Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 236 Changes In Skills

Chapter 236 Changes In Skills

When Evan came near Nekros, he saw it was missing one of its hands and its body was heavily injured from all over the places.

Seeing Evan, Nekros stopped using strength enhancement and the crimson aura stopped coming out from its body.

"Let's see" Evan muttered and used his mana to heal Nekros. 

Mana rushed out from his monarch core, and Evan saw Nerkros's body start to return to normal at a speed visible to the naked eyes.

In less than three seconds Nekros returned to normal which surprised Evan because he thought it will take more time.

But what was most surprising for him was the amount of the mana that he used to heal Nekros.

'The mana consumption is lower than I expected' Evan thought feeling relieved.

With his current amount of mana, and his mana recovery speed, Evan felt there won't be any problem even if he will have to heal more shadow undead.

Previously, Evan wanted to tell Nekros don't act recklessly like this again because he wasn't sure how much mana he will have to use to heal them.

But after seeing he doesn't need much mana to heal them, he didn't say anything to it.

When Nerkros was fully healed it looked at Aqua and showed its signature smug smile.

It was obvious that Nekros was telling Aqua that it is stronger than it.

Evan ignored both of the muscle heads and went towards Eclipse who was the only one with the brain.

Eclipse already collected the core dropped by the moss whisperer, and even checked the bodies of the other three monsters.

But it did not find any core in the bodies of the other three monsters.

"Good job Eclipse'" Evan said to Eclipse while patting its head. He also took the core from Eclipse and put it away.

Since his prime core is still damaged he can't absorb any core.

Even if he collected many cores of the thornbloom monster who has energy absorption skill, he won't be able to absorb their cores for now and get the skill.

But Evan was not concerned about this fact.

Since he can't absorb them for now, he will just collect all the cores that he can collect from thornbloom monsters, and will absorb them after his prime core recovers.

Even if he doesn't get the skill in the future after absorbing all the cores that he will collect, he can just ask Illusia to send a team from the guild in the verdant wilds dungeon to farm cores of thorn-blooms.

"Rrrr" Eclipse purred like a cat and rubbed its head against Evan's head when he patted it.

"Did you receive something after turning into shadow undead, Earlier I felt your shadow valley and shadow claw skills were more powerful than normal" Evan asked while rubbing its head. 

The vine crawler was also a B rank monster just like Eclipse, and its defence is above average compared to other monsters. 

But just by using a basic skill like shadow claw Eclipse heavily injured the vine crawler which is not normal. 

"Rrr Rrrr Rrr" Eclipse shook its head while saying something. 

"You did not receive anything new but your skills became more powerful after turning into shadow undead," Evan said in a surprised voice after hearing Eclipse. 

Evan was confused for a moment after hearing Eclipse because the skills of  Nekros and others were still the same and their power did not increase. 

But it did not take him long to realize what was going on. 

'Eclipse was a shadow panther and most of its skills were related to shadows before I turned it into shadow undead. Maybe because of shadow energy the power of skills related to shadow increased' Evan thought and find it possible. 

Just as Evan thought it another thing come into his mind. 

'After reaching to C rank my shadow storage skill is also upgraded could it be my other skills related to shadows also' Evan thought and quickly opened his status window to look at the details of his skills. 

He first looked at dimensional shadow bullets, and just as he expected, this skill was also upgraded. 

The range of his dimensional shadow bullet increased from twenty meters to fifty metres. Now he can use shadows within fifty meters around him to shoot shadow bullets. 

Plus the number of shadow bullets also increased from five to six, and the chances of the blindness effect being activated is now 8% instead of the previous 5%.

After looking at the dimensional shadow bullet he looked at the details of ice chains and found it was still the same. 

Details of wind manipulation were also the same and it did not change. 

"Looks like my guess was right and only my skills related to shadows were upgraded" Evan muttered and looked at the details of shadow walk. 

There was no change in the details of his shadow walk skill, but he knew the stealth effect of his shadow walk skill is way better than before. 

"In future I should try to gather some shadow cores and get skills from them, to see if they will be upgraded because of shadow energy or not," Evan said and sat down at the back of Eclipse. 

He did not collect the bodies of the moss whisperers and vine crawlers because well... A certain one eyed shadow undead turned both of the vine crawlers into meat paste, and moss whisperers were nothing but a mass of rotten moss.

"Let's go Eclipse" Evan patted Eclipse's head and indicated it to move into west direction where the desert is located and thornblooms can be found.


For the first time after turning into a shadow undead, Eclipse roared out loud and started to run in the direction of the desert.

Aqua and Nekros who were bickering saw their master riding on Eclipse's back and leaving from there.

Both of them looked at each other and instantly stopped arguing as they also ran after Eclipse.


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