Naruto: The Template System

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Reinforcements

Hidden Mist Village.

Mist covered the whole sea as it was hard to see a thing.

A small wooden boat floated on the water as it was propelled forward by the 3 figures sitting in it.

All of them wore masks with faces of animals printed on them.

Two figures were sitting in front as they held the paddles, moving the little raft forward.

In the dark atmosphere, 2 pairs of red eyes were particularly eye-catching.

They had three tadpoles-like marks in them, and they had a strange beauty in them, mesmerizing everyone who looked at them.

As they kept moving forward, the mist started to weaken as an outline of a giant island began to appear in their sights.

"We are about to reach our destination, Captain Kakashi."

One red-eye person who was a bit taller than the other one and had unkempt black hair spoke.

"Good, we'll walk from here."

The person who spoke had white hair with a mask covering his face.

He had a sword fixed on his back, wearing a Konoha headband on his forehead.

"This is your first S rank mission, Itachi, don't be careless."

Shisui said while looking towards his best friend since the mission this time can also be their last.

After reading the message brought by the mist messenger, Minato had sent Kakashi along with his two Anbu teammates Shisui and Itachi.

Since Shisui and Itachi were the students of the late Kozuki, so Minato paid particular attention to them.

He soon found out that these two were different from the other Uchiha.

They didn't have the unique arrogance of Uchiha and were really humble.

Kakashi also agreed with Minato when he learned that he had the thought of absorbing them to Anbu. josei

Kakashi still remembered clearly that once Kozuki had said to take care of his students in the future.

He would always fulfill the only request that Kozuki has made to him.

"I'll be careful, Shisui."

Itachi has turned 10 this year, and compared to 5 years ago, he has matured a lot.

His strength has also taken a massive leap as he could easily defeat Jonin now.

Five years ago, when he saw the corpse of Kozuki, he awakened his Sharingan, and it was also two-tomoe from the start.

Water splashed around as the three ran on the water, moving towards the mist village quickly.

Soon, they entered the village, and with their capabilities, they quickly infiltrated the village.


Suddenly, the three stopped as they felt intense wind pressure, but the frowning under the mask soon turned into a shocked one.

A vast long red light reaching the heavens appeared in their sights.

As they were stunned by sight in the sky, the vast red light fell down as strong shock waves spread all around mixed with fast water vapors in it.

After the shock waves receded, the three of them immediately moved towards the direction of the attack earlier.


"It seems I can't stay here anymore."

Looking at the vigilant and fearful Terumi and other Shinobi, Kozuki knew it wasn't possible to stay here at all.

"What do you want, Shanks?"

Terumi extinguished the fear in her heart as she came forward and said to Kozuki.

"Haha, I was just here for an outing; who knew that I would be welcomed by a Tail Beast Bomb."

Kozuki laughed loudly as he tried to ease the tense atmosphere around him.

Everyone present, including Terumi, was surprised as they never expected him to be like this.

They expected him to be more domineering and a person who never talks and kills at every turn, but it seems they were wrong.

"Our village doesn't seem to be a good outing place."

The fear in the heart of Terumi decreased a lot, but that massive, exaggerated slash was still fresh in her memory.

Even the Sword Demon couldn't ever make such slashes as it was done by Akagami Shanks.

"It's no wonder that he died in his hands."

Terumi was also trying to buy time as she knew that Konoha Reinforcements might be here anytime soon.


As Kozuki was about to say something, his Observation Haki picked a few familiar auras.

Kozuki looked towards his right as his face under the mask had a surprised expression.

Terumi and others saw Kozuki looking towards his right, so they also glanced there subconsciously.

Soon, three figures wearing masks and Konoha headbands on their foreheads appeared in their sights, moving quickly towards them.

"What's with this gatheri___."

As soon as Kakashi and others arrived, spotting a large amount of mist Shinobi, they couldn't help asking, but their words were stuck in their mouth as they spotted a silhouette.

Red hair, along with the unique dress described in the bingo book, they immediately knew the person's identity.

"Akagami Shanks!!!"

Kakashi yelled with infinite anger in his voice.

(Countdown to truth...6)

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