Naruto: The Strongest Kakashi

Chapter 40 Anbu Team

Chapter 40 Anbu Team

Chapter 40 Anbu Team

After a few days of moving, Kakashi finally arrive at Konoha.

In the Hokage office, Sandaime didn't ask about the intelligence from the Land of Wind, and Sandaime just praised Kakashi for his mission, and tell him to get a good rest.

Kakashi is feeling good because there is no accident. Originally, he gets intelligence about the Land of Wind just in case. So even if Sandaime didn't ask him, Kakashi still feels that was worth it, so he doesn't need to be scared of loophole.

After reporting the mission, Kakashi decided to go to Ichiraku Ramen to have a good meal.

Kakashi seems to fall in love with this kind of warm food. And the food in Ichiraku Ramen is very good. But sometimes he still needs to eat meats and vegetables for nutrition.

Original Kakashi has a good cooking experience, and his craft is good, but after the rebirth, Kakashi rarely cooks himself. The reason is to save time so he can use it for training.

It looks like Kakashi forced himself to be too tense after his rebirth.

Kakashi then sit in a chair inside Le Ramen, and start ordering. His mind then starts to wander.

"Kakashi, your ramen is ready."

Teuchi then put a bowl of ramen in front of Kakashi while smiling at him.

"Thank you, Teuchi-san." Kakashi then says his thanks.

"Haha, Kakashi, you are still so polite." Teuchi laughed, obviously in a good mood.

"Then I will eat this now." Kakashi said as he pulls his mask down and starting to enjoy the ramen in front of him.

Seeing the face under Kakashi's mask, although it wasn't his first time seeing it, Teuchi couldn't help but be surprised. Kakashi's face was really exquisite.

"Kakashi, why are you always wearing a mask?"

Kakashi touched the mask on his neck and said, "I was getting used to wearing it."

The original Kakashi wore a mask because he was teased by his father. He said that Kakashi had a beautiful face like a woman. Kakashi was very angry at that time. The child's mind was always stubborn, so he put on a mask and did not take it off except for eating.

After the death of his father, this mask became a style of Kakashi to remember his father, so he didn't stop wearing it. At this time, Kakashi inherits the memories and emotions of the original body, so he continues doing it.

"Oh, so that's the reason. I also haven't seen you come here recently. Did you go to execute mission?"

"Well, I went out of village, so I couldn't come here."

Kakashi said as he had finished eating the ramen.

"Thank you for hospitality."

Teuchi then said with a smile: "Your eating speed is still so fast." josei

"That's because Teuchi-san's ramen is delicious."

"Hahaha, you really got a good way for talking, well today's ramen is free."

Kakashi's approval of his ramen is obviously making him very happy, so Kakashi is exempt from paying.

"Well, thank you very much then."

Kakashi did not refuse. After all, it is not good to refuse people's good will, and Kakashi has a good impression on Teuchi. So he does not reject this kindness.

"Well, come again next time." Teuchi said with a smile.

"Of course."

Kakashi turned and left, and returned to his home.

Teuchi smiled but didn't say anything as he looks at Kakashi who's leaving, and returned to his own shop.

At this time, there are no costumers at the restaurant, so there are no people in the restaurant.

Kakashi is still the same as he training again the next day, sometimes he trains by himself, sometimes he come looking for Guy to train together, he spent his time leisurely.

Between practices, he is trying to remember about the future events, or to think about creating new Ninjutsu.

In his own mind, Kakashi knows a lot of formidable Ninjutsu, but he only knows its power, and doesn't know how to create it.

And if he wants to use it, he needs to constantly learn it. Fortunately, Kakashi's insight is really great, he believe that he will be able to create all of those Ninjutsu in time.

Of course, the forbidden technique is not good.

Lightning Release's practice has always been in Kakashi's practice schedule. In addition to the Hatake clan sword technique, they are the most important skill to Kakashi.

Kakashi knows that the strongest Lightning Release in original work is Kirin, but this Ninjutsu has too much restriction.

If he can remove the restriction and use it at will, Kirin can become a trump card for him. It's just that Kakashi hasn't figured out what can be done to achieve this.

However, also considered to learn Rasengan, after all it is a great Ninjutsu, and maybe he can recreate the RasenShuriken. This Ninjutsu's power is not small, but if there is no Sage Mode, there will be dangerous side effect, so it can't be used for the time being.

Thinking of this, Kakashi sighed, and there is too much restriction in strong Ninjutsu.

So he can only learn all of it slowly. At this stage, Kakashi's main task is to strengthen his Physique, increase his Chakra's reserve, at the same time train his sword skill, he also need to train his Lightning Release.

As for the other aspects, he temporarily stops it.

In fact, there is still too many things that need to be done.

A few days later, Kakashi was once again called by Sandaime into his office.

"Sandaime-sama, are you looking for me?"

Sandaime hearing this then raised his head from a pile of documents and said, "Oh, you're here Kakashi. There are some things I need to tell you."

"Please tell me Sandaime-sama."

"Kakashi, the missions piled up in the village is almost finished, so you can go back to Anbu and continue working there. This time you will join Anbu's sixth team, which has three people. It used to be Yondaime's Guard Platoon."

"I understand Sandaime-sama."

The appearance of three people flashed in his mind as Kakashi hear this.

"Well, you need to go to Anbu Great Hall now and meet with them."

"Okay, Sandaime-sama."

After Kakashi finished, he went to Anbu Great Hall.

For Yondaime's Guard Platoon, Kakashi, remember that they are Raidō Namiashi, Genma Shiranui, and Iwashi Tatami.

And the three seems to have been taught by Yondaime about Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Kakashi doesn't know how many years they have learned about it.

Thinking about it, Kakashi eye then start to shine. That's right, Flying Thunder God Jutsu! This Ninjutsu is very powerful space type Ninjutsu, and it also doesn't have side effect like Kamui.

And once he masters this Ninjutsu, he will be invincible. As long as he doesn't encounter something that restrains Space Ninjutsu, he won't die.

For a time, Kakashi's heart start to beat faster, and then he remember about Minato's kunai that he gives to Kakashi when he became a Jonin. That kunai has the Flying Thunder God Jutsu seal on it.

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