Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 634 Life Rain

Chapter 634 Life Rain

A bright white light flashed in the middle of the wilderness and out of nowhere, Evan appeared just outside of the dungeon portal.


Just as Evan appeared outside of the dungeon, he heard the sound of something cracking and noticed the golden barrier that was covering the dungeon portal was breaking.

Crack... Crack... Cracked

Soon the cracks spread all over the barrier like spiderwebs and like a fragile glass, the golden barrier broke into countless motes of light.


Just as the barrier broke, the dungeon portal shrank and disappeared from the wilderness of Central City.


Evan once again dropped to the ground after the dungeon portal disappeared and panted heavily.

The adrenaline boost he had received earlier in order to search for the clearing reward ended and now he was exhausted beyond belief.

Without even looking at the reward he picked up at the last second before being sent out of the dungeon, Evan closed his eyes and tried to adjust his breathing.

Around thirty minutes later, the cool down time of the Death Transfer skill ended and Evan used the skill to return back to his peak condition.

To Evan's surprise, after using the Death Transfer skill he noticed that the shadow undead of the flame demon whom he chose as the target to transfer his injury was completely fine and wasn't affected at all even though he had used the Death Transfer skill on him.

'I was in a weakened condition because I had lost 50% of my blood essence, but this situation doesn't affect the shadow undead of the flame demon because my shadow undeads don't have blood inside their bodies,' Evan thought inwardly and stood up.

After standing up, he finally looked at the thing he had picked up just before leaving the dungeon.

"What is this?" Evan raised an eyebrow when he saw the thing that he had picked up before leaving the dungeon was actually a five centimetres long black stick.

He focused his gaze on the stick and its details appeared in front of his retina.

---) Small broken fragment of the realm glyph.

(Do you want to absorb the fragment of the realm glyph?)


"Realm glyph..." Evan narrowed his eyes when he saw the notification in front of him.

"If I am not wrong my bloodline awakened because of the realm glyphs..." He muttered and scrolled back the notifications he had received in the past few days and soon saw the notification he was looking for.

(Your Bloodline is awakening because of the Realm Glyphs)

Evan looked at the notification for a few seconds and scratched the back of his head.

"Should I absorb it?" He muttered in an uncertain voice while looking at the small fragment of the realm glyph.

Although his bloodline awakened due to the realm glyph, Evan still wasn't sure what exactly this thing was.

"Since it is a reward it shouldn't be a bad thing, right?" He said to himself and finally chose to absorb the realm glyph.

The moment Evan chose yes, the realm glyph fragment turned into black liquid and went inside his body. Evan monitored the black liquid using his spiritual senses and noticed the black liquid merged with his bones after going inside his body.

The realm glyphs that were engraved on his bones flashed for a split second when the small fragment merged with his bones.

When the realm glyphs flashed, Evan felt a strange connection with something, but since the realm glyphs flashed only for a brief moment, Evan wasn't able to understand what that connection was.

Once the fragment of the realm glyph merged with his bones, Evan looked at his body carefully, hoping something would happen.

But even after five minutes, nothing happened.

"Don't tell me that fragment was useless..." Evan said with a twitching mouth and looked at his body a few more times.

After looking at his body for another ten minutes, Evan finally came to a conclusion.

"So that thing was really useless..." He said in a barely audible voice.

Just thinking about how he tried his best to pick up that useless thing despite his weak condition made his heart ache.

"Sigh... Forget it, it is not like I can change anything now." Evan said to himself and looked at his shadow undeads.

He summoned them back into his shadow storage and flew in the direction of Central City.

Now that the dungeon was cleared, the mental energy waves that were affecting the minds of people stopped as well.

When he reached the city walls, Evan came across the shadow undeads of the blood demons who were standing with a large puddle of blood hovering in front of them.

During this entire time, the shadow undeads of the blood demons were trying to stop the blood that was going towards the dungeon portal so the amount of blood they had collected during this entire time was nothing to scoff at.

"What should I do with this blood?" Evan muttered in an uncertain voice, looking at the puddle of blood that the blood demons were controlling.

Now that both of his cores were at S rank, he couldn't even absorb the blood using the Energy Devouring skill to increase the rank of his cores. If he absorbs it using the energy devouring, all the blood will just go to the waste.

"Although I can store this blood inside my shadow storage it just doesn't sound right to me," Evan said and looked at the shadow undeads of the blood demons.

"Do you have any use for this blood?"

"Yes Master," All the blood demons said at the same time when Evan asked them. "We can store this blood inside our body using the blood bank skill and can use the stored blood to increase our power during a fight by using the blood boost skill."

Evan raised an eyebrow when he heard the blood demons.

'A skill that allows them to store blood inside their bodies and a skill that allows them to use that stored blood to increase their power' Evan said inwardly and thought about taking these two skills by using the second effect of his growth link skill so that he can also use this method in future to increase his power during a fight.

"Since you can use this blood then go ahead," Evan said and flew inside the Central City.

When Evan came inside the city, he saw the entire city was in a complete mess. Because of the Sprite Cuckoos' skill, people were sleeping everywhere.... and when Evan flew deeper into the city and reached an area where the Sprite Cuckoos had not yet reached, he saw that some people with weaker willpower had gone crazy because of the earlier mental waves and were still trying to attack people.

On top of that, many people who were put to sleep by the Sprite Cuckoos were still injured because of what had happened before they were put to sleep and were bleeding heavily.

Just by looking at the condition of those people, Evan could tell that if they did not get timely treatment, it was certain that many of them would die.

"What a mess..." Evan muttered in a frustrated voice because he thought that everything would return to normal once he solved the problem of the dungeon, but looking at the situation, he knew that the mess was far from over.

"At least most of the hunters who are above C rank returned to normal and now are trying to stabilize the City," Evan said and took a deep breath.

'Although now I have four thousand shadow undeads the only person who can use healing magic among them is Elysia' Evan said inwardly and summoned her.

Evan wanted to create more shadow undeads who could use healing magic, but the problem is that the monsters who can use healing magic are very rare.

Even though he had killed millions of monsters, he never encountered any monsters who could use healing magic.

"Come to think of it, Elysia is also most likely an essence clone. I wonder if I will face any kind of problem because of this once I go to Utopia," Evan said in a low voice after summoning Elysia.

He looked at her for a few seconds and rubbed his chin.

'Well... from the way she behaves I am certain that she is the essence clone of a thick-headed elf woman' Evan thought and nodded his head with certainty.

"Master, you are thinking something rude about me, right?" Suddenly Evan heard Elysia's voice and saw she was looking at him with narrowed eyes.


"It is just your imagination," Evan coughed lightly and pointed at people who were lying unconscious on the ground.

"Can you heal those guys?"

Elysia looked at Evan for a few extra seconds after hearing him and finally nodded her head. She lifted one of her hands towards the sky.


A white halo that was filled with vitality enveloped Elysia's body and she started to chant something in elvish language.

'Did she receive a new skill after reaching S rank?' Evan thought inwardly when he saw Elysia was using a new skill.

After a few seconds, Elysia stopped chanting and the white halo around her body gathered at the palm of her hand which she had lifted towards the sky earlier.

"Life Rain" Elysia said and the white light that gathered at the palm of her hand shot towards the sky.

"Life Rain..." Evan raised an eyebrow when he heard the name of the skill and used the second effect of the growth link skill to look at its details.... And the moment he looked at the details of the skill, his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"Fu*k, I also want to become a shadow undead."

---) Life Rain (Unique Skill): Sacrifice 90% of your stamina to call upon a gentle rain of healing droplets within an area of one hundred kilometres. Each drop of rain possesses potent revitalizing properties that can heal even grave wounds. There is no cool down time for the Life Rain skill, but once you use this skill, you won't be able to recover your stamina for the next ten hours no matter what.

Evan took a few deep breaths after reading the details of the skill and looked at the white drops that were raining down from the sky with a dead look on his face.

"This is fu*king cheating..." He muttered in a low voice and looked at Elysia enviously.

For normal people, using the Life Rain skill will put a great burden on their bodies because they will lose 90% of their stamina and will not be able to recover it for the next ten hours no matter what they do but... Elysia is different from the normal people.

She is a shadow undead which means she has unlimited stamina. If she wants, she can use the Life Rain skill all the time without worrying about anything.

"Now she is a walking healing machine," Evan said as he watched Elysia moving all over the city to heal the people using the life rain skill.

"Man, if this was an area of attack type skill instead of healing..." Evan muttered and felt a chill running down his spine. Just thinking about a skill that he could use to wreak havoc 24×7 without stopping made his blood boil in excitement.

Evan used his spiritual senses and noticed people of the city were returning to normal because of Elysia's life rain skill.

After confirming that Elysia could heal the people of the city, Evan ignored her and looked around him. action

"Now that I have completed most of the things that I wanted to do in Arora World I can use the Tower of Ascension to go to Utopia," Evan said to himself and stretched his body.

"It's a pity that that guy Noah, and Nate escaped somewhere. They were both quite special and I wanted to turn them into my shadow undeads."

Suddenly Evan thought about something and his eyes lit up.

"Although I'm not sure about Noah, I think I can still find Nate," He said and flew in a certain direction of Central City.

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