Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 310

Chapter 310: Interitus And Cleobis (II)

Rezar leaped back into the water, with Screet shaking his head at that. they were at least 2 kilometers away from the shore, yet their vessel had been sunk, but be that as it may be getting to dry land was not a problem. Rezar plunged into the cold embrace of the sea, the figure of the massive wyvern could be seen as it surged through the waves, heading in the direction of the shore in an attempt to get away from Screet and Rezar. But there was no way he was letting it get away, as Rezar's form seemed to tense, and he shot forwards like a torpedo under water.

The wyvern suddenly felt cold, like a warning of impending doom rapidly approaching from behind it as death and destruction seemed to be catching up on it. The wyvern turned its head to look behind it; it immediately widened its undead eyes when it saw Rezar's rapidly approaching figure. It felt its tail fin stiffen as it flapped its wings within the ocean as it rushed forwards, eager to get away from Rezar and the demonic grin on his face. Rezar was somewhat intrigued by this wyvern, and not just because of its incredibly large size, but because it was made from a combination of corpses of different creatures, completely stitched together.

The wyvern surged out of the ocean, landing on the shores of the Hion wetlands, it was about to rush forwards when it felt a warm touch on its dead tail. The wyvern let out a squawk of protest as the other undead on the wetlands noticed it being dragged backwards. The wyvern dug it's claws into the ground, struggling with all of its power to not get dragged back to what he considered unbeatable monsters, but there was no way it was escaping the grasp that now held on tightly to it.

Rezar planted his feet deeply into the ground, his legs sinking in all up until his knees due to the current wet terrain. He twisted his body as he pulled hard, hoping to lift the wyvern over his head and send it crashing into the ocean behind him. But instead the tail of the wyvern got pulled off, as a stream of black coagulated blood poured out in tandem with ear piercing roar the wyvern released. The tail in his hand immediately turned to dust as, flecks of skin and parts of bodies came apart from it, before fading and being blown away by the wind.

Rezar opened his eyes wide as the suspicion about what made this wyvern seemed to settle in. it was extremely horrifying and scary, and completely unlike anything he has ever seen or expected. This kind of necromantic magic left him feeling sick to his stomach. If this was the work of a necromancer or some other death class holder, Rezar wasn't exactly sure who or why, but be that as it may he had a date with some really twisted and perverted death class holder.

The wyvern seemed to be made from the stitched together body part of a lot of living beings. The curveball to that was that they were all sentient races, and none of them were animals or just parts of animals or monsters for that matter. And while he just got a skill to govern it, he could feel souls, hundreds of them all stitched underneath the patched skin of the undead wyvern. To say he was angry was an understatement, no wonder death wanted to put an end to this current generation of death class holders...they were too unhinged.

The wyvern turned, looking behind at Rezar with a fearful look on its face, but that was not enough to stop Rezar as he pulled out Vita Gratia, separating both blades as he used Mana charge to begin charging his skills. The wyvern could feel an aura wafting off of him, it was something that with its recently awakened consciousness, it could feel in every facet of the world. It really wished that at this very moment it's master was here to save it from what it knew would most definitely be a gruesome death. But Rezar had no intention of letting this wyvern go without completely destroying it, bit by bit.

[Mana Blade]

A massive sword beam flashed out from both blades of Vita Gratia, slicing into the undead wyvern, and stretching forwards for another 20 meters before dissipating, after decimating all of the other undead in its pathway. It was an extremely crazy move and it had caught quite a few spectating people off guard. And at this point it had very well alerted those who were in charge of this undead army about the state of the current situation.

And no one felt it more than the death class holder who the wyvern belonged to. He could feel his infernal creature of death and flesh become utterly destroyed, it's consciousness also burnt into nothingness. It was as if Rezar had lit up a beacon to announce to the entire Hion wetlands that he had arrived, and that beacon was received loud and clear. Rezar sheathed both blades as whatever was left of the wyvern turned to dust and began to evaporate, the wind taking what was left of the residues with it, hopefully to a better place where all of these lost lives will find peace.

"That would draw too much attention master, are you sure that was a good idea?" Screet asked as he came closer, the rest of the sailors making their way onto the shore with the help of Quentin, Jason and Brutus. As for Roran, the venoik was hunched over in one corner heaving and emptying the contents of his stomach over a small patch of dry land. And given how said land started smoking and turning I to a king of purplish slag, Rezar envisioned it would be wise for everyone else to keep a fair distance away from the venoik, especially now when he wasn't exactly in complete control of his facilities.

"who the fuck does you guys think you're doing! This land is the private property of the theocracy, leave before we visit the wrath of the holy one upon you!"

A well dressed and moderately armored priest ran out towards them with a Mace and a shield, his boots made squelch like sounds as he ran towards them while the rest of the undead turned slowly towards Rezar's direction. Rezar turned to Screet and then back to Quentin, hoping to see if anyone else was as amused by the words of this young priest as he was, but they all had on the most stoic of faces, making Rezar grumble under his breath about hardass undead warriors without a sense of humor.

"So is it holy to play around with a bunch of undead, to actually have them as an army? Wow I must say the theocracy is quite broad in the scope of things it accepts as holy." Rezar mocked and turned to see if there was anyone who would laugh with him again, but just like the first time the results were still the same. Rezar had to resist the urge to let out a groan of frustration as the priest started glowing.

"I warn you, I'm imbued with a fo0rce of holiness to banish evil, but it will also destroy bandits such as yourself, now Leave!"

There was a shockwave released from the body of the priest, however all it did was slightly rustle the small patches of vegetation within the wetlands, and ruffled a bit of Rezar and his entourage clothes' and armor. The priest looked a bit shocked that did not even seem to blink or move a muscle from his display of power, for what it was worth, Rezar gave him an 8 for effort and the whole wizard 'you shall not pass' vibe he had going on.

But it was weird, there was supposed to be a little bit mo0re resistance than what he was facing he could see at least two thousand undead here, yet they were moving dully and looking ahead dumbly like they had no aim or direction. And as far as undead go, this would only be possible if their master and creator was nowhere in the immediate vicinity to give them orders. But Rezar was sure they'll be here soon, but it wasn't quite understandable why they weren't close to their army of the dead.

"I said you should leave!" the priest shouted again, this time smashing his mace into onto his small shield and releasing a golden wave of energy that had a stronger breeze than the last one. It was somewhat refreshing and caused something to stir within the heart of Rezar, but be that as it may he couldn't help himself as he burst out laughing, the look on the face of the priest making this moment even more worth it.josei

"Oh that's so cute… well enough jokes. Go tell whoever the fuck is in charge here that King Rezar of Morte Bianca has come for a visit, we should have some tea…. Or maybe blood?" Rezar finished with a sinister smile as his fangs slowly grew out, and the only reply he could get from the priest was.

"Oh fuck!"

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