Never Judge

Chapter 655 - 655

Chapter 655 - 655

It took a while before Mae finally picked up the call, Cedric was already in a state of panic by the time she answered her phone.

"Boss?" Mae asked, it was unlike Cedric to call ahead of schedule.

"Mae, stay away from the nurse, he might be dangerous or in danger." Cedric warned her.

"Sir, if that's the case, then shouldn't I try to keep him as close as possible?" Mae asked. "He trusts me, he doesn't think I'm anything other than a temporary employee trying to learn as much as possible from the Singapore office."

"No, Mae, stay away." Cedric said in a stern tone. "You will be placing yours and his life in danger."

"So you aren't sure if he is dangerous?" Mae asked.

"It's only a possibility, but I'm not willing to risk my people's lives any more." Cedric said over the phone. "Please Mae, don't." Cedric warned.

"I'll try my best boss." Mae grumbled. "But if you plan to speak to him, do it quickly, he will notice if I stop speaking to him, I mean what kind of friend just starts avoiding you out of nowhere?" Mae asked.

"We'll try to fly in as soon as possible, we just need to settle some matters here." Cedric told his assistant. "Thank you, Mae." Cedric added.

"You gave me a chance Cedric. I would do anything for you and your family." Mae said in a sincere tone.

"Dave or I will call you when we have an update, stay safe, bye." Cedric said as he dropped the call.

He looked at his wife and nodded, when he realized why she was so concerned he too got worried. His assistants were practically family to them, they spent most of their time around Cedric and his family, working tirelessly.

"She promised to stay away from the nurse for the time being." Cedric informed Adrianna.

"Thank God she promised that." Ian said with a breath of relief. "Mae is the stubborn one, much worse than Dave. I was worried she would insist on doing this her way."

"She tried." Cedric said with a shrug.

"Just to get everyone on the same page, Mae managed to find the nurse in Singapore and was quite close to him. She even found out that he moved every few years or months." Cedric explained, making sure everyone was aware of what was going on.

"The Chan siblings and I have to go to Singapore soon in order to confront this nurse." Cedric told everyone. "It seems that if we could leave tomorrow, we should."

"Give us a day to get everything in order." Nicole told Cedric.

"Alright." Cedric said with a nod. "I need to arrange for things on my end too. I don't think we will be spending too long there, but it's best to be prepared."

"I'm coming too." Adrianna volunteered.

"No." Cedric said in a stern tone "You are pregnant and we both know that stress is bad for you at this time."

"I'll be stressed either way." Adrianna insisted.

"You need to stay here Adri, for Yoyo and for the twins." Cedric told Adrianna as he placed his hand on the small bulge of a belly that she had.

"Wait, you're having twins?" Nicole asked, she practically squealed as she heard the news.

"Yes, twins." Adrianna said with a proud smile. "Didn't Dr. Santos tell you?" Adrianna asked. She had expected the doctor to tell Nicole or Miguel since they did own and run the hospital where she had her check up.

"Of course not." Nicole said, shaking her head as she hugged Adrianna. "Patient - Doctor confidentiality."

"As if that ever stopped you." Eric snorted as he laughed at his sister.

Nicole had a habit of looking into her friends' medical files, something that was completely wrong, but had saved some of them many times. She had spotted threats that other doctors had simply ignored, making people thankful for her snooping.

"Well, with Dr. Santos it's a no touch zone." Nicole said with a laugh. "She was mom's apprentice, I can't just ask her for Adrianna's files, she would tell mom."

"So you didn't snoop out of fear of mom?" Miguel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Whatever." Nicole said as she rolled her eyes at her brothers.

"Sir, madam?" A voice said as a maid knocked on Cedric's office door.

"Yes?" Cedric called out.josei

"Sir, you asked us to inform you if your father or any of your friends' parents have arrived." The maid said in a small voice. "Some of them have arrived, sir. We led them to the pool patio as you requested."

"Thank you. You may go." Cedric said with a nod as he dismissed the maid.

"Sir, your father is asking where you are." The maid added.

Cedric groaned at the thought of his dad walking into his office and finding them plotting about visiting the nurse and investigating Lucius Ting.

"Tell my dad, I'll be right out." Cedric ordered the maid who nodded and left.

"I need to go to my dad first, you boys can follow me while the girls get the kids." Cedric told his friends as he fixed himself and planted a kiss on his wife's lips.

"I can't wait to tell everyone about our news." Cedric said with a smile as he pulled Adrianna close.

"Me too." Adrianna said as she kissed him back. "You should go, before your dad starts looking for you." Adrianna reminded her husband with a laugh.

"Alright, alright." Cedric said as he released her from his arms. "Go get Yoyo and the boys, we'll meet you outside."

Adrianna nodded as Cedric, together with his friends, walked out of the room to greet their parents.

As soon as Cedric and the boys joined their fathers, Emilio Reyes III began to shake his head in disapproval.

"You should spend more time on your family and less on work." The older man scolded. "Learn from my mistakes."

"Dad, I spent the whole day with Adria and Yoyo, don't worry." Cedric said with a laugh as they sat down and waited for the girls. Cedric couldn't wait to tell everyone the news.

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