Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 497

Chapter 497: Atlantis was born

The Hydra national arrest operation has not yet fallen, and [Breaking Dawn Empire] has a new action.

Since the United States, divergent radiation has radiated to neighboring countries.

Every country is no exception, and in turn issued a relocation decree to its own citizens.

"At the time of the announcement, the highest leader of the country had agreed to assist [Breaking Dawn Empire] to complete the nationwide relocation action. All residents were asked to cooperate to temporarily lay down all property and follow the space door of [Breaking Dawn Empire] to the temporary settlement."

A complete unified specification notice is issued in various countries.

In just three days, Fury had completed his workload, persuaded leaders from nearly two-fifths of the world, and agreed to cooperate with [Breaking Dawn Empire] to complete the relocation.

As for how to convince these people, Zhang Lan does not care.

This is the advantage of having a team. A major task is broken down into small details, which can be completed more efficiently.

If Zhang Lan used to fight alone, how to convince these politicians to report their never-forbidden appetite is a big problem.

Now, just throw it to Fury, everything is quiet.

As for the transfer of civilians, it is only necessary to send shadow avatars to follow Rogers and set up a space door in one place.

The rest of the organization, appeasement, and maintenance do not need to worry at all.

Regarding where the civilians were temporarily transferred, Tony is also responsible for arranging assistance without having to worry about it.

People's registration, accommodation, food and other trivial matters are the responsibility of Phantom, the super-intelligent humanoid, to ensure that it is properly done.

Even Reid, Ben, Susan, Johnny, Harry, and Peter were able to go to the civilian settlement area in full armor, walk around, chat with the civilians, and then they were able to hook up a large number of decisions Fans of immigration immediately.

This was completely as expected, and it greatly eased the problem of population shortage in the [Daybreak Empire].

and also...

Obviously it is a tricky thing, and it may even cause a war problem, but it is solved with the concerted efforts of everyone, not only does it not hurt the interests of the [breaking empire], but gains a lot from it.

This is politics, the cohesive force of the empire, and the powerful embodiment of the empire.

Zhang Lan's body stood in the main cockpit of Atlantis, with an infinite sigh in his heart.

It should be said that the biggest gain after coming to Marvel, in addition to the system, the biggest is this group of friends.

From the first to know Peter, then to know Harry, and Tony, who deliberately contacted but made friendship, Fury, who calculated himself, ambiguous but clear relationship Natasha, and the four heroes of the enemy. .

With this bit by bit, Zhang Lan and this group of partner managers are too much.

Perhaps it was the arrangement of fate that allowed them to establish an empire called "home" for various reasons.

Everyone has a common goal, and they all play their part.

"This feeling...really good!"

Zhang Lan's mouth smiled with his own unconsciousness. The scenes that once flashed in his mind were his best memories.

This daze is a full day.

It is also the fourth day since the last collective meeting!

The phantom's notice finally came--

"Blue, everything has been completed, all humans in Atlantis have been transferred, most of the animals have also been hypnotized by Harry and your shadow avatar, and the remaining upper part of the house insect rats are as planned, no Ignore it."

"Oh?" Zhang Lan's body moved: "Is it finally completed? This speed is very good. If I come by myself, I am afraid that it will take a long time to plan!"

Opening and closing the eyes for more than a day, Zhang Lan stood up and moved without any stiff body, and gave instructions excitedly——

"So, let's start, let us dig a big hole in the earth under the witness of the world!"


With the order of Zhang Lan, Phantom, as the command hub of Atlantis, issued the order to start the engine to Atlantis.

The engine that has not been started for thousands of years is ignited in silence!

Unmanned fighters all use anti-matter engines. As the theme of Atlantis, the engine technology used is naturally even better.

Atlantis has two engines.

The curved dark matter engine directly drives the anti-matter to create gravitation, which can be used to perform daily flight tasks through gravitation. .

Wormhole twisting engine, making space wormhole, complete point-to-point space displacement, super engine space jump technology that can cross a star field in an instant, it is suitable for hurrying.

At this time, the phantom is turning on the curved dark matter engine, and the gravitational field released by it is enough to "lift" the continental plate that has been pressed against itself for thousands of years.

So, before the live broadcast, all netizens saw their incredible scene.

The live broadcast is viewed from outer space towards the earth.

Under the shock of everyone's performance, the US continent, which once represented the world's largest power, and Mexico and other neighboring countries, began to slowly highlight from their original continental plate.

It's like a building block pushed out of position.

However, such a large "building block", I am afraid that it is unseen in the life of everyone.

Not only that, but the result of being changed by the gravity field caused not only the reverse movement of the mainland, but also the sea water far beyond the mainland, which was lifted together.

This scene is undoubtedly spectacular!

In this way, everyone looked at the earth that was one-fifth of it and was lifted up to a height of tens of thousands of meters above the ground. Some of the taller buildings were completely buried in the atmosphere.

If it hadn't been deliberately controlling the speed, I was afraid that all the surface material that caused the friction would burn.

At the same time, from the perspective of the ground, people on earth finally saw the so-called "Atlantis space battleship".

It's like a silver plate-if so, I'm afraid that only God can use such a large plate.

Looking at the outer body of Atlantis with a faint silver light, people on earth could not help raising a trace of doubt.

This thing is buried under their feet, why hasn't it been found?

The only answer is that they have no right to discover.

The technological content of this Atlantis must have surpassed the technological civilization of mankind in order to shield human detection.

The state at this time is a little strange.

Atlantis is like lifting a fifth of the earth above his head like a heavyweight. His battleship body will be pulled out of the earth's body.

However, Zhang Lan had no way to put back one-fifth of the earth on his hands.

Without an entire Atlantis gap, putting them down is like burying them directly.

At this time, if it wasn't for Atlantis' gravity field control, I was afraid that the big pit caused by Atlantis's departure would have been submerged by the sea water.

Well, this will be extremely bad news.

Fortunately, this problem has been well anticipated by Reid, and a solution has been thought out.

Outside of outer space, a pair of unmanned fighter jets, one by one with large diameter meteorite, was pulled by dumplings and rushed towards the earth.

Needless to say, this is definitely the largest meteor shower in human history!

Have you ever seen a meteor shower that can block the sun?

Or is it a meteor shower that covers one-fifth of the earth's sunlight?

To put it bluntly, this tm is one-fifth of the Earth's largest meteorite group, with an area of ​​100 million square kilometers of meteorites, which was pushed to the earth by unmanned fighters.

If there is no precaution, I am afraid that the end of the earth is coming!

Even if you know it is planned, when you are really faced, it will still come from the heart, and you can't stop the fear.

Zhang Lan will naturally not let this happen.

The curved dark matter engine above Atlantis increases its output in vain, completely enveloping nearly half of the earth.

As a result, people in the region blocked by sunlight from the meteorite group found that they were weightless.

Just like in outer space, there is absolutely no sense of gravity.

This strange feeling, they did not rush to the accident, just feel fresh, after all, they were notified in advance.

To greet this moment, almost 99% of the entire earth's power facilities are stopped.

It is to prevent accidents.

In a completely gravity-free state, the meteorites will no longer hit the continental plate below, but fall from the earth fragments lifted by Atlantis, falling around the arc to the once Atlantis where to stay.

Just like the sand filled the uneven ground, the meteorite group filled the previously vacated location of Atlantis completely.

A hot red beam was shot from the bottom of Atlantis, and the meteorite it touched had no resistance at all, and it directly turned into a red lava.

A magnificent molten feast is displayed in front of the world.

Under the control of the gravity field, they even simulated the shape of Atlantis intact.

When all the meteorites were merged into a large piece, the hot red beam emitted by Atlantis transformed into a dark blue icy beam.

The sea of ​​magma and fire instantly freezes and turns into a rock.

Perfectly filled the pit of Atlantis.

At this point, the fragments of the earth above Atlantis will be put down, then this time the task can be completed perfectly.

So, here comes the problem.

Atlantis needs to hold the debris of the earth above his head, how to withdraw?

This problem depends on our wormhole tortuous engine.

The phantom started the wormhole zigzag engine, and then established two impulse points-just above and below the lifted earth debris.

Just like a hat-trick, Atlantis instantly changed from "holding up" earth fragments to "holding up" earth fragments.

It came right above the debris of the earth, and the gravitational field continued to cover the debris of the earth, so fast that the debris of the earth didn't move at all.

The following thing is much simpler.

Under the slow movement of Atlantis, this piece of earth was comfortably put back into place.

Even, under the phantom's precise calculation, its continental balance is exactly the same as before, without any slight inclination.

Everything is like it never happened.

If it weren't for the huge shadow of the sky, everyone really thought it was just a dream.

The process before and after takes less than two hours.

It can be called an unprecedented documentary.

Until this time, there was a long time before the live broadcast that people did not wake up from the deep shock.

Looking at the behemoth hovering in outer space quietly away, there is a surging surge in my heart.

The reason for Atlantis to go away is simple, it is making room for the earth.

Atlantis, one-fifth of the earth's size, is enough to block sunlight close to one-third of the earth.

As we all know, sunlight is the source of life.

As a result, everyone on Earth could only look at Atlantis, drifting away until it disappeared into black spots.

"Ah, what a pity, I don't know if I have a chance to take a look at that space battleship!"

"Well, yes, if I could go up, I would like to lose ten pounds of meat!"

"Yoha, you fat man, then I would like to lose a hundred pounds!"

"Don't you... don't you know that the people of [Breaking Dawn Empire] are eligible to enter the spaceship Atlantis?"

"Wo Cao, where are you from?"

"[Breaking Dawn Empire] It's hanging on the official Weibo. Haven't you checked it out?"

"Official Weibo!!!??? What is that?"

"It's the official Weibo of [Breaking Dawn Empire], the real name is certified, but the Weibo is held by the Blue God, wouldn't it be fake if you think about it?"

"Wo Cao, where is the space door, I'm going to sign up at dawn, I want to join the army with tm!"

"Take me one and take me one!"

"I will come, I will come too!"


It is foreseeable that the future will be the future, and it will be the era of interstellar navigation.

Interstellar sailing, even girls have longings, not to mention great boys?

When I think of being able to wander between the stars, the blood in my heart is irresistible.

The consequence of this is that ~~ When people in the United States and other countries began to move back, nearly one-twentieth of the people stayed, and they collectively planned to join the [Breakfast Empire].

This is sad about the heads of state.

Population is the foundation of a country's national strength. Without population, there can be no prosperous empire.

Now, the people of their own country will lose one-twentieth in an instant, plus the people who have been lobbied by Harry and others before, nearly one-tenth of the people are so gone...

It is unwilling to change any country!

As a result, various countries caused careful thinking and tricked this group of guys into saying that in order not to affect order, they had to return to the country first, and then the national blue **** statue went to [Breaking Dawn Empire].

But, the door to the space of [Breaking Dawn Empire] is clearly next to the door to the space of returning to the country. Where are the civilians willing to believe?

If it doesn't, it will start to break out.

Unfortunately, after placing Atlantis, Zhang Lan tears the space directly back to the earth, ready to see what happened.

Coincidentally, his landing location was just above the location where the conflict occurred.

As soon as I walked out of the door of the space, I saw the noisy order at first glance, and I thought something was wrong. I immediately used Chakra to shout: "Quiet!"

The thunderous roar made everyone rush to cover their ears, and the quarrel immediately stopped.

Taking control of the situation, Zhang Lan relaxed his voice a little, and asked with a soft voice that was clearly heard by everyone.

"Who can tell me what happened?"



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