Naruto: The Template System

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Template 50%

Kozuki didn't know that the whole Konoha was looking for the mysterious swordsman.

After returning home from the death forest, Kozuki had a good sleep till the morning of the next day, before getting up and filling his stomach.

After the breakfast, Kozuki wore his black training clothes and started to swung the sword in his hands with his eyes full of expectations.

"I wonder what ability I will unlock" thought Kozuki as today is the day when his template reaches 50%.

Kozuki was looking forward to have half of the strength of Shanks since that will be an assurance for him in the upcoming war.

Two hours later

"19998___19999___" Kozuki felt his body shaking all over his grip on the sword became loose but with extreme determination in his eyes he lifted the sword up and slashed down squeezing out all of his strength shouting loudly.


As soon as the last slash was completed, Kozuki fell down and lay on the ground exhausted, his body couldn't move an inch.


Kozuki heard the familiar prompt sound in his mind and smiled knowing that he had succeeded.

But, his smile stiffened suddenly as his felt pain all over his body, a mysterious force strengthening his bones, muscles everything which was accompanied by strong pain.

Kozuk beared the pain but it was just too much and soon he fainted but the changes in his body did not stop.

3 hours later

The scorching sun was above the head as it shone strongly on a kid who lay unconscious on the ground in a courtyard which had numerous slash marks.

The kid was soaked in sweat, but his handsome sturdy face had a determinant expression, his black hair along with some strands of red hair that fell on his forehead.

"Huh" Kozuki opened his eyes in confusion as the strong rays of sun blinded his eyes as he covered his eyes subconsciously.

Kozuki stood up with difficulty as his body was still a little weak by the pain earlier as he left the yard, walked through the lounge.

Arriving beside the bathtub and filling it up, Kozuki threw himself in and sat in it as he closed his eyes feeling the pain disappearing and put his attention at the system.

Ding! [ "Akagami Shanks" Template has been unlocked to 50%]

Host: Kozuki Shiro

Age: 9

Template: Shanks


Stage 3 Swordsmanship

Kenbunshoku Haki (intermediate)

Haoshoku Haki (Intermediate)

Busoshoku Haki (Primary)



"The Harvest is much more then I expected" said Kozuki with a smile feeling the improvement of his Swordsmanship and Haki.

Now Kozuki's causal slash would be as powerful as the one he used in Death Forest.

Moreover, His Haoshoku Haki has improved as well and now he could also stun a large number of enemy's just like luffy did stunning 50'000 men.

Kozuki brought his hand in front of him and soon a black liquid covered his hand.

"It's finally here" smiled Kozuki looking at his hands as the ability that he wanted the most was Armament Haki.

It could be used to defend as well increasing the power of an attack. josei

Kozuki stood up from the bathtub as the pain from earlier has disappeared and Kozuki could feel that his physical strength has at least doubled.

Arriving at his room, Kozuki wore a new White Samurai Rob and slung his sword at his waist as he looked at himself in the mirror satisfied.

"Huh" Kozuki suddenly frowned as he noticed few strands of red hair in front not much but they were totally real.

"This..."Kozuki was stunned for a moment looking at his red hair but had a guess in his heart that maybe it was due to Shanks Template.

"It won't all turn red, right?" thought Kozuki but even if it does he didn't care much since they didn't look bad and were kind of cool.

After getting dressed up, Kozuki left his house and strode towards the Barbeque Restaurant as he was in a good mood today and wanted to treat himself to a big meal.



Back Mountain Grove.

A small and a big figure with the same white hair stood in the woods talking about something.

"Kakashi, the Jutsu you told about is possible but with in a month it is difficult" said White Fang looking towards his son who told him about his Jutsu.

White Fang was a lightning Style Ninja as he always imbues his sword with thunder chakra making him fearful for the whole world.

Kakashi's new Jutsu was also lightning style so he asked his father.

"Father, I am ready for every challenge, I'll complete my Jutsu before the exam" replied Kakashi with determinant eyes as he wanted to use this as his trump card.

"As expected of my son, let's start then" said Sakumo as he started teaching Kakashi and was a bit emotional looking at his son who grew up so much.

Sakumo was glad he didn't commit suicide that day otherwise he won't be able to see this day.

He always wanted to find the person named Shanks who could easily knock out those Anbu outside his house and deliver that message.

Sakumo tried to know about him through various sources but there was no strong guy in Ninja World with the name Shanks.

"Since you know me, we'll meet each other one day eventually"

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