Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 643 World Domain

Chapter 643 World Domain

"Soul Search," Evan said and a small black dot went inside Grunk's body.

"Arghh" The moment the black dot went inside his body, Grunk was jolted awake and an inhuman scream escaped from his mouth. Blood started to flow out from his eyes and his heart nearly stopped beating. Evan watched Grunk without any expression on his face and soon the black dot that went inside his body came out.

After coming out, the black dot touched Evan's forehead and went inside his mind. Just as the black dot went inside his head, a large amount of information started to appear in his mind.

Evan furrowed his eyebrows because he felt a mild headache due to the large amount of information that was coming into his mind.

Using his high spiritual power, Evan sorted out the useful information and in just half an hour, he got all the information that he wanted.

After knowing where he was Evan couldn't help but look at Grunk with narrowed eyes. Although Grunk was still alive, his condition was quite bad especially after Evan used the soul search skill on him.

Evan looked at Grunk for a few seconds before he pointed one of his fingers in his direction. The shadow energy inside his body moved and soon a pitch black bullet formed in front of his finger.


He shot the bullet at Grunk and the shadow bullet destroyed Gurnk's brain, granting him an instant death.

But as soon as Grunk died, something strange happened. The moment Gurnk died, a strange energy covered his dead body and in less than one second, his entire body turned into dust.

Although Evan already knew what was happening, he was still quite shocked when he saw this.

"There is not even the soul orb that I can absorb using soul absorption skill," Evan muttered in a low voice and looked in the direction of the Tower Of Ascension.

He took a deep breath and picked up Grunk's storage ring from the ground.

"After knowing there are Rank One Evolvers I was thinking about turning some of the as*holes into my shadow undeads, but it seems I can't create shadow undeads in this place," Evan muttered after picking up the storage ring and flew back into the direction of the city.

According to information that he received after using the soul search, Evan knows this place is called the World Domain.

The World Domain is the place where people of different worlds appear once they try to use the Tower Of Ascension.

Similar to Arora World, there are many other different lower worlds as well.

The Tower Of Ascension that the people of the Lower Worlds see in their world is just a projection of the real Tower Of Ascension that is located in this World Domain. After reaching S rank when someone enters the magic mist generated by the projection of the Tower Of Ascension, they will be teleported here, to the World Domain where the real Tower Of Ascension is located.

After arriving in World Domain people can stay here only for one month before they will be forcefully expelled from here and will be sent inside the Tower Of Ascension.

During this one month, they can gather some resources that will be helpful for them once they go to Utopia. In other words, you can say that the World Domain is the place where you can earn some of the pocket money so that you won't have to become a beggar once you go to Utopia. Of course, if you don't want to stay here you can use the Tower Of Ascension immediately and leave from here, but using the Tower Of Ascension is not an easy task because it is under the control of people of the four great clans.

Although people can stay here only for one month, there is a method that can allow people to stay here for a longer period of time... And that method is to sign a contract with one of the four great clans of the World Domain.

The people of the four great clans are actually the natives of the World Domain. The four great clans are Frostfall Alliance, Warlord Gang, Moon Spider Nest and Phantom World.

Frostfall Alliance is led by the native humans of the World Domain.

Warlord Gang is led by the Native Orcs.

Moon Spider Nest is led by a monster called Moon Spider and the Phantom World is led by native phantom cats of the World Domain.

According to information that Evan received after using the Soul Search skill, other than these fours, there are other great clans as well but they are located in the different cities of the World Domain. If Evan wanted to go to another city of the world domain, even with his current speed it would take him at least one month because the world domain is very big and the distance between each city is simply vast.

Generally speaking, as long as the people who enter the world domain to use the Tower Of Ascension don't harm the natives of the four great clans, the people of the four great can't do anything against them. It is the rule of the World Domain that the natives of this place can't harm the people who came here to use the Tower Of Ascension unless they do something wrong.

But the same can't be said for the people who signed the contract with the four great clans. The people who signed a contract with one of the four great clans in order to extend their stay period in the World Domain can still make a move against the people who come to the World Domain to use the Tower Of Ascension.

The world domain is vast and the natives of the four great clans require a large number of people to gather resources. They cannot directly force the people who come here to work for them, but by offering people a contract that can allow them to stay here for an extended period of time, they can order these people to force other people to sign contracts with them.

Honestly speaking, Evan was actually quite confused after using the soul search skill because there were many things that he did not understand due to the low intelligence of Grunk.

Due to Grunk's low intelligence and his low standing in the warlord gang, the information Evan received from him was broken. There were many things that he did not understand about the contract and even the purpose of the four great clans was not clear.

Instead of clearing his doubts, the information he received from Grunk actually increased the doubts he had. action

"I need to use the soul search on someone whose position is high among the natives of the four great clans if I want to get a clear idea about what is happening here," Evan muttered and rubbed his temples.

"I wonder if that guy Nate is also here in World Domain or if he left for Utopia," Evan said to himself as he landed outside of the city. "He left for the Tower Of Ascension six months before me so there is a high chance that he might have already used the Tower Of Ascension and went to Utopia."

"Well, it doesn't matter what happened to that guy. As long as he doesn't appear in front of me again I couldn't care less about him." Evan said and finally entered the city.

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