Naruto Time Control

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: Beginning of the War (Edited)

"Cough... ah..."

Jiraiya, who had been pushed by Tsunade, barely managed to steady himself and land on the edge of the tent, looking at Tsunade in surprise.

Why the hell is she worried about Yeruashi's safety?

Yeruashi is Orochimaru's disciple, how did Yeruashi manage to get involved with Tsunade.

Noticing the look on Jiraiya's face, Tsunade replied, "I owe a debt to Sakumo-senpai, and I can't allow anything to happen to his son."

The corners of Jiraiya's mouth twitched.

Yeruashi said helplessly, "Actually, Tsunade-sama, you don't have to worry about my safety, I'll be fine."

He could understand Tsunade's behavior, during these three days of "treatment", their relationship had become much closer, if he died on this battlefield, then not only would Tsunade's phobia not be cured, but it would most likely return to its previous state or even worsen. .

"Shut up, brat..."

Tsunade glared at Yeruashi and said, "I've heard those kinds of comments countless times, but the vast majority of people have accidents after saying them, so you're even more disturbing."

Other than Shizune, there was no one to inform her about Yeruashi's strength, and Shizune had been following her for the past year, so her understanding of Yeruashi's strength was only based on the knowledge she had when she was at the Ninja Academy.

And in the course of her contacts with Yeruashi these days, Tsunade confirmed that his chakra was roughly at the level of a Jounin.

Although this level of strength was extremely powerful for his age, and he could proudly wear the title of genius, but in a chaotic battlefield, the title of genius will not protect him in any way.

Even Elite Jounins often die in such battles.

Tsunade could not bear to watch from the side, while watching Yeruashi die in the war, so she decided to leave Shizune at the camp and participate in the battle.


Hearing Tsunade's words, Yeruashi wanted to say that it had nothing to do with him, talking about Sunagakure's current fighting power, even if Shukaku, the one-tailed beast, suddenly appeared on the battlefield, he wouldn't be in danger, unless someone like Uchiha Madara or Rikudō Sennin suddenly appeared here for some unknown reason.

But after thinking about it, Yeruashi shook his head and said nothing.

In order not to get into trouble...

In the end, Yeruashi said a little helplessly, "I'm happy that Tsunade-sama cares so much about me."

Jiraiya looked at Yeruashi and then at Tsunade, and finally said a bit worried, "Are you really okay?"

"Yeah, basically no problems."

Tsunade turned her head to look at Jiraiya and said, "I'm not going to joke about something like this."

Jiraiya let out a sigh and said, "That's good."


The next day.

As the sun rose, several large groups of ninja left the Konoha camp, moving in the direction of the Sunagakure camp, according to the prearranged plan.

Naturally, such a large movement could not go unnoticed.

Some twenty kilometers after the Konoha troops had left the camp, the information was quickly relayed by the Sunagakure scouts back to the frontline camp, causing a commotion in the camp as well.

However, Ebizō had already assumed that Konoha would launch a full-scale attack on their camp in the next half month, so they were prepared for this and quickly mobilized their forces, led by Chiyo and the Fourth Kazekage.

This was the biggest battle since the beginning of the Third Ninja World War!

The Sunagakure forces numbered over three thousand ninja, personally commanded by the Fourth Kazekage, with the exception of the Jinchuriki of Sunagakure, almost all the village elites had been used!

The same applies to Konoha, although only about two thousand ninja were mobilized from their side, inferior to Sunagakure in terms of numbers, but almost all of them were elite ninja!

In their ranks, Genins are completely absent.

Obito and Rin were ordered to stay in camp and not participate in their team's upcoming battle, only Kakashi, a Chuunin, was ordered to follow Konoha's main force.

The collision site of the two sides was a mountainous area with a gentle relief, the difference between the highest and the lowest point being about a hundred meters.

Standing at the highest point, a large number of figures can be seen flocking from two directions, in the ranks of Konoha dominated by dark green, and in the ranks of Suna, white cloth turbans caught the eye, the shape can be determined at a glance that they are adapted to life in arid and desert environment.

"Report! The first and second squadrons have encountered the enemy!"

"Report! The fifth and sixth squadron have met the enemy!"

The flank forces were the first to meet the enemy and enter the battle, information about what was happening there quickly reached Jiraiya.

At this moment, Jiraiya was standing on a hill, looking at the numerous Sunagakure ninja in the distance, a light shone in his eyes.

Fourth Kazekage, Rasa!

The puppet master, Chiyo!

These most powerful ninja of Sunagakure suddenly entered the battlefield at the same time!

"Did they abandon the flanks... no, they're going to passively hold the flanks and begin an aggressive advance along the front..."

Jiraiya quickly understood Sunagakure's strategy.

Sunagakure had made preparations in advance, and now it was impossible to change strategy and move Minato to the frontal battlefield, the key to victory or defeat would be if either of Sunagakure's two flanks collapsed, or if Konoha's frontal army collapsed first!

Thinking about it, Jiraiya couldn't help but laugh.

If Tsunade wasn't here, it would be really troublesome for him to face the Fourth Kazekage and Chiyo alone, so the outcome of the battle would be hard to predict.

But now that there are two Sannin here at once, Jiraiya is well aware of Tsunade's power.... Together, they could definitely withstand the other party's attack!

"I'll leave the flank to you, Minato.... show your strength!"

A light shone in Jiraiya's eyes, then he took a deep breath and shouted, "Third and Fourth Squad, prepare the Fire Jutsus, Fire Bullet Dragon Flame!"

With a shout from Jiraiya, several dozen ninja rushed forward and quickly performed the hand seals, creating a huge stream of fire attribute chakra.

"Katon: Karyū Endan!" (Fire Jutsu: Dragon Flame Fire Bullet )

The Dragon Flame Jutsu was a type of straight line fire Jutsu, but due to numbers, a raging sea of fire was formed. josei

Due to the arid climate of the Wind Country, Sunagakure ninja are very bad at water Jutsu, so when faced with the appearance of the sea of fire, their front ranks slowed down drastically.

But the next moment.

The ground in front of them shook violently.

A great mass of sand erupted from the green grass-covered ground, and in an instant it became a cascade of sand that rushed toward the incoming sea of fire.


The fourth Kazekage Rasa nodded with satisfaction, looking at his wife Karura, and then pressed his hands into the ground, activating his magnetic Kekkei Genkai was unleashed, a terrifying wave of golden sand appeared and rushed towards the forces of Konoha.

Rasa could never become a Kazekage through political games alone, of course he needed to possess enormous power that surpasses countless ninja!


The Konoha ninjas launched a variety of ninjutsu towards the incoming wave of golden sand, but it was all to no avail, soon several people were swallowed up by the golden sand, and let out miserable screams.

"He is worthy of being the new Kazekage of Sunagakure..."

Jiraiya whispered and ran straight towards Rasa.

He could not allow the Kazekage to continue inflicting damage with large-scale attacks, otherwise, his losses would increase at a tremendous rate.


Seeing Jiraiya's move, Rasa laughed coldly, showing no fear, she manipulated the golden sand to sprout countless spikes in Jiraiya's direction.

This was a decisive battle.

No need for unnecessary talks and preliminary attacks.

Kazekage Rasa vs Sannin Jiraiya, this is a battle between the leaders of the troops!

Their clash meant that the battle had entered a more decisive stage, with thousands of ninja on both sides shouting loudly and clashing against each other.

Instantly, a bloody battle broke out!

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