Naruto Time Control

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Land of Rain.

Within some cave, countless ninjas are currently gathered, they were none other than the Hidden Sand Village's army.

"Why hasn't Lady Pakura and her team came back yet?"

Someone said as he looked in the direction where Pakura and others left to chase after Feng.

Someone next to him frowned and said, "It's just chasing a single ninja. They should've been back already.... It's already quite some time since they left, could it be that they encountered some trouble?!"

"That's possible." someone said.

Yanagi Kin who was the leader, was silent the entire time finally spoke as he looked at the direction Feng and the others left at and said: "That young man is indeed suspicious, he might even be just a bait, but with Pakura's strength and the others, even if they are to run into an ambush, they should still be capable of escaping, or at least one of them should already be here to inform us of the situation."

The person next to him frowned and said: "Our movement this time should still be undetected by Hidden Leaf scouts, so how could a ninja suddenly appear here so coincidentally?"

"We have no idea."

After a while, Yanagi Kin finally said in a deep voice, "We can only wait for their return and ask them what happened. If in a quarter of an hour none of them have still managed to come back, then we'll split up and search for them."

The rest nodded slowly, but their expressions turned solemn.

This ambush is very important for Hidden Sand Village!

The result of their mission is majorly related to the future outcome of their war against Hidden Leaf!

But now they encountered this unexpected situation, their entire army was discovered by an unknown ninja. Now, Pakura and her team went after him, but they still haven't come back, this is clearly not a good sign.

Five minutes…

Ten minutes...

Time passed by quietly.

Only the sound of water dripping can be heard in the entire cave.

No one made a sound as all of them waited in silence.

All of a sudden.

One of the sensory ninjas stationed at the mouth of the cave noticed something and looked in a certain direction, his eyes flashed as he took a closer look and said to the rest: "Someone's coming! Seven o'clock! Hmmm… ? It's Yuji from Lady Pakura's team!"

Hearing his voice, the tense atmosphere in the cave finally calmed down, everyone looked in the direction of Yuji.

However, Yanagi Kin still had a frown on his face as he looked at Yuji from the distance, he had a vague premonition in his heart.

If Pakura and her team really finally resolved the trouble, all of them should've come back together.

But now, Yuji is all alone!

Is that kid really just a bait that led Pakura and her team to an ambush that Yuji was the only one who managed to escape?!

The others also thought about this, and everyone's faces had a hint of nervousness. This is an extremely serious situation!

Countless gazes were trailed on Yuji's silhouette.

Thousand meters...

Nine hundred meters...

Eight hundred... josei

Yuji's is getting closer and closer.

Back in the Hidden Sand army, the sensory ninja at the forefront was carefully staring at Yuji in front of them and was suddenly taken aback. It was as if he noticed something. When Yuji finally arrived at the five hundred meter mark, his countenance finally changed and he immediately shouted:

"Everyone be careful!"

"That person is not Yuji!!"

As his voice reverberated within the cave, the expression of everyone also changed.

It is also at this time.

'Yuji' in front of them turned into a puff of smoke and a kid with silver hair who's wearing torn and tattered clothes appeared.

The next second, they only saw the kid suddenly speed up, and not just double his original speed!



"Prepare for battle!"

"Team Eight, Nine and Ten! Use Ninjutsu!"

Seeing this, Yanagi Kin yelled as he commanded, then more than dozens of ninjas behind him immediately stepped forward and quickly formed hand seals..

However, just as they were about to cast their Jutsus...

The Chakra in Feng's body surged, and he instantly opened the Third Gate, but he didn't stop there. Without a second delay he opened the Fourth Gate of Pain Lightning Mode as fine threads of lightning intertwined within his silver hair.


His already fast speed increased once again in an instant.

Under the horrified gazes of the Hidden Sand Army, they could only catch a glimpse of silver light streaking towards their direction..

"Wind Release! Wind Cutter!"

The more than dozen ninjas finally released their ninjutsu at the same time.

Their technique intertwined with one another forming a vast net of wind blades sweeping towards Feng.


Yanagi Kin was looking at this scene with a very gloomy expression.

He wasn't very worried about the ninja in front of them, after all, they're an entire army that had hundreds of elites. No matter how fast the enemy was, it was impossible for him to break through the large-scale Wind Cutter coming in front of him..

The real problem he's thinking about, is that their current situation is probably extremely bad!

Someone wanted to sneak attack them and disguised himself as Yuji. At the same time, they have no news about Pakura and her team's whereabouts, this is an incredibly alarming situation.

As his thoughts flashed one after another, it didn't stop him from giving out commands.

"Teams Four and Five block him from the right. Sixth and Seventh teams, you guys on the left. Surround him!"

Hidden Sand Village ninjas are proficient in Wind Release Jutsus, so they're not that scared when facing speed type ninjas at all.

In addition, Wind Release has superiority against Lightning Release!

The cutting force of the wind can tear through the defenses of Lightning, and given the attack range of Wind Release Jutsus, they wouldn't have a problem attacking from a distance if they successfully surrounded their enemy even if he/she specializes in speed.


Feng looked at the net-like attack coming from his front and the other teams that were rushing on his sides, but his expression remained calm and indifferent.

Indeed, Wind Release Jutsus can suppress speed type ninjas in general, but that's just in general. An existence like the Third Raikage who also specializes in Lightning Release wouldn't even bat an eyelid for Wind Release Jutsus used against him, what more for Feng who can revert time in an infinitely number of times and instantly heal any injuries he's suffered? Why would he even bother about this meager show of power?!

At this moment.

If you are looking from above, you can see a silver light heading towards the direction of the Hidden Sand army at an incredibly fast speed but there are also multiple people moving to the flank of that silver light.

But in front of that silver light was a large scale net entirely composed of wind blades.

The other teams who arrived at their respective positions also immediately formed hand seals, preparing to release the same jutsu to prevent Feng from escaping.

"Do you think that just because you're fast, you can act arrogantly in front of us? Heh! What a naïve little kid, speed doesn't make you invincible!"

A flash of cold light flashed in one of the ninjas from Hidden Sand.

Although Feng's speed is fast, that would also mean he would have difficulty in changing directions!

If he has the capability to immediately turn to 180° then he would be capable of escaping the net of attack, but that would be extremely difficult to achieve based on his current speed.

He would just barely be able to turn into an arc, but even then he would still collide with the ones on his side, which means he no longer has an escape path!

The Hidden Sand Army now consider Feng as good as dead because of the plight he was currently in, so they no longer cared about him and just thought about what happened to Pakura and the others.

But at this moment!

An unexpected scene appeared.

Feng, who was enveloped in silver light, didn't even try to dodge or change his direction, he instead continued to rush towards the net of attack in front of him!



This scene stunned the Hidden Sand Army.

Then they saw Feng pass through the hail of Wind Cutter and his body was instantly hacked into net like pieces with blood splattering in all directions.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Did he just...killed himself?!

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