Never Judge

1082 Chapter 1082

1082 Chapter 1082

"Wow, I've never watched a movie that good!" Ismail exclaimed as they walked out of the cinema. "And we got to watch it with a VIP service all thanks to the Reyes Heir."

"Al must be our lucky charm." Cara teased knowing full well that he was one of four reasons why they got the special treatment. 

"I think it was because Mrs. Lawerence was impressed that I was a fan." One of the girls said as she flipped her hair, making Eric laugh. 

"What?" The girl asked Eric with a blush on her face.

Regardless of everything Eric was good looking, he, just like his father, could capture the hearts of women. 

"I doubt that's the reason." Eric said with a smile as he looked around.

Al too was observing their surroundings, he knew many of the other mall goers were actually body guards his father and aunt Katerina probably sent.

Sometimes he could tell which were bodyguards and which were ordinary people. 

The bodyguards were more alert about their surroundings, they would look around, observe and not really stay too far from Al and his group.

Some acted like couples, holding hands and flirting as they walked, but looking around for any threats. 

"Where should we go next?" Al asked with a sigh. He wanted to make the most out of the day.

"Let's go look around the mall, shop a bit." Ismail suggested. 

Al nodded as he allowed the others to take the lead.

He was glad that it didn't seem like his family had closed down the mall or limited the amount of people. 

Al had been half worried that his mom would do that after seeing her children earlier. 

As they walked around, Al began to notice curious glances from the store attendants and a few bystanders. 

He quickly took Angelica's hand and held her closely. He didn't want anything bad to happen that could result in them getting separated. 

"Andres." He whispered to his brother who was standing next to him.

"Yeah?" Andres asked as they looked around a hobby shop that the young boy was normally not allowed into by the adults. 

"Stay close to me and Eric." He told his younger brother. "I have a bad feeling."

"You too?" Eric asked as he overheard the conversation. "Is it like people are staring too much?" 

Al nodded, that's exactly how he felt. 

He took a careful look at his siblings, they looked a little bit different from normal at first glance. 

If you didn't see them everyday, you wouldn't be able to recognize them. Most of the public didn't see the Lawrence siblings often, especially compared to Cedric's children or their Uncle Ram's.

"Fuck." Eric cursed out loud as he looked around.

"Why?" Al asked.

"What day is it?" Eric asked his cousin. 

ƥandasnovel·ƈom "Friday, why?" Al was confused why Eric looked so flustered as he pulled out a pair of glasses and a facemask from his bag.

"March 3?" Eric asked.

"Yes." Al responded before he gasped as they rounded a corner that led to an events area at the center of the mall. 

"Shit." Eric cursed again as he did his best to hide behind Al. "It's dad's public death anniversary. I forgot."  josei

"Woah, there's an event over there!" Ismail exclaimed as they saw the stage with a woman standing making a speech.I think you should take a look at

"Auntie Kat?" Angelica asked as she looked up.

"Shh." Al told his sister as they moved to the edge of the crowd, Eric even more careful now.

"My husband would have been flattered to see all of you celebrating his life even after his death." Katerina said, her voice breaking as she spoke. 

Al found it quite interesting how his aunt could be so cold and strong when dealing with business matters and cases, but look so vulnerable now.

His father had once explained to him that when his Uncle Eric had died, it was not just his Aunt Katerina that lost a husband. It was and idea that confused him, but as he grew up and saw how fans acted he began to understand.

"Oh, it's Eric Chan's death anniversary!" One of the boys with them exclaimed. "My mom is such a fan until now, oh my gosh, so embarrassing, there she is." 

He was pointing at a middle aged woman who was wiping her tears.

"My mom is a fan too." Eric said, smiling from behind his mask. 

Angelica reached out and held her older cousin's hand and smiled up at him. She could tell he was sad. 

"I'm sorry that our son couldn't be here today." Katerina announced on stage as her eyes scanned the crowd.

No doubt Al's mother had already informed one of her best friends that Eric was in the mall as well. 

When Katerina spotted their group, she paused for a moment but continued to look away. 

"Believe it or not, Eric got his study habits from me and not his father. He is currently in class and thanks you all as well." The crowd clapped in response to Katerina's words.

"Is he really the splitting image of his father?" A reporter asked, making everyone look to a giant poster of the elder Eric Chan when he was Eric's age.

"We should go." Eric said as he tugged on Al's shirt. 

"Alright." Al nodded. 

"Wait." One of the girls gasped as she turned to look at Eric, catching everyone's attention. 

"Don't." Al said as he grabbed the girl by the wrist and threatened with a menacing tone.

She looked at him, her eyes wide with shock as a realization dawned upon her.

She looked at Andres and Angelica, registering how similar the three looked. 

"Al." Cara whispered. "You're hurting her and people are starting to look."

"He does look very much like his father." Katerina said as the tensions continued to rise at the back of the crowd. 

"Any chance we will see him?" A fan shouted.

Katerina laughed and shook her head.

"That's all up to my son." She admitted. "I think he is enjoying being an ordinary person for now."

"I doubt Eric Chan's and Katerina Sebastian's child can be ordinary." Another fan commented, making everyone laugh.

"You're his son!" Someone shouted from the back, catching everyone's attention. 

One of the girls launched herself toward a young man and ripped off his mask and eyeglasses.

"Run." Another boy hissed as he pulled a little girl and a young woman with him. 

"Oh my gosh! It's the younger Eric Chan!" Someone shouted as chaos erupted in the mall.

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