Naruto Time Control

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: Naruto's Appearance

Seeing that Sara had been saved, Kakashi sighed in relief.

Although he couldn't see the figure rushing past, but given the speed, it was undoubtedly Yeruashi.

Thinking about this, Kakashi focused his attention on the new ninja, surprised to find a protector of Konoha on his forehead!

On the other hand.

Naruto, who had come here from the future due to the warping of space and time by the Dragon's blindfold, also sighed in relief when he saw that Sara had been saved.

"It's okay..."

Then he shuddered willy-nilly.

That speed

Too fast!

The current Naruto hasn't yet mastered Sage Mode and hasn't fought Pain's Six Paths, and his strength hasn't yet reached Kage level.

Mind you, if he unleashes the full power of the Kyubi, everything will be different. The Kyubi has power at the super-Kage level, and if he also awakens Ashura chakra, then even reaching the level of the Six Paths is not impossible.

But in Yeruashi's opinion, Naruto's most terrifying weapon was his mouth.

Even Nagato, the imposing boss of Akatsuki who instilled fear and kept many terrifying ninja at bay, renounced his beliefs and resurrected all the dead residents of Konoha, after a brief dialogue with Naruto.

Damn it...

Isn't he more powerful than Kotoamatsukami?!


Yeruashi landed in the hallway of a tall building.

Sara's eyes narrowed in alarm, but when she felt she was okay, she cautiously opened them.


She froze for a few seconds looking at Yeruashi, then blushed slightly and said, "Let...let me go."


Seeing Sara's state, Yeruashi couldn't help but click his tongue. From what he can remember, in the movie, Naruto was slapped in the face at this point, but Sara's reaction towards him was very different.

Is it true that different faces trigger different plots? josei

I see.

I think there's another girl who wants his body.

Is it really worth it to start wearing a mask like Kakashi?

"Thanks for saving me... Oh, and who are you!"

Sara bowed her head in embarrassment and thanked Yeruashi, then asked a question.

Yeruashi answered calmly, "I'm a ninja from Konoha. Our scouts noticed that something strange was going on here, and I was assigned to deal with it."

"That's all..."

Sara nodded and was about to explain what was going on here, when suddenly two figures approached them from the side.

It was Kakashi and Naruto who had previously confronted each other.

Kakashi pointed his finger at Naruto, "Big brother, this guy claims to be from Konoha, but I never met him!"

Naruto looked at Kakashi and grumbled, "I'm seeing you for the first time too! What exactly is going on, do you have a mission here too?"

Hearing these words, Kakashi suddenly changed his face and instantly leaned his kunai against Naruto's neck, "You're not a Konoha ninja!"

How could a ninja of Konoha not know about Yeruashi!

Not to mention the ninja of Konoha, even among the ninja of other Great Ninja Villages, it would be hard to find someone who couldn't recognize Silver Flash, perhaps only unorganized lone ninja could fail to recognize him.

"Don't talk nonsense... I don't think you guys are Konoha ninja!"

Naruto looked at the kunai by his neck and exclaimed indignantly.

Yeruashi shook his head and said, "Let him go, Kakashi. He's really a ninja from Konoha, but not from 'actual' Konoha."


Kakashi asked in surprise, not knowing what Yeruashi had in mind, but he still heard his words and took two steps back.

Naruto rubbed his neck, then thought of something and looked at Kakashi in surprise, "Your name is Kakashi?"

What the hell...

This guy really looks like Kakashi's teacher, only much younger.

"Yeah because?"

Kakashi looked cautiously at Naruto.

Yeruashi waved his hand, asking the brother not to say it and said thoughtfully, "It seems the information is correct, the Dragon Vein energy is able to distort space and time. Apparently, this guy came from the future... by the way, now the forty-fifth year since the founding of Konoha!"

"Forty... forty-five years since the founding of Konoha!"

Naruto was confused as he listened to Yeruashi's words, but when he heard the last part, he exclaimed in a daze, "Isn't this the sixty-fourth year?"

Naruto still didn't get the gist of what was going on, and Kakashi gradually began to realize it, he looked a bit askance at the yellow-haired boy and asked, "What's your connection with that Kakashi?"

"Kakashi is my master..."

Naruto answered ignorantly, still not understanding what was going on.

Hearing this answer, Kakashi exclaimed in a daze, "What, are you my disciple? How could my future self take such a stupid disciple?"

Judging by the fact that Naruto still couldn't understand the essence of what was going on, Kakashi had great doubts about the intelligence of this guy. How could he take such a disciple!!!!

Naruto's mind went blank.

Kakashi started to explain the exasperation of the situation, while Naruto finally realized what was going on, then he was puzzled and looked at Yeruashi, saying, "Kakashi-sensei has a brother? I've never heard of him..."


Kakashi was stunned at Naruto's words.

He shuddered involuntarily at the thought.

Even if Naruto was his disciple, he couldn't not know anything about Yeruashi. What happened to my brother, since twenty years later his name disappeared from the ninja world!

"Don't ask about the future, Kakashi."

Yeruashi noticed the look on Kakashi's face and said quietly, "Knowledge of the future can lead to big changes in the timeline."

There can only be two reasons why Naruto doesn't know anything about him. First, he disappeared before Naruto was born, leading to the current situation, but this option is unlikely.

After all.

Even if he disappears from the ninja world at this time, the probability that Naruto hasn't heard from him is too low.

A more likely reason is that this Naruto comes from a parallel world where there is no Silver Flash of Konoha and events unfold strictly according to the original plot.

Yeruashi guessed that this was most likely the case.

The reason for this is quite simple.

The illusionary clock is unique and connected to your consciousness, and there is no second or third copy of this clock. If you imagine the timeline as a ruler, the illusory clock will be a carving knife that is outside of it. This knife can leave marks on the ruler, but it cannot be part of it.

There can be only one of these knives.

Yeruashi came to this conclusion based on the knowledge gained over the years of owning the illusory watch.

Naruto looked at Kakashi and started to tremble, in the end he couldn't help it, "Hahahaha, Kakashi-sensei is so small... ha-ha-ha..."

"Shut up and don't call me sensei anymore, or I might become stupid too."

Kakashi rolled his eyes.

Naruto gradually calmed down and said, "Then let's act together. Mukade is too dangerous, you won't be able to take him on."

Kakashi is now about ten years old, and Yeruashi, although he looks about his age, Naruto reasonably concluded that since he didn't hear anything about Kakashi's older brother in the future, he most likely isn't a Jounin.


Looks like he's the strongest one here.

It was finally his time to lead the team!

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