Netherworld Investigator

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

I planned to go back with a present for Xiaotao but I could find nothing in the small town. So, I decided to buy the gift in the city.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Bingxin and I went back to Nanjiang City. I asked Bingxin what would make a lovely present for a girl.

"Is it for Xiaotao-jiejie?" she asked.

I readily admitted to it. It was useless lying to her since they were the only two girls I knew.

“Give her something she can use daily!” Bingxin advised. “That way, she’ll think of you whenever she uses it. Without her even knowing, her affection for you will grow every time. Why don’t you give her a pretty umbrella? Don’t you think it’ll be very sweet she opens the umbrella every time it rains? It’s just as if you’re shielding her from the wind and rain."

"That’s a good idea!” I said, enlightened. “I’m glad I asked you."

Bingxin beamed like a cat that got the cream. "Do you remember when my birthday is?"

"March 18th! I get it, I’ll give you a birthday present when the time comes."

"Pinky promise!" she said, before hooking my pinky with hers.

With Bingxin’s advice, I bought an exquisite umbrella and met up with Xiaotao. As soon as she opened the gift, Xiaotao frowned, "Who gave you such a bad idea for a gift? Was it Miss Sun?"

"What’s wrong? Don’t you like the umbrella?"

"You’re so terrible at romance, you know!” said Xiaotao as she laughed in between her sentences. “Don’t you know what it means to give an umbrella? Well, courtesy demands reciprocity. Next time she has a birthday or something, I’ll buy her a clock."

"I know what it means to give a clock!" I said.

After such a long time apart, Xiaotao invited me out for a meal, during which she complained how terrible her New Year’s was. It had nothing to do with work, but rather, the terrible mess of a situation at home.

During the Lunar New Year, her father invited Young Master Wang to their home for dinner. The young master’s attempt to ingratiate himself irked her no end. It seemed her father had already considered Young Master Wang as his prospective son-in-law.

"Why don’t you tell him off? I doubt he would continue to pester you if you do."

I could hear the sneer in her voice. "I know exactly what the man’s real intentions are. Young Master Wang has an older brother who is better than him in all aspects. Naturally, such an outstanding man is expected to inherit the Wang Conglomerate in the future. The young master is fully aware he has no ability of his own, so he’s chosen a different path instead. He wants to marry me and take over my father’s company."

"There’s not much else I’m useful for, but I’m available twenty-four hours, seven days a week just for you. You’re welcome to use me as a shield against his annoying advances," I offered.

"That’s perfect. Young Master Wang has invited me to dinner tomorrow. I’ll have to trouble you then!"

There was also a small matter I required her help with, that is, the promise I made to Mr. Qin. Xiaotao immediately agreed to help me find a trustworthy reporter to publicize the ghost marriage case and create a little positive social influence.

The next day, I accompanied Xiaotao to a hotel for her appointment with Young Master Wang. During our meal, I drew so much hatred from the man he seemed close to blowing up. I never expected this incident to be the glue that sealed a bitter enmity between us. Looking back, perhaps the animosity in his eyes should’ve clued me in.

Time flies when there’s much to do. After returning to university, I was occupied with trivial matters such as make-up exams, selecting courses and preparing for an internship. As part of our course, we had to attend an internship for two months. At the end of February, I received an overseas phone call from a man who spoke with a strong London accent. I couldn’t understand a word he said except for his last sentence–he asked if I had an email so I gave him mine.

Then, I received an English email in my inbox. After a long arduous attempt at translating the email with the help of a trusty English-Chinese dictionary and Dali’s assistance, I barely pieced together what the email was about. It turned out that my dissertation on analytical methods for drug residues within bone marrow had taken the West by storm. The International Forensics Association had invited me to participate in an academic forum in Hawaii and also accept an award.

My mouth hung open in shock. The paper I had written for the purpose of obtaining a few academic credits had unexpectedly won an international award!

However, on second thought, it wasn’t so surprising after all. Research in the field of forensic science had already reached the point of data saturation. So when I put forward my views on forensic science from the perspective of a Traditional Coroner, naturally, they were all considered new discoveries.

"Oh my God, Song Yang! You’re fucking amazing!” gushed Dali. “No way dude, I have to make sure everyone knows about this! You’re definitely the pride of our school for winning an international award."

"Can you calm down for a second?” I sighed. “Don’t you dare go around spreading anything.”

"Professor Song, can you take me with you to Hawaii when you accept the award?” he pleaded. “Just tell them that I’m your personal assistant. I’ve never been abroad in my life. Take me with you to see the world. I’m curious to see what American girls look like."

"Who said I was going to accept the award?" I asked.

I typed out a short reply that read: Thank you! I’m too busy! I’m not going!

Then, I quickly hit send.

"Fuck! How could you refuse them?” Dali stared at me in wide-eyed shock. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!" josei

I shrugged, disconcerted. "I’m not in academic research, so what’s the point of accepting the award? And what if there’s a case when I go to Hawaii?"

"Why would there be a case? We’ve just celebrated Lunar New Year and everyone is occupied with getting back to work. Even criminals have jobs, don’t they?"

Coincidentally, we really had a case a few days later. That morning, we had just returned from classes when I received a call from Xiaotao, asking me to go over to look at a case.

When we arrived at the station, I noticed Bingxin was there as well. "Have you started your internship?" I asked.

"No, I volunteered,” she explained. “I don’t have any classes this semester so I thought it’d be better to come here and accumulate some practical experience."

"Oh, so we’ll be seeing a lot of you then?" asked Wang Dali.

"Yeah, I’m almost considered part of the permanent staff,” she nodded. “Make sure to come look for me to hang out!"

Xiaotao solemnly reminded, "Sun Tiger and I have made three rules. Firstly, don’t put Miss Sun in danger. Secondly, never put Miss Sun in danger. And thirdly, never ever put Miss Sun in danger!"

"My father didn’t really say that,” she waved a fist in protest. “He told me, firstly, to avoid a crime scene in the middle of the night. Secondly, he told me not to participate in the arrest and trial. And thirdly, I am never to act alone."

"I summarized it for you,” Xiaotao laughed. “That’s basically what he means."

I asked, "Aren’t you sitting for the postgraduate admission exam?"

"I’ve already been admitted," answered Bingxin.

My heart was filled with envy. When we were kids, I had even coached her in mathematics. In a flash, a stark contrast had formed between us–she had flourished into a straight-A prodigy, while I sunk into the bottom of the barrel.

"Let’s cut the chit chat and go take a look at the body!" said Xiaotao with a wave of her hand.

Before we went into the morgue, she stopped and turned to Wang Dali, "I’d like to caution you that what you see next might leave you traumatized for the rest of your life. Are you sure you’d like to continue?"

"Even ghosts don’t scare me anymore,” Dali pointed out with a toothy grin, “Isn’t it just a corpse? What’s there to be afraid of?"

A knowing smirk pulled at the corners of Xiaotao’s lips. "That’s up to you. Anyway, I’ve already warned you so the consequences are yours to bear!"

Xiaotao flung the door open, revealing the scene within. The dead body was not placed on the autopsy table but beside it. When we finally had a clear view, Dali immediately screamed in horror and jumped behind me, grabbing my shoulder with his trembling hands.

Looking at the scene before me, even I drew in a sharp gasp. To be precise, it wasn’t a corpse, but a kite made out of human skin!

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