Netherworld Investigator

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Baldy delivered the body to the boss, claiming that the girl had fallen in the nightclub and died there. Before disposing of it, he meant to give it to the boss as a special gift. The boss was delighted and praised Baldy for being such a loyal underling. Then the boss disappeared into a room with the dead body.

However, a few minutes later, the boss burst out of the room and yelled for Baldy to get his ass in there. It turned out that Xiao Lanlan was still alive. She was merely in a deep coma earlier. Just when the boss was having sex with her, Xiao Lanlan suddenly coughed. For a necrophiliac, it was the worst thing that could’ve happened!

The boss was now angry and very annoyed. Had Xiao Lanlan been sent to the hospital earlier, she could’ve been rescued, but it was too late then. The boss told Baldy to take care of the girl’s body quickly and quietly, and then he’d deal with him later.

So, Baldy left Xiao Lanlan on the side of the road and called 120. No one saw the girl at the nightclub again, so everyone assumed she was dead.

Xiaotao clenched her fist the whole time Baldy was speaking. When Baldy was done, she raised her hand and was about to hit him. Baldy flinched as Xiaotao spat, “You lot are no different from wild beasts!”

“I admit it!” replied Baldy. “It was cruel; it was evil! But I’ll readily accept all kinds of punishments, whether it be time in prison or the death sentence!”

“Everything you told us was the truth,” I said, “except for one small detail—you didn’t do it. It was someone else!”

Baldy’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

“You’re joking, Song-ge!” he exclaimed. “Who would admit to such a crime if they didn’t really do it?”

“Well,” I replied, “it could be that you’re protecting someone!”

Baldy went silent. I must’ve guessed it right. The little detail that betrayed his non-involvement was the part where he mentioned burying the body in an isolated place. It was indeed true that if he really was in that situation, getting rid of the body would be cleaner, quicker, and safer than just abandoning it by the roadside and then calling the ambulance.

There was nothing the underworld gangs hated more than betraying your own people, especially to the police. Xiao Lanlan’s case had the name of the Black Panthers gang’s upper echelon written all over it, and Baldy was obviously only trying to protect his boss.

Still, no matter how much we tried to force the truth out of Baldy’s mouth, he insisted that he was the only one responsible for Xiao Lanlan’s death.

“Fine, you useless scum!” snapped Xiaotao. “You can go back to your cell now.”

It would be pointless to focus on Xiao Lanlan’s case now. Not only had much time passed since her death, there were no witnesses or physical evidence that could link it back to the actual perpetrators. Thus, we had to relent to the fact that nothing could be done.

Chu Yan’s case, on the other hand, was now crystal clear. She must’ve known that Xiao Lanlan was working at the nightclub. She was saddened by Xiao Lanlan’s death, and probably snooped around for the truth and found out that it was caused by the head of the Black Panthers gang.

No one dared to talk much when it came to crimes caused by the triads. That meant that the police couldn’t solve the case either, since there were no witnesses or clues. But Chu Yan loved Xiao Lanlan like a sister, and she vowed to avenge her death, so what could she do? The only choice she had was to use herself as a bait and kill Cao Da herself!

Luck was on her side, too. If the venom-stained knife hadn’t been next to her, it would all have been for naught.

Everyone sighed heavily when they heard of the truth of the case. Who would’ve thought that such courage and lust for justice that harkened back to ancient warriors would be found in a young frail woman? josei

On the next day, the police went to Chu Yan’s house with an arrest warrant. She calmly accepted her fate. Considering her physical condition, she would only need to go to the police station out of formality. She would soon obtain a bail and return home to wait for her trial in court.

Although every detail of this case was kept strictly confidential, Baldy had unfortunately seen Chu Yan’s ‘resurrection’ with his own eyes. There was a risk that this knowledge would be spread to the rest of the Black Panthers gang, turning Chu Yan and her father into their prime targets!

Thankfully, the Blood Wolf gang kept the Black Panthers gang busy. Several members of their gang died by the hands of the Black Panthers gang, after all. The two gangs descended into a war and the police had to intervene to prevent them from burning down the city. In the process of it all, the Black Panthers gang finally elected their new boss.

Meanwhile, police officers would guard the perimeters of Chu Yan’s house to protect her from the gangsters.

After a while, it was as if the whole police force was enamored by Chu Yan. The officers would come back from guarding Chu Yan’s house smiling and blushing. Some of them were heard saying that looking at Chu Yan’s gorgeous face through the window, with the light streaming in and shining on her as she spent her days drawing and painting, was like seeing an angel sent from the heavens above.

Even Dali wasn’t his usual self. After the case had been resolved, he would often stare blankly out of the window and sigh heavily. Our classmates would often pass pictures of hot women around, and Dali would usually join in with glee. But recently he would merely glance at the pictures and sigh.

On a day almost a year after that, Dali sprung out of bed very early in the morning and got dressed. I had no idea what had gotten into him so I asked him where he was going.

“It’s Chu Yan’s trial today!” he chirped. He planned on going to court and listening to the trial, so I was dragged along with him.

After a six-hour trial, the judge eventually ruled Chu Yan to be guilty of voluntary manslaughter and sentenced her to ten years in prison. Then, the judged paused and added, “The sentence will be suspended until two years after the ruling.”

Everyone froze. Chu Yan was already eighteen years old—she wouldn’t live as long as two more years. This meant that she would never have to go to jail.

Everyone stood up in tears and applauded. I noticed that most of the people in the crowd were police officers, and to my surprise, Baldy was there too! Clapping was a serious disruption of court order, and the judge banged his gavel so many times to stop it that he almost broke the gavel, yet no one paid any attention. I saw Chu Yan and her father crying with joy, and the applause grew even more deafening.

This was truly a case of an angel’s revenge. In Chu Yan, I saw the purest and most beautiful soul that I had ever encountered!

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