Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 229 A Big Opportunity (Part 2)

Chapter 229 A Big Opportunity (Part 2)

In front of Evan, the appearance of Layla started to change.

The small purple flames burning in her eyes started to disappear. Her pitch black hair which looks like strings of black mana started to turn light golden in colour.

Evan's eyes were wide open as he watched her appearance return to normal.

In just a few seconds the appearance of shadow Layla completely changed, and now she was looking exactly like the original Layla. 

Same golden colour hair, black eyes, red lips, big bo_

"Go back inside shadow storage" Evan shouted while looking at the ceiling of the room. 

He just realized the colour of the room ceiling is completely white. 

An excellent choice! 

Shadow Layla didn't ask anything and immediately went inside shadow storage. 

Evan looked inside Layla's storage ring with twitching eyes, and throw all of the clothes that were inside it into his shadow storage. 

Then he used his skill shadow senses skill and ordered shadow Layla to come out after wearing the clothes. 

After some time shadow Layla came out from his shadow storage fully dressed. 

She was wearing a normal red shirt and a black skirt. She was looking like just a normal beautiful woman.

If other people saw her they won't be able to tell that she is actually not a normal human but a shadow undead.

"How did you change your appearance?" Evan asked without any expression on his face. 

"I have a skill name 'Chameleon Illusion' it allows me to change my appearance however I want," shadow Layla said while looking at Evan. 

"Oh," Evan nodded his head after hearing her, for a moment he thought that all of his shadow undead can take their original appearance.

"Do you have all the skills of the original Layla or did you get new skills after turning into shadow undead?" Evan asked because he forget to ask this question earlier. 

"I didn't get any new skills after transforming, but I still have all the skills that I had before died," shadow Layla said while shaking her head. 

Evan nodded his head and pondered for some time while looking at shadow Layla. 

Now that shadow Layla was looking exactly like the original Layla, she can easily take her place as guild master. 

But there are a few problems that he will have to deal with so that she can become the guild master. 

First and the most important problem is the dark guild. 

Layla was supposed to bring him to Ravenhurst City yesterday. Previously he didn't think too much about it since it wasn't his concern. 

He was thinking about returning to Astrate City after finishing his business here.

He did not care what Sera or the dark guild will do after knowing he somehow escaped and Layla died. 

He was sure that they won't suspect that he, a D+ rank hunter killed Layla who was an A rank hunter.

But now that he wanted to make shadow Layla the new guild master, he will have to prepare a good excuse about why she didn't bring him to Ravenhurst city, and how he escaped from her. 


There is a very high chance they will call her back if she didn't give them a good reason, and if she tries to ignore them they might do something that will destroy the guild completely. 

He wanted shadow Layla to be a guild master, and a member of the dark guild at the same time so that she will be able to provide him latest information about the dark guild. 

At the same time, he will not have to worry about many things if shadow Layla becomes the guild master. 

First, gold rank guilds will have many dungeons under their control. If he made her guild master he will be able to enter in those dungeons without any problems. 

Second, he will not have to worry about money or cores, because the entire treasure vault of the guild will be under his control. 

Third, he will be able to order around the members of the guild to do his bidding, like if he needs cores from a specific monster he can send a team to hunt that monster and bring its core. 

There are many other things that will greatly help a person like him who doesn't have a big background if he made shadow Layla guild master of the sacred heart.

"Alright, even though it will be dangerous for me, the rewards are definitely worth the risk" Evan finally made up his mind and come up with a plan that will allow shadow Layla to fool the dark guild. 

There is no way he will miss such a good opportunity.

"If she became guild master, I won't have to worry about joining another guild in the future so that I can enter A rank dungeons. With this gold rank guild I will be able to enter A rank dungeon without any problem" Evan muttered with his eyes shining.

He doesn't have to reach S rank since he can use the tower of ascension after reaching A rank because of his title rule breaker.

"So are you ready to resume your duty as the guild master of the sacred heart guild," Evan asked shadow Layla with a wide smile.

Just the notion of having a gold rank guild under him made him excited.

"But master what about the dark guild, how are we going to deal with them? They will definitely try to do something since I did not bring you to Ravenhurst city" shadow Layla asked after hearing him.

Evan nodded his head when he heard her, he was happy she can think about these kinds of things without him saying.

It would have been difficult for her to operate the guild if she can't even think about these kinds of basic problems.

"Don't worry about the dark guild, I already have a plan in mind. It will be a little dangerous but I think it will work somehow" Evan said while waving his hand.

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