Naruto Time Control

Chapter 221

Chapter 221: The Ōtsutsuki Clan


Tsunade slowly raised her hand and rubbed her eyes.

Shizune pinched herself and felt pain.


A Konoha ninja, who was guarding the entrance to Konoha, called attention to two figures that appeared nearby and, recognizing Tsunade, was first stunned and then quickly walked over to greet her.

Tsunade calmed down with difficulty and asked, "What's going on?"

The ninja looked at Tsunade with incomprehension, then looked back at the nearby Kyubi and immediately replied while rubbing his head and smiling, "Oh, you mean that? Kurama-sama needs to brush his hair every day morning, noon and night..."

"Besides, little kids like to play in Kurama-sama's fluffy tails, but they must pay the rent once a month, this was Hokage-sama's order. I almost forgot, there is also a fee for a photo shoot with Kurama-sama, but of course it's free for Tsunade-sama."

Shizune: "..."

Tsunade: "..."

It seems like they haven't been in Konoha for a long time and have completely lost touch with what's going on.



Inside the Hokage's office.

Yeruashi looked at Tsunade and rolled his eyes as he said, "Borrowing ten million for an emergency.... Sensei, why don't you ask for a hundred million at once!"

Tsunade, who was sitting on the sofa, took a sip of tea quietly and said calmly, "Ah, a hundred million? You shouldn't have that kind of money. As Hokage, you certainly won't provide me with funds from the Konoha Budget, but with ten million from the personal budget, there shouldn't be a problem, I'll pay it back in a couple of months."

"Unfortunately, I don't even have ten million..."

Yeruashi spread his hands helplessly and said, "Didn't you see what was going on outside when you came back? Now I'm a poor man trying to make money off the damn fox by any means necessary..." josei


Hearing this, Tsunade spat out a sip of tea.

She looked at Yeruashi blankly and said, "What's going on with the Kyubi anyway?"

Yeruashi took a sip of tea and shook his head helplessly as he said, "Ah, nothing special, it just became a bottomless pit that devoured money. I should never have turned him into a useless pet fox, now I have to try to cover the costs by any means..."

"Well, give up on me, mu-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

Kurama's voice rang in Yeruashi's head, "Without Grandpa Kurama, would you have been able to disband half of the surveillance patrol and disable all of Konoha's detection barriers?"

Although this is a controversial topic, Yeruashi had no desire to get involved in this discussion, he leaned back lazily in his chair and rubbed his eyebrows wearily.

Looking at Yeruashi, Tsunade felt pity, but she couldn't understand where that feeling came from.

Speaking of Shizune, who was sitting next to Tsunade.

When Shizune entered the Hokage's office and saw Yeruashi wearing the Hokage's cloak and basking in the sun, she had been looking at him all this time without taking her eyes off him, and still hadn't said a word.

After a moment of hesitation, Tsunade held out her hand to Yeruashi and said, "Five million! I will definitely double this amount!!!"

Knock, knock, knock!

As Tsunade said this, there was a knock on the door from the next room.


Then the door opened and Konan appeared, he was standing with an expressionless face looking at Yeruashi, saying, "The paper is finished!"

"Rin, go and ask Shikaku to provide you with another batch of sealing paper!"

Yeruashi walked to the office door, opened the door a little and shouted loudly.

Tsunade looked thoughtfully at Konan, this girl looked a little familiar, after looking a few more seconds, she asked, "Is it me or have we met before?"

Konan looked at Tsunade and nodded, "Jiraiya-sensei in the past stayed in the Rain Country to teach me Ninjutsu..."

Tsunade nodded and asked blankly, "You happen to be that girl from the Rain Country, but why is a ninja from Amegakure here?"

A look of helplessness shone in Konan's eyes and he said, "The Rain Country is now part of the Fire Country, and now I'm a ninja from Konoha..."

"Konan is simply a great ninja."

Yeruashi came back and took a sip of tea and said, "The seals he produces every day satisfy more than ninety percent of Konoha's demand, some of them are even sold to small ninja villages that are tied to us for survival."

Konan has a very calm personality.

After arriving in Konoha, she quickly adapted to her new situation, especially after learning that the situation in the Rain Country was getting better and better.

At this point, she was almost completely integrated into Konoha, only often worrying about Nagato, but now Konoha couldn't find any information about him.


Tsunade clenched her fists and exclaimed indignantly, "One person supplies the entire village? There are other villages as well.... Yeruashi! How dare you mock Jiraiya's disciple!!!"

Yeruashi stretched out her hands and said righteously, "Oh, am I teasing her?! For her, this isn't such a difficult task, since it only takes three or four hours a day. Look at me... The fifth Hokage! I have to work a minimum of twelve hours a day, though I can leave a shadow clone in my place, but many matters still require a personal presence!"

Previously, in the Rain Country, Konan was not only engaged in the production of explosive seals, but at the same time, he was responsible for various matters, such as planning, personnel distribution, and so on.

Because Obito was not part of the Amegakure administration at all, and Nagato did not pay much attention to management, so most of the responsibility fell on her.

Now in Konoha, Konan only had to concentrate on creating seals, compared to working in the Rain Country, it's a much easier task.

Yeruashi suddenly had an idea and looked at Tsunade thoughtfully.


Tsunade froze for a few seconds, then cautiously looked at Yeruashi and said, "Why are you looking at me like that!"

Yeruashi bowed her head slightly and said, "I think Tsunade-sensei should stay in Konoha, I simply don't have enough people to handle my daily affairs..."


Tsunade abruptly interrupted Yeruashi's words, her face darkened.

This brat wants her to work for him!

Yeruashi smiled and was about to say something, but she suddenly stood up abruptly, her expression instantly turned serious as she said, "Wait a bit, I need to figure something out.""


After these words, his figure blurred and disappeared.

He quickly reached the outskirts of Konoha and saw that the fox, who normally lay relaxed in a clearing, who knows when, stood up and emitted a powerful fluctuation of chakra, staring in a certain direction.

There was a human figure that radiated malice and was also looking in the direction of the fox.

One of the nine tails abruptly rushed in the direction of the figure, but the other side dodged it with great dexterity and abruptly retreated into the distance.

"The Hyuga clan? No, it's not a Hyuga..."

Yeruashi landed on the fox's head and stared at the rapidly retreating figure, while at the same time starting to absorb Kurama's chakra.

This retreating ninja possessed Byakugan, but his style of dress was different from that of the Hyuga Clan, moreover, the chakra characteristics also had significant differences.

Byakugan owner.

But not of the Hyuga Clan.

In this situation, there can only be one correct answer.... This person is one of the direct descendants of Rikudō Sennin's brother, Ōtsutsuki Hamura, who was left on the moon and had the blood of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

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