Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 312

Chapter 312: The First Tribe (II):

The Danse Macabre touched down almost 50 meters from the gathering of the First Tribe. They were ready for her, all armed to the teeth and ready to rain totemic destruction on what they probably considered invaders. But then again Lenore could not be bothered, at least not yet. It wasn't as if something couldn't go wrong, but as it stands she was aiming for a diplomatic approach, though frankly speaking she didn't think this rabble of savages would be all too willing to give her a listening ear, but never the less she had something she had to do here, no matter how this was going to turn out, she had to prove not just herself but everyone else that she can and could handle matters without having to set entire civilizations on fire.

"Halt! Who are you! And why have you come to the first tribe with your weapons of war?" Lenore raised an eyebrow, a quirk that she had invariably copied from Rezar on account of how cool it made him look. But it also made him seem nonchalant, uncaring and unfeeling, and in some cases where you have to prove that you were in a position of power, that was a cool look to have

"I am first general Lenore of Morte Bianca, and I have a mandate from my king to bring tidings to the first tribe, I will like to meet with your leader." Lenore kept her gaze fierce, she had to let these people know that she was not someone to be trifled with, and even more that she was representing a kingdom and power than cannot be trifled with. Lenore was ready to show the might of Morte Bianca and Rezar, but above all, she was going to be showing her own might too.

"You are from the kingdom where the dead roams? The pure land infested by corpses! what do you want?" a woman that Lenore would have described as an old crone spoke up, her hair a cluster of grey dreads with the skulls of tiny creatures braided or sewn into it.

"I just told you why I'm here, are you deaf?" Lenore asked, and it that moment she knew she might have made a mistake with the tone of voice and the fact that she had just thrown an insult along with it. But propriety be damned, Lenore would not bow her head or her dignity for some old crone who has probably not had a dick shoved into her in a thousand years.

The old crone blanched and her wrinkled face took on a fierce glare that would have shaken most people, but Lenore was not most people as she responded with a sizzle of electricity dancing allover her body. the crone raised an eyebrow at that and took a step back, a small pressure being released off her body as she too prepared to fight, and the rest of the first tribes with her seemed ready and willing to get down. The soldiers that followed Lenore had their weapons ready and pointed in the direction of the first tribe.

"Enough! Lenore of Morte Bianca, I acknowledge your presence amongst my people, but you will not disrespect my grandmother! There is absolutely no need for conflict, you say you bring tidings to my doorstep from the son of death, well I, the son of life will listen or receive whatever tidings you say you have brought and will respond in kind, depending on what it is."

Lenore raised both her eyebrows at the new arrival, then she took a step back to look at him properly. You could almost say he was a carbon copy of Rezar. Dark skinned, white hair and piercing blue eyes that denotes him as a death class user. But then again the goddess of death was also the goddess of life, though the biancans mainly paid attention to her death aspect. But he was quite young, probably around twenty or there about, and with then characteristics he was showing, this kid was probably on the list of people the goddess of death wanted Rezar to kill, so there was no way any form of diplomacy was going to last. Lenore was set up to fail even before she had a chance to start, and it was all by fucking fate.

But then again this was no sweat of her shoulder, she wasn't so worried about the outcome, all she wanted to do was to try and see if she could find a better way to solve the task that was in front of her. The death of hundreds if not thousands of innocents was not something she wanted to add to her already long resume. But be that as it may, this was what was now in front of her, and while she knew it definitely won't end well, as the King's mission is his kingdom's mission, she just felt like going with the flow.

"His Majesty king Rezar has heard that you have made a deal with the theocracy for an alliance, that you would both be joining forces in order to bring the light that is Morte Bianca down into everlasting darkness. I have come to deter you from such a rash course of action as the consequences of that is not one that you would be ready or prepared to face. So in your best interest the king has offered a better deal. Stand down and do not encroach on his borders, and then there will be no conflict and your people will be spared a tragedy the likes of which they have never seen before."

The leader of the first tribe furrowed his eyebrows, Lenore noticed that he had been caught off guard when she had mention that he had made a deal with the theocracy, which means that meeting was supposed to be a secret, or it was purposefully leaked out. He seemed like someone inclined to politics, but the not the kind that's done in a ballroom and have to do with alliances and betrayals. He was the leader of a wanderer race. They were oriental, tribalistic and somewhat barbaric. You could say they were orcs that looked a little bit more human.josei

"if you don't mind me asking, how did you find out about the alliance with the theocracy?" he asked as his fist clenched, a hint of power whirling around it. Lenore smiled at that, it was something Rezar did all the time when he was caught off guard or he was about to kill someone. The only problem was that you would never know that he was about to take your head off. He would smile at you, and not the glare that this pale imitation of him was giving.

"Is there something funny about what I just said?" he asked, as the glare on his face seemed to intensify.

"No, there's nothing funny about it, it's just I find your reaction to the news amusing. And as for the answer to your question, it is not my place and even if it was, you're not someone I think is worthy of knowing the secrets of our kingdom. So yes! I do mind telling you how we got that information. Now if you don't mind, give me an answer to my own offer, are you backing down and staying in your 'place!' or do you really want to force the hand of my King?"

It was almost as if the entire tribe was seeing red, Lenore could see the anger on each of their faces at the dismissive way she had spoken to their leader. But diplomacy aside knowing he was a death class user, or at least some sort of special class that gave him a similar outlook to what Rezar had. There was no way this would work. Conflict was inevitable.

"Very well then, I will give you an answer. If your stupid king of bones and corpses doesn't want a fight, then he should return by chosen bride to me. For he has taken that which does not belong to him, she belongs to me and to my tribe!" Lenore look confused, what the fuck was this guy talking about?

"What in the death Goddess name are you talking about. My king is absolute and supreme; he has no woman of yours!"

"are you sure! Gynaika De La Muerte is the chosen high priestess of the first tribe, the next shaman mother and spiritual leader. The woman who is to take my divine seed and bear the divine heir that would trample all of Morte Bianca underneath their feet. Tell your king to return my bride!"

Lenore shook her head, she was laughing and at the same time she couldn't help the string of curses that was let loose out of her mouth.

"That scheming piece of shit! Fuck! That conniving little bitch! Hahhahhahaha well played Gynaika, well played! So you sent me here to do all of your dirty work. Very well then. I have a message for you from your queen... die!"

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