Never Judge

Chapter 674 - 674

Chapter 674 - 674

Cedric and his group decided to leave later that afternoon. 

They had a quick lunch at the hotel restaurant, where Eric apparently had several fans dining.

"Oh my gosh!" A tall euro-asian looking woman said as she and her friends approached Cedric's table.

Cedric's bodyguards were quick to step in, blocking them from getting any closer to the group.

"Mr. Eric! Mr. Eric!" The woman called out. "Please I'm such a big fan, just one photo, please." She begged as she and her friends tried to push through the bodyguards that were blocking them. 

Eric smiled and gave them a signal to wait. He quickly turned his back and looked at Cedric.

"Katerina, can I?" Eric asked. He was clearly diverting the attention away from Katerina, making it seem like he was speaking to Cedric to let his fans through.

"Why do you need to ask for my permission?" Katerina asked as she looked down at her food and ate a slice of steak. 

"I just feel like it." Eric said with a shrug.

"I really don't mind. It's part of your job." Katerina said as she smiled at Nicole who was seated next to Eric. 

"Cedric, do you mind asking your bodyguards to let them through a few at a time?" Eric asked Cedric.

"Mae, can you handle it?" Cedric asked as he cut up some food for his wife.

"Stop treating me like a child." Adrianna complained as she swatted his hand away. 

"I got this sir." Mae said with a nod as she wiped her lips and walked over to the bodyguards.

It didn't take long till Cedric nodded at Eric, signaling that he could now go over to his fans. Eric knew that Cedric didn't want them coming too close and invading their privacy so he had Mae set up a table a distance away from them.

As soon as the bodyguards let some of the fans through, there was screaming and squealing. Eric smiled even if this part annoyed him the most, he didn't like how crazy they could get every time he allowed for photos and autographs.

Eric glanced back at the table where Katerina sat, he saw her grimace as the first group of his fans began screaming and rushing over to him.

"Ladies, please." Eric asked as he flashed them a charming smile. "There are other patrons in the restaurant, let's be a little more quiet."

"Sorry Mr. Eric." A woman said as she blushed. "We are just so excited to meet you."

Eric smiled at her sweetly as she and her companions lowered the volume of their excitement.

"Shall we take photos then?" Eric asked.

The girls quickly took out their phones and snapped selfies with him. When one girl tried to hug his arm Eric quickly pulled away.

When he saw the shock in his fans eyes he knew he had to explain.

"I'm sorry, I know that I used to let my fans hug me and hold me, but I have someone now, and I don't want her to get hurt." Eric said, he watched as his fans' expression of shock turned into one of disappointment.

"I'm sure many of you have boyfriends or husbands, how would you feel if other women touched them?" Eric asked. The fans began to whisper among themselves.

"Eric, I'm sure your girlfriend won't mind." Cedric said with a sigh as he approached Eric and his fans.

"Ced," Eric whispered as he pulled his friend aside. "She might not mind but I do. I don't like other women touching me. I never did."

"They will think Kat is a bitch." Cedric warned Eric.

"Do you think she would care?" Eric asked as he glanced up at Katerina who was watching them intently. "She's Katerina fucking Sebastian, even if they launched a smear campaign at her, it would have no effect on her reputation."

"Eric, Katerina is a human being, she has feelings, don't let her hate you." Cedric warned as he turned and walked away not giving Eric the chance to respond.

Eric sighed and shook his head as he walked back to his waiting fans.

"Please don't hate my girlfriend for this." Eric said as he reasoned with his fans. "She actually doesn't mind, but I would rather that she be the only woman to touch me."

Eric could see as his fans frowned at his words, clearly they were not happy with his reason, as a public figure they expected him to be theirs. 

In truth a lot of entertainment experts had expected Eric to settle down much earlier. He wasn't a young man, but his charm was so strong that women young and old would swoon over him.

What people didn't know was that Eric was waiting for a special person to reciprocate his feelings.

"It's okay Mr. Eric." One fan said with a frown. "We just wish you didn't choose such a clingy insensitive bitch as your girlfriend." 

Eric frowned at the woman's words, her voice was loud enough that it carried over to Cedric's table. He was sure that Katerina had heard the woman's words.

Before Eric could even say anything, he was surprised to find Adrianna walking over to them.

"Adri." Eric and Cedric called out at the same time, but she simply shook her head, telling them that she was not going to back down.

"Who are you?" Adrianna asked as she glared at the woman in front of her.

Unlike back home, Adrianna and the others were not well known. All the fans knew was that Eric had come over with several friends who were involved in business.

"You are lucky you get to sit on the same table as Mr. Eric, are you his whore?" The woman asked.

Adrianna was not able to stop her emotions, she was three months pregnant and very angry. She raised her hand and slapped the woman square on the cheek, making Eric's fan fall to the ground.

Cedric approached them, laughing. 

"You really shouldn't underestimate my darling wife." Cedric said as he looked down at the woman on the ground.

"Don't you dare insult my friend." Adrianna said as she glared at the woman. "I'll have you know that Eric's girlfriend is one of the most kind hearted people around, but she is also quite powerful, so I would watch who you insult."

"Thanks Adri, for sticking up for her." Eric said with a smile.

"My friend, I'm sorry, but I can't let your fans near my wife or our friends." Cedric told Eric as he grabbed him firmly by the arm. Eric knew that Cedric was doing this all for show, that he didn't mean to harm him, just to scare the fans away.

Eric simply nodded at his friend. 

"Let me send them away." Eric told Cedric as his grip loosened. 

"We leave after lunch, I don't want them around when we head to the airport." Cedric said in a threatening tone, loud enough for the fans to hear.josei

Eric nodded again as he faced his fans, this was not going to be easy. Normally he had an agent or an assistant to deal with these issues, but now he was alone. 

Long ago he had dealt with frenzied fans, but that was from years back, a distant memory that almost felt like a dream. It was back when Ram was still trying to grow Lights Entertainment and he had just landed his biggest project. 

Eric sighed at the memory, it was much simpler times.

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