Necropolis Immortal

Chapter 1830.1

Chapter 1830.1: Despicable

Chapter 1830.1: Despicable

The Golden Dragon King’s projection self detonated after he read the latest issue of the spirit paper. With the next issue, however, not only did smoke billow from his orifices, but his mind exploded as well.

“This is ridiculous, he goes too far, simply too far!” Thoroughly enraged, the outsiders never considered that Lu Yun would commit such an action. Not only were the supremes infuriated, but so were beings above supreme ready to crush the Land of Reincarnation.

Quietly biding their time all this while, the Corpse Refiners stirred with activity as they prepared to reenter the fourth realm.

The next important matter didn’t come from the spirit paper, but Lu Feng.

“There lies a fatal weakness with the Lifeline Talisman, so it is only natural that it has been rendered defunct. I have researched a new Resurrection Talisman that draws inspiration from the resurrection layout. It can revive any being who has died within the last seven days.

“And, this talisman is foolproof!”

The chief worlds shook at this news. Many cheered for a replacement of the Lifeline Talisman, but even more were deeply worried. The powerhouses preparing to march on the fourth realm also quieted down.

Lu Feng was Lu Yun’s elder brother and Lu Yun had just dismantled the Lifeline Talisman. Lu Feng announced a new talisman as soon as Lu Yun distributed the method to circumvent the old one.

It was… too devious.

Lu Feng was just the modifier of the Lifeline Talisman; any major faction of the chief worlds could craft their own. This Resurrection Talisman, however, came from Lu Feng alone. That meant he would hold all of their lives in the palm of his hand.

It’d been countless years since the Lifeline Talisman’s invention and most major factions were heavily dependent on it. The path of cultivation was a treacherous and dangerous one. Any slightest misstep would result in one’s death. Unparalleled geniuses, in particular, needed to experience a variety of setbacks and obstacles before achieving great accomplishments in their dao, even tests of death.josei

But if one truly died, that was the end of the road. Thus, Lifeline Talismans were a crucial way out of a fatal mistake. Knowing to change after a blunder was the mark of a great personage.

It would take at least a hundred million years, or even more, if the chief world factions wished to wean themselves off the talisman. Countless geniuses would die during this time. The Resurrection Talisman appeared at this time as their savior, but it was controlled by one person!

“I didn’t invent the Lifeline Talisman, so the method to circumvent it has nothing to do with me. But on my honor as a spacetime traveler, I promise there is no way to sidestep this Resurrection Talisman!” Lu Feng issued another statement.

“Spacetime travelers are deceptive, despicable rats. What honor do they have?!” was the general reaction after that declaration.

Those who saw the situation clearly rather wished for someone to step forward and break the Resurrection Talisman as well. Only then would that leave no way out for the various factions and force them away from their addiction to talismans.


Ideals were beautiful, but reality was cruel. Not even the golden dragons had spare time to make trouble for Lu Yun anymore because the Resurrection Talisman was going on sale. Lu Feng announced that the auction of one hundred million talismans would commence in the Luo Trading Major World.

While one hundred million seemed like a weighty sum, the chief worlds were so vast that just the number of major factions alone could be counted in units of a hundred million.

Every faction had geniuses that needed the talisman and powerhouses who explored the ancient sites. One hundred million was hardly enough compared to demand.

It didn’t even begin to scratch the itch.

But since this was the first time the talisman was appearing in public, there were many who didn’t dare pay out the nose for it. These one hundred million were just a trial test.

Of course, the major factions also wanted to verify its effect. Some talisman grandmasters were already champing at the bit to replicate it.

The Luo Trading Major World was the most renowned merchant world in the chief worlds and its most prosperous locale. While it wasn’t that remarkable from a perspective of strength, its wealth was something that not even the dragons could measure up to.

There was no singular person that ruled over everything, but there were many heavyweights that held sway on it. Yun Yi alone possessed one and three tenths of an acre on the world. Countless merchant guilds were also located in the Luo Trading Major World. Everyone did business here, each supplying what the customer needed or seeking to earn enigma stones.

When Lu Feng introduced his modified talisman, he’d done so here. He was a solid tycoon in the chief worlds. He’d built a sizable auction house on the world that specialized in rare and exotic treasures. Of course, the Cloud and Wind Auction House’s most notable ware was the modified Lifeline Talisman.

The appearance of the Resurrection Talisman raised another uproar throughout the outside realm.

With the publication of Lu Yun’s method in the spirit paper, almost everyone could bypass the Lifeline Talisman now. It wasn’t a difficult method and easily learned. Apart from exploring ancient sites or dangerous locations, the talisman was worth less than the paper it was etched on in most places.

Lifeline Talismans also weren’t applicable in those dangerous locales as the wielder remained in the same spot after evading death. Dangers abounded in those places—if one was trapped, it didn’t matter how many Lifeline Talismans there were. The owner could only wait for death.

However, the Resurrection Talisman was purported to let owners decide where they wished to come back to life!

That meant the holder could just self detonate to escape from a trap. The only thing they’d lose was the treasure and wealth that they carried on them. But what did those count for compared to one’s life?

Most importantly was that the talisman could be reused. A second one could be bought out when the first was consumed, then a third… fourth… They were like the modified Lifeline Talisman!

Resurrection Talismans were also divided according to rank. An initial rank talisman provided one revival, a mid rank three times, and an upper rank seven times. A special rank allowed for ten revivals.

Naturally, their prices grew at an exponential function.


In the thirty-one thousand, twelve hundred and thirty-sixth year of the Xuanhuang calendar, the much anticipated Resurrection Talisman auction began.

Of course, this calendar wasn’t acknowledged by the chief worlds and very few thought anything of it. It was the spirit paper that was based on this measure of time and so was the date set by the Cloud and Wind Auction House.

There was nothing anyone could do about it.

Just as when Lu Feng sold his modified talismans, he first brought out a few to demonstrate their use before the public eye. He invited supremes of the various factions in attendance to kill one of his employees, then used the talisman to resurrect the victim. Countless pairs of eyes and minds scanned the process and result to confirm the talisman’s veracity.

Only then did the auction begin.

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