Naruto: The Strongest Kakashi

Chapter 269 Anko And Orochimaru

Chapter 269 Anko And Orochimaru

Chapter 269 Anko And Orochimaru

The Chunin exam began, and things were slowly advancing as expected.

Kakashi sometimes wonders what the purpose of being reborn in this world is, he changed a lot of things, but some things are still developing as before.

It seems that now, everything seems to have returned to the original point. The difference is that the Uchiha Clan is still alive, and the Itachi's tragedy has changed. Hizashi is not dead, and Neji is still kind to Hinata.

More importantly, he became stronger without becoming bald.

It seems that I have the power to change some things, but the some of the bigger things are still running as original.

Originally, Kakashi was afraid of change, but later he discovered that even if he seemed to have changed something, it didn't make much difference.

'Is it the butterfly effect, or some things can't be changed?' .

Kakashi didn't know that all he was doing now was just following his own heart.

It has been 12 years since he came to this world, and he has already been integrated into it. So it is already very difficult for him to get out of it.

So Kakashi is just doing his best in his new life.

Looking at the room where the Chunin Exam take place, Kakashi can feel that there is a faint smell of snake in it, not from Orochimaru itself, but from the Genin of Otogakure.

"Orochimaru, it seems that you are here."

In Kakashi's view, Orochimaru's actions didn't seem in line with his usual style.

It's more like a child's willful mischief.

Konoha Crush plan?

In fact, it's just that Orochimaru can't bear to see Sandaime died with old age so he kills him while he's still a Hokage.

After thinking about it, Kakashi thought that it was the only valid reason. On one hand, die with old age as he became weaker. On the other hand, being killed after fighting against Shodaime Hokage, Nidaime Hokage, and one of Sannin and almost win by himself.

Which was is more in line with Hokage's way of death?

Orochimaru is not cold-blooded. What he is doing now is choosing the best way of death for someone who he has once admired and respected.

It's just his method is not acceptable to normal people.

If Orochimaru really wants to destroy Konoha, why did he bother to kill Yondaime Kazekage? It is clear that an agreement has been reached. Isn't with Yondaime Kazekage he is more likely to win?

There is no other reason, the Yondaime Kazekage is an uncontrollable factor, so Orochimaru cannot keep him.

The reason why Sunagakure was added to his plan was just they are the witness selected by Orochimaru.

To witness the great achievements of Sandaime Hokage before his death.

What a sad Sunagakure, they are never put on Orochimaru's eyes.

Under Orochimaru's cold face, there is still a hot heart.

It's just that he hidden it well.

On the surface, he doesn't care about anything, but he actually always cares about the really important things.

"Orochimaru, I am sorry, I can understand your idea, but I can't accept it."

Kakashi turned and left. What he had to do was to reduce the casualties of Orochimaru's action to a minimum.

After Naruto yelled about his determination, the first round of the Chunin Exam ended.

Anko's explosive way of appearance was impressive, and the exam quickly got into the second round.

The Forest of Death.

After Anko intimidated the participant with the huge forest ground and the danger, the second round officially start.

The forest will be the stage between the prey and the hunter.

Anko was eating dango on a tree, looking very contented.

"Ahh, it's really relaxing."

Anko finishes the last bite of the dango and throw the stick into the tree.

At this time, a Shinobi came over and reported something strange to Anko.

Anko also discovered the trace of Orochimaru.

Inside the forests, Team 7 have already confronted Orochimaru.

Orochimaru's terrifying murderous intent made the three of them unable to move.

"Damn, who is this guy, how can he have such a terrifying murderous aura, it is a lot stronger than Zabuza!" Sasuke whispered.

"Oh? Nice look, it seems that Kakashi has trained you well."

Orochimaru who was wearing a fake face look at three Genin intriguingly.

The three young eagles, who had not fully grown up yet, encountered the ferocious snakes. It looks like they are in danger.

Although the process is different, the result is that the Orochimaru planted a Cursed Seal on Sasuke's neck and left. As for Sasuke, he fainted.

Naruto was sealed by the Five Elements Seal and also fainted.

For the first time, Sakura is alone and can't depend on anyone.

The girl began to learn to face the danger alone, and also need to protect her companions.

Even when they all feeling fear and helplessness, people will grow up when they have to face it.

On the other side of the forest, Orochimaru and Anko finally met.

The former teacher and student have now become enemies.

In this world, there is a lot of such a drama.

"Orochimaru! I finally found you!"

Anko showed angry expression, not like her usual carefree appearance, and she was like a different person.

"Oh? Isn't this Anko? I didn't expect to see you here."

There was a bland smile on Orochimaru's face, which looked mysterious and annoying.

Anko touched the Cursed Seal's mark on the back of her neck, and her heart was full of anger.

As for why she was angry, even Anko herself forgot.

Is it because she was abandoned? Or is it because of this damn Cursed Seal?

After many years, even Anko herself can't tell.

It's just that this mysterious man has been lingering in her heart like a nightmare.

So that as soon as she heard his name, she rushed over as quickly as possible.

Anko was very angry and confused, so much so that she used Sen'ei Jashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands) on Orochimaru.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing will never work against Orochimaru.

The two were originally teacher and student, and Anko used the unique Ninjutsu of Orochimaru, so it won't work against him.

The cursed Anko fainted on the ground, Orochimaru gently stroked her face, and it is impossible to distinguish the emotions on his face.

Not long after, Orochimaru left the Forest of Death.

Shortly after Orochimaru left, a silver-white haired figure appeared.

Looking at the direction Orochimaru went, Kakashi did not go after him.

'It was not time yet,' thought Kakashi. He then gently picked up Anko who was on the ground, and then he left while carrying her.

The surrounding scenery constantly change and Anko who was in his arms finally woke up.

"Kakashi-senpai?" Anko said with slightly surprised tone.

Kakashi stopped when he saw this. He put Anko under a tree, and then said, "How do you feel?"

"Kakashi-senpai! Orochimaru is back!"

Anko said anxiously, and then she felt another sharp pain in her neck.

"I know, calm down for now, I will report this matter to Sandaime-sama later. For now, I will help you remove the Cursed Seal."

Kakashi said, and then he put his hand on Anko's neck. josei

Anko tried to run away from Kakashi's right hand.

"What's wrong?"

Anko lowered her head, and it is unknown what she was thinking.

After a while, Anko suddenly raised her head and said: "Kakashi-senpai, I will keep this Cursed Seal."

After seeing Anko's determined expression, Kakashi shook his head and said nothing.

After all, Anko still can't just forget about Orochimaru.

Perhaps in Anko's eyes, this Cursed Seal is the only gift that Orochimaru left her.

The second round finally ended, and Anko reported the situation to Sandaime.

After hearing the report, Sandaime just frowned as he was puzzled.

He didn't understand what Orochimaru's purpose was, even if Anko said it was for the Uchiha's genius.

'How absurd.'

Going to the other village to kidnap a person? This is a very stupid method, and Sandaime doesn't think that Orochimaru will do this.

'So what is it for?'

This is the thing that Sandaime doesn't understand.

'Why would Orochimaru choose such a time to come back?'

Sandaime still has his doubts, but the Chunin Exam still need to continue. There are many participants left, so it is impossible for all of them to participate in the finals.

Therefore, there will be preliminaries first.

Kakashi stood on the stand and looked around, but strangely, he didn't see Orochimaru.

'He didn't come?'

Kakashi was a little confused, but didn't think too much.

In fact, Orochimaru really did not come.

With Kakashi here, Orochimaru knows that he can't hide from Kakashi's perception, so he didn't bother to come.

Watching his exhausted students slowly walk into the tower, Kakashi showed a slight smile.

They really did not let Kakashi disappointed.

The three of them looked at Kakashi who was on the audience's stand at the same time, and apart from fatigue, there was a trace of relief on their faces.

Orochimaru's left a deep impression on the three of them, but after seeing Kakashi, they all feel a sense of security.

Kakashi's gaze then locked on the person beside his three students, a Shinobi with round glasses and gray hair, Yakushi Kabuto.

He is indeed a natural spy, no matter when it is, he is always showing his acting skills.

On the other side, Karin and Jugo's team had already arrived at the tower and had a rest for a while now.

After Sandaime gives his speech, Hayate appeared on stage, and under a series of coughs, he announced the start of the preliminaries.

Not surprisingly, Kabuto gave up from the Chunin Exam, and left. It also aroused Sandaime's suspicion.

But these were just small episodes. The preliminaries starts and the first match was Sasuke against Akadō Yoroi that was able to absorb Chakra.

Sasuke, who had been trained by Kakashi, defeated the Yoroi Akadō only with Taijutsu even if he was troubled by the Cursed Seal. He then obtained the qualification to fight in the finals.

After Sasuke's victory, Kakashi took to the audience's stand and put his hands on Sasuke's neck, trying to remove the Cursed Seal from Sasuke's body.

But at the next moment, Kakashi's eye widened in surprise.

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