Necropolis Immortal

Chapter 1836

Chapter 1836: What’s His Name

Chapter 1836: What’s His Name

“Aggrieved soul?! His death wasn’t justified??” A sudden thought struck Lu Yun. There were many supremes in the chief worlds, but the outside realm was so vast that supremes were still apex, absolute heavyweights.

The aggrieved death, or unwarranted death, of one was no small matter.

“Yes,” Myriad Spirit nodded. “But I recommend you to stay out of Huangpang’s affairs. You can’t afford to provoke the one who killed the Huangpang Supreme.”

“It’s not like I haven’t offended anyone already.” Lu Yun had found Qu Cu’s manner of parting curious, but his attention was truly roused by Myriad Spirit’s words.

“You’re not thinking of capturing the Huangpang Supreme’s aggrieved soul, are you kid?” Myriad Spirit felt chills travel down his back.josei

Although the Huangpang Supreme was far less than Myriad Spirit, the former had become an aggrieved ghost after his death and couldn’t be laid to rest. Even Myriad Spirit had to give him a wide berth now.

If even Myriad Spirit needed to be wary of something, it definitely wasn’t a target that the current Lu Yun could handle. The former was Leize’s disciple, after all, and possessed Leize’s true teachings. It went without saying how strong he was.

“I am,” Lu Yun answered matter-of-factly. “My hell dao is newly formed and the origin hell has been crafted. It lacks residents, so the Huangpang Supreme will be a perfect minion!”

Myriad Spirit wordlessly rubbed his temples. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to sit still and would sooner or later run off to the chief worlds. I’ve already arranged an appropriate identity for you.”

He gave up on their previous topic and switched tack to discussing Lu Yun’s temporary identity.

Lu Yun nodded. He’d come to Myriad Spirit not only to ask about Huangpang, but also to determine what should be done about his identity in the outside realm. Something that the supreme set up would be flawless and perfectly reasonable.

The supreme had been the first to step forward when the Land of Reincarnation opened and set himself up as a representative of the chief worlds. He sought to make things difficult for the abandoned backwater, but Lu Qing first beat his disciple, then slapped his face. At this stage, no one would ever believe that he was in cahoots with Lu Yun.

Those incidents were enough to cast shame on the brother and sister duo for quite a while.

No one would fathom that they share a deep history with Leize, and that Myriad Spirit had offered his cheek for an unwitting Lu Qing to slap. Only in this manner would Myriad Spirit and Firstspirit be above suspicion.

It also became their perfect cover, making it possible for Myriad Spirit to covertly arrange a lot of things for Lu Yun. The spirit paper, for instance, made its way to the chief worlds through the brother and sister’s efforts.

The chief world proposal of sending cultivators to learn immortal dao and thereby formula dao was another one of their ideas. The other supremes had concurred, thinking it perfectly reasonable.

While most failed to learn formula dao, there were some that succeeded. Lu Yun fully backed whatever propagated immortal dao and formula dao. The path of great daos was created by the living. The more who walked the path, the stronger the great dao.

“By the way, the girl called Wanfeng under your banner is a genius. She is quick, sharp-witted, and destined for greatness,” Myriad Spirit suddenly mentioned a person who’d caught his eye.

“Don’t you dare think about doing anything with her!” Lu Yun jumped with shock.

Myriad Spirit blushed. “I mean that I’d like to accept her as my disciple.”

“Well, if it comes down to it, she’s your martial uncle.” Lu Yun quirked his lips. “She’s Fuxi’s personal disciple.”

Myriad Spirit chuckled wryly and dropped the subject. It’d be one thing if she was an ordinary disciple. But a personal disciple… and Fuxi’s personal disciple… Myriad Spirit wasn’t qualified to teach Wanfeng.

Lu Yun didn’t initially think much of Fuxi’s Wayfarer replica taking Wanfeng as his disciple. It wasn’t until he returned from the great wilderness that he realized the significance. Wanfeng was the Ah Bao of the great wilderness, the mountain ghost of Mount Qingqiu. She sheltered humanity in that era and formed a deep relationship with them. Fuxi was the sacred emperor of the human race and knew Wanfeng during the great wilderness. Thus, it made perfect sense for him to teach her at a later eon.


Myriad Spirit was unable to provide any useful information about the Huangpang Supreme. He did, however, thoroughly resolve the problem of Lu Yun’s identity. Although no one would pay attention to a puny cultivator of twenty-four levels, it was better to head off trouble before it took shape.

After another seven days, Hu Ruofei’s great dao was fully transmuted to immortal dao. He was a bonafide immortal and his cultivation at nineteen levels of immortal dao sequence.

The incredible happened next.

Soul force appeared in Hu Ruofei—formula dao!

Yu Jiang hadn’t been able to coalesce soul force no matter how he tried, but Hu Ruofei had succeeded in seven days and reached an extremely high level of proficiency with it! Yu Jiang almost jumped out of his skin and scrambled to press Hu Ruofei onto the ground, firmly clapping his hand over the other’s mouth.

“Be quiet!” Yu Jiang hissed. “You can’t let anyone else know that you know formula dao, or you’ll attract fatal attention for yourself!”

Hu Ruofei abruptly came back to his senses and nodded rapidly, a fine sheen of sweat on his forehead. He’d be a treasure to a supreme if there was any present, but in a forsaken world like Huangpang, formula dao would only result in his death.

“But since we have formula dao now, that makes us a real Immortal Sect.” Yu Jiang beamed proudly.

“Do you remember everything I’ve taught you guys?” Lu Yun asked at this point.

“Yes, yes.” Yu Jiang waved a hand. “Are you leaving?” He was highly attuned to social cues and immediately understood what Lu Yun wanted to do.

“I’m going to visit that Mo Fei, I feel like something’s up with him. I also have other business at hand. I was just passing through Huangpang.” Lu Yun nodded. “Here’s one hundred thousand enigma stones…”

He took out a bag.

“N-no!” Yu Jiang lit up, then shook his head fiercely. “Are you kidding me?! One hundred thousand enigma stones?? I’m only eighteen levels of sequence! I’ll die a horrific death if I have that many enigma stones on me!”

As greedy as he was, he loved staying alive even more. He was also clear-headed and knew what he could and could not take. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have paid one hundred years of tithe in advance after returning from the Land of Reincarnation. That’d been all of the stones he earned from his trip, the reward that the supreme’s men had given him for transferring to immortal dao.

“Alright then, I’ll give you eight thousand. I hope next time I come to Huangpang, everyone in Crouching Cow will be immortals!”

“You bet!” Yu Jiang grinned from ear to ear.

Lu Yun raised cupped fists and left.

“Huh? Wait, what’s his name?” Hu Ruofei asked blankly.

“Um… yeah. What’s his name?” Yu Jiang had no idea.

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