Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1058

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1058

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1058

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1058

Fabian nodded in acknowledgment. “Alright, I’ll have to trouble you on this.”

After having some small talk, he left and headed straight for the company while instructing the Department of Finance to make some adjustments on the corporate funds.

Hannah looked intently at her own reflection in the mirror. The woman who stared back at her had rosy cheeks and healthy pink lips. Nobody would have guessed that she was still a patient. Stroking her silky hair effortlessly, she did not feel the least bit of pain on her arm. It seemed that she had fully recovered.

I guess I’m fit to go back to work tomorrow. All of a sudden, Fabian’s figure popped up in front of her with intimidating hostility on his face. He yelled at her domineeringly, “No way! You should continue to stay here and get ample rest!”

Hannah refuted in frustration, “You can’t stop me! I want to get back to work. I’ve recovered, and there’s nothing that I can do here. If I continue to stay here, I will really fall ill again because of extreme boredom.”

Sensing something awry, she stiffened abruptly. Wait a minute! Fabian had gone to the office, hadn’t he? Then it doesn’t make sense for him to appear in front of me now.

Taking a closer look at the mirror, she noticed that there was only her own reflection. Fabian was nowhere in sight. Massaging her temples, her cheeks were flushed red in embarrassment. Pouting her lips, she grumbled to herself, “Fabian, you’re really something. Why do you keep appearing in my mind?”

Snippets of the dramatic moments which Fabian dragged her to witness a while ago flashed across her mind. Her instinct told her that Fabian was actually the one manipulating everything behind. She could not believe that it was merely a coincidence for the affair between Wesley and Regina to be unveiled right after her scuffle with Regina previously.

He actually intended to avenge me by setting them up? In that case, I had indirectly become the culprit who caused Regina to be in the soup!

She was overcome by a sense of guilt momentarily before she shook her head again. Why do I need to be feeling guilty? I didn’t do anything wrong. Regina only has herself to blame as she has to pay the price for what she has done.

The next moment, she took out her phone and tapped on a photo from the photo gallery. After zooming in, she flicked the phone screen lightly as she gazed at the photo.

Fabian, I know that you’re actually very concerned about me and are just pretending to treat me indifferently. I really don’t understand why you’re acting cool like that. Don’t you think that it’s better to be your true self in front of me?

The man in the photo was Fabian. He had forced Hannah to take this photo of him earlier when they had only known each other for quite a short while. Apart from that, he requested her to set it as her phone wallpaper.

Intimidated by his domineeringness at that time, she did not dare to reject him. Later, when she noticed that Fabian had forgotten about that himself, she secretly changed it to another wallpaper. But somehow, she did not delete the photo from her phone.

She gazed at the man in the photo, then switched to look at her own reflection in the mirror and mumbled, “We look just like a perfect match for each other. Don’t you think so?”

Knitting her brows, she twitched her lips and flicked on Fabian’s forehead in the photo. Mimicking his tone, she raised her voice and asked, “Why are you silent? Don’t you know that nobody dares to go against my will? Do you think you can challenge me?”

Putting her hands on her hips, she glared at the man in the photo. After a while, she could not hold back any longer and covered her mouth as she started to giggle.

In the meantime, Fabian was scribbling something on a copy of the document attentively. At that very moment, he was totally different from his frivolous self when spending time with Hannah. Not long after that, he put down his pencil for a short break and took a sip of coffee. Then, he heaved a sigh of relief.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Someone knocked lightly on the door.

Fabian raised his head slightly and replied, “Come in.”

His voice was not really loud, yet it was audible by the person outside the door.

“Mr. Norton, Ms. Tanner has waited for you outside for more than half an hour. Do you think you can spare some time to meet her?” his assistant asked tactfully, fearing that she would be fired instantly if Fabian was infuriated again.

Fabian nodded and replied as his mouth curved into a smile, “Alright. Tell her that I will go down in a while.” He was immersed in going through the documents a while ago and had unintentionally forgotten about Yvette. Unexpectedly, she was still waiting for him.

As Fabian’s assistant approached Yvette, she asked hastily, “How is it? How long will it take for Mr. Norton to come down?”

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