Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 239 Mirage Blossom Flower (Part 2)

Chapter 239 Mirage Blossom Flower (Part 2)


Suddenly Evan heard a mesmerizing humming sound and a sweet aroma assaulted his nose.

Smelling the aroma Evan's mind became hazy and his eyes turned unfocused. 

He jumped down from Eclipse's back and started to walk in a different direction. 

But the next second his spiritual power surged and he immediately came back to his senses.

"What the hell was that?" just as Evan came back to his senses he felt goosebumps rising all over his body. 

He wasn't able to understand what just happened. 


Suddenly he once again heard the mesmerizing voice and smelled the same aroma. He felt something was trying to invade his mind but this time he was ready and used his spiritual power and easily blocked it. 

Evan looked at his shadow undead and saw they were unaffected by the sound and smell. 

Soon he remembered a piece of information that he read while looking at the details of this dungeon and finally understood what was happening. 

"Looks like my luck is not just for show," Evan said and immediately jumped back on the back of Eclipse. 

He carefully heard the voice and ordered Eclipse to move in its direction. 

Evan summoned back all the shadow undead who can't travel underground back to his shadow. 

Only Nekros and Aqua were left with him, while the shadow undead who can travel through the ground went underground to keep watch and drag out any monster who try to sneak attack on him. 

After five minutes of travelling, Evan saw an oasis. Seeing the oasis a smile appeared on his face. 

"So I was right huh" Evan muttered looking at the oasis. 


The humming sound and the sweet smell was way stronger than before near the oasis but Evan was still able to resist it with his spiritual power.

When he was two hundred meters away from the oasis, he used shadow wings and flew high in the air. 

The oasis was surrounded by lush trees so he wasn't able to see what was inside it from the ground which is why he used his wings. 

When he came high in the sky he saw only the outer area of the oasis was filled with trees, while in the middle of the oasis, a small one hundred square meters wide water pond was located. 

The water pond was covered in a rainbow coloured barrier.

The water of the pond was crystal clear and a rainbow-coloured flower with seven petals was blooming in the middle of it. 

From time to time the flower was shaking and releasing a rainbow-coloured smoke which was spreading in all directions. 


After spreading the rainbow-coloured smoke the flower was making a mesmerizing sound. 

"As expected, it is a 'Mirage Blossom Flower" Evan muttered after seeing the flower. 

Mirage Blossom is a rare plant type monster specialised in spiritual attacks. When Evan was looking at the details of VWD he read about this special plant type monster. 

In the details, it was mentioned that on a very rare occasion, there is a chance that you might encounter a mirage blossom flower inside the desert of VWD. 

This plant type monster appears very rarely and it is quite valuable. 

The body and the roots of this flower can be used to create a potion called 'soul strengthening potion' that can increase the power of your soul. 

Currently, Evan's soul power is already very high and a potion made from this kind of flower won't increase his soul power. 

But there are many people who will willingly pay him millions of credits for this flower. 

"It was written that the entire oasis is the territory of the mirage blossom and it can even control the trees and other things present inside the oasis. 

Evan muttered and a cold smile appeared on his face," too bad this kind of thing is useless against me who has a walking war machine with him" he said and came down from the sky. 

In the details, it was also mentioned that if you encounter a mirage blossom flower, you should avoid it because it is very hard to deal with it, and even if you defeat it, you won't be able to bring the flower out from the dungeon.

But Evan who has a title rule breaker this is a big opportunity to make some money.

"Nekros smash," Evan said to Nekros while pointing at the oasis. 

Hearing Evan a wide smile appeared on Nekros's face. 

It stepped forward and the eye at the middle of its forehead lit up with red light. A large amount of energy gathered inside its eye and after five seconds a scarlet coloured beam shot toward the oasis. 

The trees in the outer area along with vines were ripped apart and immediately disintegrated. 

But there were still many trees left inside the oasis. 

A deep crimson aura started to come out from Nekros's body as it once again used its strength enhancement skill. 


The muscles all over its body bulged out as it jumped high in the sky appearing around seventy meters above the oasis.

Evan saw the leg muscles of Nekros were ripped apart because of using so much force while jumping.

After arriving above the oasis the crimson aura around it intensified even more as it used strength enhancement to its limits and turned into a burning sun.


Nekros folded its body like a ball and shot downwards like a meteorite.


It crashed at the other end of the oasis where most of the trees were left after its earlier beam attack.

All the remaining trees and any other things which were inside the oasis were blasted away scattering in different directions.

The lush oasis turned into a barren land in an instant, and only the pond which was covered in a cracks filled rainbow coloured barrier was completely unaffected by the attack.

The shockwaves were so powerful that even though Evan was two hundred meters away from the oasis, he felt the ground below his feet shaking.

'Is this guy want to annihilate dinosaurs or something' Evan was completely speechless seeing what Nekros just did.

Earlier when he told it to smash the oasis, he thought it will destroy it just like how it smashed the vine crawler and destroyed a large area at that time.

But he never thought it will take it to the next level this time.

Evan slowly walked towards the oasis or the place where the oasis was located a moment ago.

He looked at the barrier covering the pond but ignored it for the time being, and walked toward the wide crater some distance away from the pond.

The crater was twenty meters wide and five meters deep. 

When Evan looked down in the crater and his eyes can't help but twitch.

In the middle of the crater, Nekros was laying with half of its body missing, but on its face, there was still its signature smug smile.josei

Evan can't help but wonder if Nekros is a masochist seeing it was still smiling.

It took more mana to heal Nekros completely which was expected since its injuries were more severe than last time.

After healing Nekroa Evan finally came before the barrier in which the flower was located.

Evan used shadow walk and passed through the barrier without even trying to break it.

When he passed through the barrier he smell and the sound flower was making was very strong, but Evan used his spiritual power to protect his mind and arrived near the flower using shadow wings.

Other than being able to control the entire oasis, the mirage blossom flower doesn't have any kind of offensive skills, and its spiritual skills were useless against him.

"It is time we break up my dear poverty" Evan said while laughing and plucked out the flower.

The rainbow coloured lustre around the flower dimmed a little, but Evan was not worried since it was normal.

He took out a small box from his shadow storage and put it away in it.

"With this my money problem is solved even without robbing the treasury of sacred heart guild" Evan muttered and was about to fly away when he suddenly noticed something in the pond.

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