Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 629 It Is The Carnage! (Part 5)

Chapter 629 It Is The Carnage! (Part 5)

The moment Evan activated the blood manipulation skill, the blood dome started to shake. Blood that was previously invisible became visible and started to gather in front of Evan.

"Don't you dare..." Clone shouted in a rage filled voice when he saw blood that was supposed to be absorbed by the dome gathering in front of Evan.

Suddenly a suction force erupted from the dome and all the blood that Evan had gathered in front of him started to move towards the dome once again.

"You think you are the only one who can absorb the blood," Evan sneered when he felt the suction force coming from the dome and lifted his hand.

"Energy Devouring," Devouring vines came out of his palm and wrapped around the blood he was continuously gathering by using the blood manipulation skill. The green devouring vines turned red and started to absorb all the blood that Evan was gathering.

Through the devouring vines, a huge amount of energy rushed inside Evan's body....But since Evan's both of the cores were already at S rank, all the energy that he absorbed through the vines was expelled from his body.

Although the energy was expelled, Evan didn't care because the energy he had expelled could not be absorbed by the dome.

Clone's slightly red skin turned pure red because of anger when he saw what Evan was doing and a dangerous aura filled the surroundings.

Evan's face turned serious when he felt Clone's dangerous aura and he used twenty percent of his mana in one go to use the blood manipulation skill.

Just as Evan used the twenty percent of his mana, the blood dome started to crack.

'The foundation of this blood dome weakened greatly now that it can't absorb the blood, if I break it, I should be able to stop the rampaging scene that is happening outside,' Evan thought and along with Blood Manipulation, he activated Gravity Manipulation as well.

While talking with Clone earlier, Evan noticed that the mental energy waves that were spreading outside of the dungeon were actually coming out from the blood dome. Not only that, all the blood that came inside the dungeon from the portal was being absorbed by the dome, and Clone was absorbing that blood through his connection with the dome. The more blood Clone absorbs the more powerful his aura becomes.

By absorbing the blood of the people, Clone was not only changing his life essence so that he could escape from the dungeon, but he was also recovering the powers that he lost after creating the ability bead.

The energy fluctuations that were coming out of the dungeon portal when Evan entered were A rank because of the backlash he had received after creating the ability bead.

But the energy fluctuations of the dungeon had already reached S Rank and if Evan wanted to stop him from recovering his full power, he had to destroy the blood dome first.

Even though Evan had cut off its energy supply by using the blood manipulation skill, it was still not an easy task to destroy the blood dome. It would have been easier if he could go inside the blood dome and destroy it from inside by killing Clone, but the blood dome was filled with Miasma and that miasma was giving him a sense of extreme danger.

Evan didn't want to enter the blood dome rashly and get trapped inside which is why he could only try to destroy it from outside.


When Evan used the gravity manipulation skill along with the blood manipulation, the dome started to shake and the cracks that were present on it enlarged.

"Don't think you can do whatever you want here," Clone shouted in a rage filled voice when he saw the dome was cracking and used the miasma to cover it from inside.

Just as Clone covered the dome with the miasma, the cracks that had appeared on it started to recover. The suction force of the dome became stronger and Evan wasn't able to stop the blood even by using the blood manipulation skill.

The dome once again started to absorb blood and Clone's aura started to increase.

"Darn it," Evan cursed and tried to stop the blood from being absorbed by the dome. But the suction force that was coming out from the dome after it was covered by the miasma was far too strong and Evan couldn't do anything about it.

"You just wait there. Once I fully recover my strength I will give you a painful death," Clone shouted with a furious smile on his face and continued to absorb the blood through the dome.

"Fine, since you want to play the turtle game I will play with you seriously," Evan said and stopped using his skills.

After deactivating his skills, Evan turned around and left from there.

"Is he thinking about running away?" Clone muttered, but he didn't try to stop Evan.

Soon Evan disappeared from his sight. Although Clone was confused as to what Evan was trying to do, he didn't think too much about it and continued to absorb the blood to recover his powers.

Three minutes later, Clone noticed Evan flying back towards him.

"Why did he come back?" Clone raised an eyebrow when he noticed Evan.

Evan didn't say anything after coming back and stopped a few metres above the blood dome. After stopping, he looked at Clone from the sky and grinned.

Seeing the grin on Evan's face, a bad feeling started to grow in Clone's heart.

"Thunder Tempest," Evan said and black lightning clouds started to gather above the the blood dome.


Black lightning arcs started thundering inside the cloud and within a few seconds, the cloud of lightning spread over fifty kilometres.


Giant bolts of black lightning that were filled with fearsome powers moved inside the cloud like snakes. Looking at the giant lightning cloud, Clone gulped down his saliva and used more miasma to cover the blood dome.

Evan ignored what Clone was doing and looked at the lightning cloud with a serious look on his face.

Once the lightning cloud was fully formed, he controlled it by using his spiritual power, and the size of the cloud started to shrink.

The lightning arcs that were moving inside the cloud also started to gather at the same place and merged with other lightning arcs.

In less than one minute, the lightning cloud which was fifty kilometres big shrieked to the size of three kilometres and all the lightning arcs within it merged into one giant lightning arc.


The giant lightning arc crackled inside the cloud like an ancient dragon and a terrifying aura filled the dungeon.

Beads of sweat rolled down from Evan's forehead and he looked at the lightning cloud with a wide smile on his face. He took a deep breath after everything was done and looked at Clone who was staring at the lightning cloud.

"Try your best to survive, you ass*ole," Evan shouted and used fifty thousand souls as fuel to increase the power of the lightning cloud. action

The moment Evan used fifty thousand souls, a white aura enveloped the black cloud.

A dangerous aura that was far more powerful than before filled the dungeon and all the hairs on Evan's body stood up to no end.

Evan rarely uses the soul absorption skill to increase the power of his skills because this skill is a double-edged sword. By using this skill, he can increase the power of any skill beyond its original limit. After increasing the power of any skill by using soul absorption, Evan can't control that skill like his normal skills.

He had used the soul absorption skill a few times In the past and every time he used it, he was either injured or was not able to control his skill properly.

During some of his tests, he used soul absorption to increase the power of non lethal skills like Ice Chains. But when he increased the power of the Ice Chains skill, Evan found the mental energy consumption for the skill increased by at least three times and it became incredibly hard for him to control the Ice Chains and bind his targets.

The shadow bullet skill was the same. When he increased its power using the soul absorption skill, he was not able to control the bullet and the mental energy consumption to control the bullet also increased greatly.

Although the soul absorption skill was powerful, there were still many risks in using it, which is why Evan does not use it unless necessary.

But now things were a little different. Now he had something that could help him escape from the onslaught of the skills that could kill him after he increases their power by using soul absorption skill.

The moment Evan used fifty thousand souls and felt the aura of death engulfing his body, he did not wait even for a second and used his newly gained skill, Soul Beacon. He disappeared over the Blood Dome and appeared two thousand kilometres away, where he had earlier placed the B+ Rank Soul Beacon.


A crackling sound like the roar of an ancient beast reverted throughout the dungeon and Evan saw a bright flash of lighting erupting from the direction of the dungeon.

Although he was two thousand kilometres away from the blood dome, Evan still felt powerful energy waves of lightning coming in his direction.

The energy waves of lightning lasted for about one hour. After one hour, Evan slowly flew in the direction of the blood dome.

While flying towards the blood dome, Evan looked at the surroundings of the dungeon and he saw only one thing.

Complete Destruction!

Everything was destroyed and the white lightning arcs were still cracking on the ground.

Soon Evan reached the place where the blood dome used to be... And when he saw the condition of the place where the blood dome was located, a smile appeared on his face.

The blood dome and miasma disappeared from the place without leaving behind a single trace.

The only thing that dissatisfied Evan was that Clone was still standing in the spot where the blood dome used to be and from his condition, Evan could tell that he was only superficially injured.

'Looks like that Miasma was far stronger than I initially thought' Evan thought when he saw Clone was still alive.

Suddenly Clone lifted his head and looked at Evan. His yellow eyes blazed with coldness and a burst of red flames erupted from his body.

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