Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1211

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1211

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1211

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1211

At the back of Lyna’s mind, however, she was sneering at Hannah. Is this some kind of joke? I wouldn’t even touch your facial masks! My facial masks are of premium quality. How can yours even compare?

Lyna had always despised the Young family for being much poorer than she was. Winson isn’t that well-off himself. Who knows the quality of the facial masks that he buys? What if they end up damaging my face? Lyna considered this in horror.

“If you don’t want them, I won’t force them onto you then,” Hannah said pleasantly. She hadn’t really expected Lyna to accept her offering anyway. Hannah had been more intent on interrupting Helen.

The hospital room soon swelled with the sound of excited chatter amongst its occupants. Even Winson, who tended to be more reserved, was sufficiently stirred to pipe up a couple of times in the conversation.

During a brief bathroom break, Hannah took the opportunity to confide in Helen that Fabian’s identity had thus far deterred them from disclosing the relationship between Hannah and Fabian to the rest of the Blackwoods. The Blackwoods thus remained blissfully ignorant of what was going on.

Hannah had repeatedly warned Helen that she was not, under any circumstances, to refer to their relationship in the presence of the Blackwoods. Fabian and Hannah would adopt the mantle of brother and sister for now.

Helen found this arrangement rather peculiar but agreed nonetheless.

With everyone engaged in deep conversation, the morning seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Amelia had come by to deliver some home-cooked food, and Fabian insisted on feeding Hannah himself. Unused to the attention, Hannah took delicate bites rather self-consciously.

At the sight of Fabian tenderly feeding another woman, the loathing in Lyna’s heart grew. She’d already spent the morning cursing Hannah thoroughly in her mind. If Lyna hadn’t been more dedicated to staying in Fabian’s good graces, she would have lashed out at Hannah long ago.

After Hannah had finished her meal, Fabian got ready to leave. Before doing so, however, Fabian painstakingly instructed Helen on how to feed Hannah her next bowl of soup.

“Have you brought the Youngs out to eat?” Fabian asked, having immediately called Jason after exiting the hospital.

“Relax, Fabian. We’ve eaten. We’re at the villa at Lyon Gardens waiting for you to come over,” Jason said on the other end of the line, thumping his chest vigorously. He was determined to prove his reliability to Fabian.

“Got it. I’m coming over right away,” Fabian said, hanging up.

The chauffeur was already on standby. When Fabian appeared, the chauffeur briskly held the car door open for him. Fabian slid into the passenger seat, then ordered, “To the villa at Lyon Gardens.”

The car rolled off. Fabian gazed at the scenery flashing past his window. His mind was turning over the Young family’s possible reactions to the news of Fabian and Hannah’s relationship. His mouth curved up inadvertently into a smile.

Fabian drummed his fingernails against the window of the car as he thought. He had no qualms about proclaiming his relationship with Hannah to the Young family. This was, however, largely due to his boundless self-confidence.

The car soon drew up in front of the villa. Fabian got off, took a deep breath of fresh air, then strolled in.

“Fabian, you’re here! Uncle Hendrick and Aunt Gillian are both inside the villa. Come on in,” Jason ran up to welcome Fabian.

Fabian gave Jason a slight nod, then followed him in.

“Dad! Mom!” Fabian boldly announced as soon as he entered the room.

Both Hendrick and Gillian were utterly flummoxed. They look at each other, then at Fabian, in confusion.

They weren’t the only ones perplexed by the situation. Jason, standing beside Fabian, looked equally bewildered. The three of them turned towards Fabian with questioning glances.

Fabian! What on earth are you doing? You might be dating Hannah, but shouldn’t you be a little more subtle about it? How can you address her parents that? You aren’t married to her yet! Stunned, Jason willed Fabian to have some sense.

“Dad, Mom, please take a seat. I’ll explain everything to you in a jiffy,” Fabian calmly continued, glancing at each of their mystified faces.

Good Heavens! There’s a whole story to it? Jason wondered.

A thousand questions surfaced in Hendrick and Gillian’s minds all at once. Is Fabian planning on marrying one of our daughters? Or is he calling us Dad and Mom because he’s Jason’s elder brother?”

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