Naruto Time Control

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Miracle

"Fortunately, Yeruashi decided to go with Tsunade."

Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief, if Yeruashi had not considered the mission dangerous and Tsunade had gone alone, a collision against the A-B Duo would have been extremely dangerous.

Tsunade's death would deal a heavy blow not only to Konoha's fighting power, but also to the fighting spirit of the ninja in the camp, and the situation on the front lines would become worse than in the Land of Earth Country.

"Hokage-sama, how about a full-scale retreat? Instead of fighting the Kumogakure ninja head-on, we will evacuate the entire camp and surround the son of the third Raikage and the Jinchuriki of the Hachibi of Kumogakure?"

A ninja spoke in a deep voice, "Killing the A-B Duo will greatly weaken Kumogakure's combat power, after which we could enter a large-scale battle and win a great victory."


Someone next to him immediately objected, "There are still a large number of wounded and supplies in the camp, are you going to give up all of them and all the supplies!!!

Other ninja also joined the conversation, discussing whether Konoha should engage in a decisive battle against Kumogakure or abandon camp, retreating to the Fire Country to surround the Third Raikage's son and the Hachibi's Jinchuriki.

Hiruzen was also conflicted.

If they were to meet the Kumogakure ninja head-on, they would have little chance of winning, and even if they could withstand their attack, their losses would be heavy. the losses would be too great.

But avoiding a head-on collision and surrounding the A-B Duo seemed like a good option, only if they succeeded, and if they failed, they would suffer even more horrible losses, besides, abandoning the wounded would affect the ninjas' will to fight.

It was a dilemma.

As soon as a light shone in the depths of Hiruzen's eyes and he was ready to make a decision, the ninja from the communication team burst into the tent.

His eyes still showed traces of shock and extreme shock, when everyone present stopped arguing and turned around, the ninja messenger took a deep breath.

"Lord Hokage! Report on the battle of Nitani Bridge!"

"Jounin Hatake Yeruashi defeated the Third Raikage's son, leaving him incapacitated, Kumogakure used some means to send the Third Raikage directly to Nitani Bridge to cover the Hachibi's retreat..."

The expressions of Hiruzen and everyone present abruptly changed.

Yeruashi's victory over the Third Raikage's son was no great surprise, after all, it was the mighty Silver Flash of Konoha that killed the world's greatest puppet master, Chiyo, what really surprised those present was the Third Raikage's arrival at the Nitani Bridge.

Everyone present understood how terrifying the Third Raikage is, especially Hiruzen, who encountered him during one of the recent raids and eventually ended up with both sides retreating.

He is well aware of the Third Raikage's power.

This is a ninja who developed his physical body to the extreme and mastered the Lightning attribute to an extremely high level, turning into a monster-like creature, this is the strongest ninja of all those who had to fight Hiruzen!

I did not expect the situation to develop this way, I have to personally go to the support....

This thought immediately crossed Hiruzen's mind, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel slightly relieved, although the appearance of the Third Raikage brings great danger to Tsunade and Yeruashi, but the Kumogakure forces will definitely not launch a large-scale attack in the absence of the A-B Duo and the Third Raikage, this will allow Konoha to breathe freely.

The Hokage reached out and lifted the teacup from the table.

The others also came to the same conclusion and breathed a sigh of relief, the heavy and oppressive atmosphere eased noticeably.

And just at this moment.

The ninja messenger took a breath and continued his report with a tremor in his voice: "The Hachibi's Jinchūriki and the Raikage's son retreated from the battlefield, while the Jounin Hatake Yeruashi joined in a fierce battle with the Third Raikage..."

"The contact with the ninja on the other side reported that, finally, the Jounin Hatake Yeruashi used Super S-ranked ninjutsu, killing the Third Raikage with a single blow!"

After these words, absolute silence reigned in the tent.

It seemed that at that moment, one could clearly hear the sound of a needle falling.


The sound of a cup shattering echoed in the silence, and Hiruzen dropped the cup of tea he was about to put on the table.

"What... what did you say!"

Hiruzen's hand, which had dropped the cup, was shaking violently and he asked the stunned ninja messenger.

The other ninjas in the tent, also with puzzled looks, just felt their minds go blank, somewhat unable to take in the news for a moment.

The victory over the Third Raikage's son was not too surprising.

After all, this is the Silver Flash of Konoha.

But killing the Third Raikage gave them a sense of unreality.

And what a terrifying ninjutsu it is.... Super S-rank?!


Near the Nitani Bridge.

Tsunade returned to normal after almost two hours of rest, the Yin Seal mark reappeared on her forehead.

Yeruashi did not take the clothes of the dead ninja of Kumogakure and was still wrapped in Tsunade's green cloak.

Tsunade looked at Yeruashi, who was standing on a nearby rock, and said, "You seem to have recovered much faster than I did."

"I am a man."

Yeruashi turned his head to look at Tsunade and smiled playfully.

Tsunade chuckled: "Ha, change your clothes for starters, man! Well, it looks like the support forces have arrived."

"They're finally here?"

Yeruashi looked off into the distance, soon in sight the black shadows appeared, rapidly approaching.

Tsunade looked at the approaching figures, hands folded across her chest and said, "After today's battle, your prestige in the ninja world will go to a completely different level, you will strike fear into the hearts of countless ninja." josei

Yeruashi nodded silently.


Soon, the supporting forces met Tsunade and Yeruashi.

On the way here, Fugaku and Shikaku had already received information from the camp and were very shocked.

Shikaku assumed that there was a slim chance that a Third Raikage would appear at Nitani Bridge, but he never thought that the Raikage would fall here!

This was the strongest Raikage ever!

Even Hiruzen had been unable to gain any advantage during the recent encounter with him.

Uchiha Fugaku recalled that about two years ago, Yeruashi applied for early graduation from the Academy and passed the Chuunin exam brilliantly.

After that, he began to rise rapidly to the top of the ninja world.

First merits in the battle on the border of the Grass Country....

Incredible feat at the border in the Rain Country....

Then, the border battle in the Wind Country, during which Yeruashi killed the Puppeteer Chiyo, becoming famous throughout the ninja world....

And now he had killed the Third Raikage....

That's too fast a rise!


The eldest son of the White Fang has surpassed countless ninja, rising to the top of the ninja world at the age of eleven!

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