Naruto Time Control

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: Visiting Tsunade

Not far from Yeruashi's tent at the back of the camp.

"That teenager is... Hatake Yeruashi, right, already a Jounin?"

Realizing that Yeruashi lived in a separate tent, a ninja said, surprised.

This frontline camp on the border of Wind Country, is very different from the camp on the border of Grass Country, because of the large amount of ninja settled in the camp , even Chuunin level ninja can't afford to live in a separate tent.

Yeruashi is a fairly well-known genius of Konoha and many have a certain impression of him, but this ninja remembered that Yeruashi had just passed the Chuunin exam, how could he become a Jounin so fast? But only Jounins are assigned separate tents....

"I don't think that's likely."

The other ninja next to him also spoke with some surprise, saying, "Perhaps he is a Tokubetsu Jounin..."

This explanation was hardly acceptable.

Although Tokubetsu Jounin has almost the same privileges as a Jounin, but they are in fact completely different ranks, a Jounin has no weaknesses in any aspect and they have certain leadership skills, and they also had the right to command a large number of ninja.

In comparison, a Tokubetsu Jounin is a ninja who has some special talents, such as good perception, interrogation skills, etc.

Most likely, Yeruashi is a genius with some special skills, in which case advancing to Tokubetsu Jounin in wartime seems quite normal. josei


The ninja who spoke first nodded.

He was just a simple Chuunin, and if Yeruashi is a Jounin, it means that he can be under his command at any time and will have to obey his every order.

This is hard to accept, of course no one will have faith in such a young Jounin Captain, there will be many doubts about his judgment, but since he is Tokubetsu Jounin, it has nothing to do with them.

Even if they were on the same team, they would only be forced to cooperate, this guy would have no right to command them.


Inside the tent.

After a brief grooming, Yeruashi immediately lay down on his bed and began to rest until, at almost dusk, he woke up and rubbed his eyes before leaving the tent to fetch some water.

There were temporary wells in various regions of the camp, and Yeruashi already knew the approximate structure of the camp and approached the nearest one.

"Hey, Yeruashi!"

Just as Yeruashi was gathering water, a surprised voice was heard.

This voice sounded a bit familiar, but Yeruashi couldn't remember who exactly it belonged to, only when he turned around, he exclaimed in surprise, "Shizune? What are you doing here?"

Shizune usually should be following Tsunade, since she appeared in this camp, then Tsunade should also be here, this was a bit shocking to Yeruashi.

"I'm following Tsunade-sama and practicing my medical skills."

Shizune approached Yeruashi, holding the teapot in her hands.

Yeruashi lifted the bucket of water and filled her own teapot. and then filled Shizune's and said, "Tsunade-sama is here too? But isn't she..."

"Although Tsunade-sama can't fight, she can still guide and give instructions to the medical ninja, she just can't see blood directly, she can only listen to the symptoms to give help."

Suddenly, Shizune stopped abruptly and exclaimed in surprise, "How do you know about Tsunade-sama's condition!"

Although the fact that Tsunade suffers from blood phobia is not a secret, but there were still very few people who knew about it, only her her her, her closest disciple and a handful of Elite Jounins, Yeruashi shouldn't know about it.

Yeruashi calmly replied, "My father once told me about Tsunade-sama's situation."

Tsunade started to suffer from a blood phobia at the end of the Second Shinobi World War, Sakumo should have known that and Orochimaru too, Yeruashi could refer to anyone, but decided it was best to choose his father.

Hearing Yeruashi's answer, Shizune sighed sadly, "Tsunade-sama's condition is still a concern, she can't deal with most of the severely injured patients, with her direct involvement, they could heal much faster..."

Yeruashi handed the filled teapot to Shizune and said, "Where is Tsunade-sama now? I would like to see her."

Her blood phobia is a purely psychological problem.

In his previous life, Yeruashi had just majored in psychology, he even studied hypnotherapy and the like, these methods are radically different from the Genjutsu of this world.

He tried to treat Kakashi with these methods and got a remarkable positive effect.

With Tsunade, he might as well give it a try.

Shizune looked at Yeruashi with surprise and nodded, "Tsunade-sama is resting in the tent, she sent me to get water, just follow me."


Yeruashi took the kettle of water and disappeared with a whistle, reappearing next to Shizune a few moments later, with the kettle of water already returned to his tent.

He walked with Shizune through the camp and soon they came to a rather large tent.

Shizune entered the tent, "Tsunade-sama, I've brought the water."

"Put it in there."

Tsunade's tired voice was heard.

As a medical ninja, she is very limited due to her blood phobia, so patients that could easily be cured under normal circumstances, now required a lot of time and effort.

Tsunade came here due to the fact that Hiruzen kept sending men after her and could not refuse, as well as to train Shizune in the art of healing.

It was difficult to raise a good medical ninja without enough practice, the battlefield is the most suitable for this, because there is a continuous flow of wounded and there is no need to look for patients specifically, in such conditions Shizune will grow very fast.

"Percent Tsunade-sama, Yeruashi would like to pay you a visit..."

"Yeruashi, isn't he supposed to be with Orochimaru?"

Tsunade bowed her head and said in bewilderment, not understanding why Yeruashi came to visit her, but still wanting to meet this young genius, "Come in."

"Greetings, Tsunade-sama."

Yeruashi entered the tent and bowed politely, "I already met Tsunade-sama and didn't have time to greet her, when I heard you were here, I immediately wanted to see you, Orochimaru-sensei mentioned your amazing medical skills many times."

Tsunade examined Yeruashi up and down.


His attitude is quite good.

"There's no need to be polite.... After all, you are Orochimaru's disciple and Sakumo's son. I am somewhat responsible for what happened to Sakumo, had I been in the village at the time..."

Tsunade spoke with a hint of apology.

The white fang of Konoha had even more fame and merit than the Sannins, she had worked with Sakumo in the past and received some care from him.

At the time, she was playing in a small village in the Fire Country, and by the time she learned of the situation, it was too late.

"Knowing my father's character, I can confidently say that even if Tsunade-sama was in the village, it wouldn't change anything."

Yeruashi shook his head and said, "By the way, I heard that you are in a very bad state? After our father's death, Kakashi was also in a terrible state, so I found some methods to calm him down..."

Tsunade was slightly stunned and then said with some amusement, "Ha, you're going to cure me?"

If it had been anyone else, Tsunade probably would have already hit him because she didn't want to bring up the topic, but Yeruashi was young and she feels some guilt towards him for mentioning about Sakumo, so she reacted with more restraint.

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