Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 253 Mana Affinity Fruit

Chapter 253 Mana Affinity Fruit

Evan took out both of the golden fruits from his shadow storage. He was not able to see them properly in the dungeon because he put them away in a hurry, but now that he saw them from up close he can confirm them both of the fruits were the same.

They were the size of an apple and were releasing a sweet aroma.

He looked at the details of one of the fruits and was immediately stunned.

---) Mana Affinity Fruit :- A rare fruit that grows only in places rich in mana. The fruit can increase your control over mana. After eating the fruit your mana consumption for all skills will be reduced by 10 percent and your mana recovery speed will be increased by 50 percent permanently.

"Fifty percent increase in mana recovery and 10% decrease in mana consumption" Even mumbled in a dazed voice and looked at mana affinity fruit like this is the most precious thing in the world.

Just the fact that it can reduce his mana consumption by 10% is beyond his expectations, but this fruit can even increase his mana recovery speed by 50%

The 50% increase in mana recovery speed is especially important to him because of his shadow undeads.

Currently, even though he only has five shadow undeads, their number will definitely increase once he increases the rank of his monarch core.

During a fight, if his shadow undeads get injured or destroyed by someone he will have to use mana to heal or summon them back.

Even though it doesn't cost much mana to heal his shadow undeads, it will be a completely different story once he will have to heal tens of shadow undeads.

At that time the most important thing will be his mana.

After eating this fruit he will be able to recover his mana 50% faster, with this fruit, it will be a lot easier for him to handle his shadow undeads.

"This fruit is something that even an S rank hunter will go insane to obtain" Evan muttered while putting away one of the fruits.

He was not planning to sell the second mana affinity fruit for now. This thing is too precious to sell normally like his mirage blossom flower.

"I can use this fruit to trade with some S rank hunters. I should be able to get some precious artefacts from them since this fruit is even more valuable than an S rank artefact" Evan said while taking a bite of the mana affinity fruit.

The aroma of the fruit was very sweet, but when he took the bite his eyes narrowed because

"Why the hell it is so sour" Evan shouted feeling his tongue going dry.

His nose was feeling sweet because of the aroma while his mouth was sour because of the fruit juice.

Even though he was shouting he did not stop eating and finished the fruit in a few bites.

Just as he finished the fruit he felt a warm feeling spreading all over his body from his stomach.

For a moment his vision changed and he was able to see many small particles around him. All of them were of different colours and were present all around him.

"Are these mana particles?" Evan said looking at the colourful particles around him.

That feeling lasted for about ten minutes before everything returned to normal around him. The warm feeling that was spreading from his stomach also stopped.

Evan took a deep breath and used wind manipulation skill.

He created a small wind tornado on his palm and monitored his mana consumption.

"The consumption is really decreased," Evan said feeling elated when he noticed the mana he used to create the tornado was less than last time.

After confirming the consumption of his mana really decreased by 10% Evan looked at his shadow and summoned the shadow elf.

Now that he knew she is speaking after turning into shadow undead, he was hoping he will get some useful information from her.

The shadow elf appeared before him and stood there without saying anything.

"What is your name?" Evan asked her in elf language.

The shadow elf didn't answer him immediately and continued to look at him, just when he thought she is not going to say anything she shook her head and said, "No name"

"No name?" Evan raised an eyebrow after hearing her, "Are you saying you don't have a name or did you forget what was your name?"

This time again she did not answer immediately, Evan also didn't rush her because he can also see there is something wrong with her.

This time she took even longer than last time before she said, "blurry memory, can't remember"

Even though she did not speak clearly Evan still understand what she is saying.

"Blurry memory, can't remember?" Evan muttered while looking at her with a frown on his face.

'There was no problem with Illousa's memory when I turned her into shadow undead, then why her memories are blurry and she can't remember anything?'

Other than memories problem Evan also noticed she can't speak properly. She speaks like a newborn child who is trying to learn how to speak.

"Were you born into the dungeon?" Evan asked wondering if an elf can also appear in a dungeon just like monsters.

Just like always, the shadow elf did not answer immediately, Evan waited for her to sort out her blurry memories.

After around a minute the elf shook her head and said, "Not in the dungeon"

Evan was stunned for a moment when he heard she was not born into the dungeon. In his eyes, since there is no elf in Arora world he already thought that she was born in the dungeon just like other monsters.

After hearing her he looked at her for some time before asking another question.

"Do you know how you appeared in the dungeon, and what were you doing there?"

The elf stayed silent for some time before she opened her mouth and said "Demons"


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