Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 198 Thunder Tempest (Part 2)

Chapter 198 Thunder Tempest (Part 2)

The orc was feeling burning pain all over its body. The hemotoxic poison was destroying its internal organs.

It tried to surpass the poison, but the poison was too strong, and continue to destroy its body.

It started to bleed from its eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, its vision was turning blurry and it was having a hard time holding its consciousness.

It looked up and saw Austin and Layla looking down on it from the sky.

Seeing them the eyes of the orc turned red because of hatred. They were the reason why it was in this miserable state.

Even though it was barely able to hold its conscious, it still wanted to make them pay for what they did to it.

Till now it was the strongest in its den. It was at the top, and most of the time even when it fought against other orcs it was able to easily defeat them.

Because of its already overwhelming power, it did not even need to use its full power to defeat them.

With just its unnatural physical strength it was able to defeat all the orcs who challenged it.

There is one of its skill that it never used. The reason for this was pretty simple.

It never found itself in a situation where it needed to use this skill.

But the current situation is different, it knows if it doesn't take care of the two opponents in front of it, it won't be able to survive.

Even though its body was being destroyed from the inside, the orc was sure it will not die just from it.

Sooner or later its body will be able to surpass the poison, and it will return to normal.

So the only thing that was a threat to it were the two humans in front of it.

So without hesitation, it used the skill that it never used before.

Unique skill 'THUNDER TEMPEST'

Black clouds started to gather in the sky, and the clear sky turned black all of a sudden.


The sound of thunder rumbling reverted all over the mountain range, as all the people present in the mountain range looked in the direction of the sound.

When they looked into the sky, they saw thunderclouds gathering above the mountain range.

In just a few seconds, five kilometers area of the sky above Austin and Layal was covered by black thunderclouds.

Both of them watched as purple thunder moved into black clouds like snakes.

All hairs on their body stood up to no end, and they felt a danger like never before.

It was not only Austin and Layal who were feeling the danger.

The thunderclouds were covering five kilometers of the area, and some hunters who were present in that area were also shaking because of the fear.

The legs of hunters who were present in that area were shaking, and they desperately tried to run away from there.


The sound of thunder rumbling became louder and louder, as the purple thunder moves into the black clouds.

ROAR -!!!

The orc roared out loud once again, and passed out since it used all of its mana.

When the orc roared out loud the sound of thunder rumbling suddenly stopped.

Layal and Austin continue to stare into the sky. The surrounding was deathly silent after the orc roared out loud.

But this silence didn't last long as the next second the hell break loose.

Crackle -!! Crackle -!! Crackle -!! action

Thunder started to rain down from the clouds striking the cylindrical shape barrier and the mountain cliffs within the five kilometers of range.

This cylindrical shape barrier was not part of the formation. Austin and others used an artifact to create it so that the orc won't be able to leave the area of the formation.

Boooommm-! Booooomm-!

Crack... Crack...Crack...

The thunder struck down the barrier and soon cracks started to appear on it.

A panicked expression appeared on Layal and Austin's faces. Each of the thunder strikes that came down from the cloud has the attack power of A rank.

Just seeing the effect of the skill they knew it is a unique skill.

If it was a normal skill they could have just killed the orc, and the skill would have stopped.

But the unique skills are different. As long as you activated them and provided them with enough mana they will not stop until the skill time runs out or you use a more powerful skill to stop it.

Both Layal and Austin don't have any skill more powerful than the thunder tempest so they had no way to stop it.

"Quick, follow me," Layal said to Austin in an urgent tone and flew down towards the center of the formation where the core of the formation is located.

Seeing where Layal was going, Austin immediately understood what she was thinking and followed after her.

The core of the formation was secured by a barrier that is even more powerful than the cylindrical shape barrier. Currently, if they want to survive it was the best place to hide.

Crack... Crack... Cracked

Before they could reach the center of the formation, the cylindrical shape barrier shattered and thunder strike started to rain down inside the barrier.

'Sh*t' Layal and Austin cursed and took out something from their storage ring.

Suddenly Layla was surrounded by a golden barrier and Austin was covered in a bright purple barrier.

Booom-! Booom-!

Thunder strikes rain down on the barriers that they created using their emergency safety artifacts.

Since they were A rank hunters it was normal for them to have one or two safety artifacts.

Soon they reached at the center of the formation and Layal controlled the formation.

Suddenly a barrier that was invisible a second ago appeared before them, and Layal started to open it.

Austin stood behind her trying to stop thunder strikes so that Layal can open the barrier for them.

But suddenly like enraged by Austin, more than ten thunder strikes came raining down towards him.

'F*ck' Austin's eyes opened wide and he wanted to run away from there, but the speed of thunder was too fast.


Strikes of thunders came crashing down on his purple barrier one after another.

The barrier wasn't able to hold against so many thunder strikes and was shattered like glass.

Just as the barrier was shattered another thunder strike came toward him. He tried to dodge the thunder attack but was a step too late.

The thunder arc struck him right on his left shoulder sending him flying backward like a broken kite.

He smashed against the barrier that Layal was opening startling her.

She looked at Austin who smashed against the barrier and was terrified to see, his left shoulder completely disappeared, and thunder was assaulting his open wound as blood continue to flow out uncontrollably.

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