Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Superhero Charity Fund?

"Welcome to join, your level is an agent of level 7. Now, as the director of SHIELD, I will give you the first task to persuade Connors to join the SHIELD biological research department."josei

holding Fury's hand, Zhang Lan's heart collapsed. Is there a pit waiting for him?

For Connors, Zhang Lan’s mood is quite complicated. In the Connors incident, more than 10,000 people who died had an inextricable relationship with him, but that was not his own will, but a series of Factors.

After regaining his consciousness, Connors once again became the wise, gentle, and approachable professor of biogenetics, and tried to make up for another big mistake he made, and committed suicide 32 times in a row with extreme regret.

This makes it difficult for Zhang Lan to define Connors, but for now, SHIELD intends to absorb the remaining Hydra troops like the original, to absorb Connors, who has the production of "Super Soldier Serum-Lizard Potion" Talents.

Furthermore, Conners, which has the ability to regenerate, still has a B-level overall combat power.

I just don't know, will Connors be the next hydra, or will he make up for the mistakes he made?

Furi left, leaving a S.H.I.E.L.D. badge and secret agent certificate, Zhang Lan is also an S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, or a 7-level agent, which is one level higher than Natasha.

and Natasha squinted in the room, thinking for a long time, Zhang Lan also initially determined the next plan.

Natasha's evaluation strategy is correct. Zhang Lan, who was once a writer, still likes to outline an outline, and then add events in the same way. This mode allows him to do things in an orderly manner.


Oscar Building, in the VIP living room on the top floor, Zhang Lan stood in front of the round table and quietly waited for Natasha to issue a paper document to the people present.

Someone who participated in the battle yesterday, Harry, Peter, Reid, Susan, Ben, Johnny, Tony, are all present, plus a Natasha, want to be able to gather these superheroes in a short time, Only Zhang Lan is gone.

Even Fury, there is no premise for war to come. The people present are not very convenient to contact except the Wonder Four and Natasha.

Everyone was just resting. Tony was even intercepted by Zhang Lan on the special plane. It can be seen that Zhang Lan's current network has been preliminarily rolled out.

is quiet in the conference room, and occasionally the sound of paper turning is issued. Everyone is attentively looking at the files in their hands. There are not many files, only the casualty data and some financial loss reports of this battle.

is also the most shocking data.

Called everyone today, Zhang Lan is preparing to implement a long-term brewing in his heart. In this war, he has initially determined the first step plan that needs to be done, or it is to pave the way for a future plan.

"Wo, so are you going to let us donate money?" Tony finished the first line of ten lines: "This time the loss is enough to compensate me. I can't think of so many people who died. I can donate up to five million dollars."

Zhang Lan picked up the corner of his mouth, indicating that he was a little restless, and waited for others to read the information.

Waited for another half minute and saw everyone raised their heads, Zhang Lan said this.

"Everyone has read the data, so I won't mention this anymore. Everyone is a friend, and I don't take any advantage. I invite everyone to come today. It's not useful to ask everyone for donations. This is useless, even if you donate more I can’t fill this hole, so I plan to set up a superhero charity fund."

"The concept of superhero charity fund is to invite superheroes to become the spokesperson of the charity fund, call on the people to raise money, all the funds are used for the disasters caused by supernatural phenomena, and the damage caused by them. A reserve is set up under the fund to face the public, Contain and train humans with supernatural abilities so that they will not at least blame others."

"In terms of nature, this fund belongs to a government agency, and I have obtained a government authorization order."

Speaking of this, Zhang Lan paused, thought about it, and after confirming that there were no omissions, he signaled everyone to ask questions.

or Tony’s first one: “So, since we don’t need our donation, we just want us to sell our fame? It’s not my stingy, but you know that my fame is quite big, I am afraid that I will call too much...”

Zhang Lan: "Tony, your narcissism will converge first. I know what you want to ask. All the funds will be collected by the subordinate charity. The list of accounts will be fully open on the Internet. Anyone can use it at any time. Check where you donate money, and supervise, set up a monitoring team, any people can report."

Tony nodded thoughtfully and stopped asking questions. At present, Marvel's charity industry is just beginning. This set of transparent bill management in the 21st century has not been dared to be used by any charity fund, not all charities. The funds are all for the relief of the world, and their existing corruption is no lower than that of the government.

In the beginning, Tony was still afraid of Zhang Lan's good intentions to do bad things, and future scandals broke out to implicate himself, but if it is this transparent bill query mechanism, it is indeed feasible.

Natasha pointed out a bit of doubt: "What does that so-called reserve serve? How do you know that superhumans are all under the jurisdiction of SHIELD, will Director Frey agree? Who is superhumans to manage?"

Zhang Lan had already prepared: "This fund itself is from SHIELD, or the training department established by SHIELD for me personally. Didn’t the vampires want me to help him develop talents? This is not. As for command, this There is no so-called command power, I will talk about it later, do you have any questions?"

Johnny raised his hand: "Blue, your suggestion is very good, but we don't have to join this? We can also form our own team, and then do our own, maybe you can earn more, right? "

The literal meaning of this sentence is very simple. Zhang Lan is using the money that originally belonged to them for charity. He disagrees~~ Zhang Lan clapped: "Well, good question, you may have misunderstood, The charity’s own donations and spontaneous donations rely on the popularity of your superheroes, but if you can make money on your own, such as Tony’s future new energy company, Harry’s Ocas Group, or Johnny you are prepared to do Endorsement advertisements are all personal property and are not owned or funded."

Johnny heard it and sat down with satisfaction. He wanted this answer. He didn't want to work for someone inexplicably.

Then everyone took turns to ask a few small questions, each of which can be answered in a straightforward way. For the models that existed in the previous life, he does not need to think too much, basically it is just copying.

After asking a few questions, gradually, everyone began to calm down. All the questions should be asked. This fund is quite an image endorsement for them, but it has not paid the endorsement fee.

However, charity has never been an act that can be measured by money, and the ensuing fame is what they need. As for the benefit, those with extraordinary abilities have more ways to obtain it.

As for Peter, who raised a small hand in the corner and wanted to ask a question, Zhang Lan naturally skipped it.


Seeing that everyone had no problem, Zhang Lan clapped his hands and began to enter today's theme.

"Since everyone has no doubt, let me talk about what you can get. First of all, I forgot to tell you the name of this charity, it is called..."



【IX, Nine】Reward 1,000 starting coins (sorry that the middle point cannot be played)

【The end of the sword】Reward 500 starting coins.

【雨子萌字】Reward 100 starting coins.

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