the other hand, he does have the prophecy of part of the Marvel world.

At this time, Strange hopes that Zhang Lan can tell him what is going on in the future.

If someone else Lan Lan is really helpless, but if it is Strange...

Unfortunately, Zhang Lan, who has seen the full version of Doctor Strange, really knows.

But...Zhang Lan couldn't say clearly to Strange, after all, this world has been completely changed by Zhang Lan, who knows that the following things will not happen as scheduled.

Therefore, after simple thinking, Zhang Lan can only leave Strange with a sentence: "You asked me questions before, and now I will answer you together, the doctor can only save a few people, and my mission, It is to defend the earth and save hundreds of millions of people."

Having finished speaking, Zhang Lan no longer ignored Strange, and directly shook off the other party, and instantly entered the door of space.

Strange simply digested Zhang Lan's words on the spot, and finally had to admit-"Damn, he didn't tell me anything, what will I do in the future? This **** liar, I'll mention it as long as I know Order something else."

The angry Strange was about to leave. The phone in his pocket rang, and he took a breath and picked it up.

"Oh, Hermo... yes, yes, I will give a speech at the dinner of the Neurological Society in a honor...thank you very much for your support. .. Okay, so... see you in a month."

If Zhang Lan heard it here, he would be able to find it.

The beginning of "Dr. Strange" is about to begin, and in the evening a month later, Strange will be on the way to the neurology society dinner... roll over! "


After breaking the No. 1 base, Zhang Lan originally planned to find the phantom directly, but after thinking about it, he finally decided to release a mission to the phantom through the subsystem.

He wanted to see which one Mirage would face with power and loyalty ~~.

Everyone has subsystems, and phantoms naturally exist.

Power, there is no doubt that the reward for completing the subsystem, which is the "Master God System" task in the eyes of Tony and others, is the improvement of power.

Loyalty, no doubt, as the successor of Atlantis, the master of Phantom, without his permission, directly leaked the information of Atlantis, no less than betrayal.

For no reason, Zhang Lan suddenly wanted to test some phantoms.

See if the system sounds the prompt to complete the task first, or the phantom communication sounds first.

The waiting time was not long, or just one second after Zhang Lan posted the task, the phantom's communication request message was sent-after deducting the time to listen to the task, the phantom almost directly thought it or didn't think about it. Zhang Lan called the newsletter.

Connected to the communication, the topic of the phantom was very direct. He reiterated the tasks sent out by Zhang Lan one by one to Zhang Lan, and asked Zhang Lan how to decide.

This made Zhang Lan quite guilty.

"Phantom, finish him. Get the kneeling fragments to strengthen yourself. Don't always be fooled by the guy Tony for various reasons to support his research experiments."

"Okay, blue... but, to strengthen my own words, what should I strengthen?" Phantom's tone was distressed.

"Phantom, this is your problem. In the future, like this personal thing, you have to think more about yourself. You are already an individual. We are not subordinates, but friends, understand." Zhang Lan tone Ease.

"Isn't it superiors...friends...Um, Lan, I'm very happy to be friends with you, I will fight for some autonomy!" Phantom is happy and broke: "But... Lan, as a friend, are you Can you give me some suggestions?"

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