Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1313

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1313

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1313

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1313

“You’ll know in a while,” the woman murmured without answering Yvette’s question. Then, she ordered the driver coolly, “Gun it.”

When the driver heard that, he immediately started the engine and zoomed off with a woosh at an astounding speed.

“Follow the car! Tail it at once!”

At the top of a nearby building, Jaxon held a pair of binoculars in a hand even as he bellowed at the top of his lungs into the walkie-talkie in his other hand.

That was directly linked to his career, after all, so he was naturally on the edge of his seat.


The black car behind the red Porsche started its engine and sped away at once after having received the order, following close behind the Porsche.

However, an ordinary car was no match for a Porsche. In next to no time, the Porsche had left the black car in the dust.

“Car A has lost the target! Car A has lost the target! The target is heading toward Car C! Car C, take over! Tail the target, Car C!” the man in the passenger seat of the black car shouted into a walkie-talkie.

“Car C has spotted the target and tailing it. I repeat, Car C has spotted the target and tailing it.”

A silver sports car zoomed out from a corner of the street and followed the car closely.

At that, Jaxon finally breathed a sigh of relief. Inwardly, he lauded Fabian, Phew! It’s a good thing Fabian made such meticulous arrangements. Otherwise, she would’ve escaped.

Subsequently, the exact same scenario repeated itself time and again. As the red Porsche transporting Yvette continued driving, one car after another followed and lost her before another car again managed to take over. The pursuit between Yvette and Fabian was truly a fiery battle.

“Car G has lost the target! Car G has lost the target! The target is heading toward Car H! Car H, take over! Car H, take over!”

“Negative! Car H doesn’t see any sign of the target! Negative! Car H doesn’t see any sign of the target!”

“What? They lost her? How is that possible? My men are positioned at all intersections, so how could they have lost her?”

Unbidden, a few beads of cold sweat trickled down Jaxon’s forehead. Yvette Tanner must have realized that she’s being tailed! If she has truly escaped, then my video clip will be circulated! If that happens, then my job…

At that thought, he stomped his feet in a fit of pique. Snatching up the walkie-talkie, he boomed, “Find her! Car H, stay where you are and wait there! Meanwhile, Car A to G converge to the area and carry out a search! Unless she has grown wings and flew away, she’s definitely still in that area!”

Despite his towering rage, he still had a shred of sanity left and knew that Yvette was in that area, no doubt.

“Car H has spotted the target! Car H has spotted the target and is now in pursuit! I repeat, Car H is now in pursuit!”

Upon hearing those words drifting out of the walkie-talkie, Jaxon couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief. “That almost gave me a damn heart attack! Phew! Thank God they found find her. That was truly a stroke of luck!”

Luckily, he wasn’t suffering from a heart condition, or he might have truly passed out and died from the fright.

“Mr. Dane, the car suddenly slowed down for some reason. It’s now going so slow that we have no problem tailing it. Even overtaking it is a piece of cake!”

“What? Overtaking it? Have you lost your mind? I asked you to tail the car! Did you think you’re there to race?” Jaxon reprimanded furiously when he heard that from an officer.

Hah! Yvette Tanner has probably realized that she can’t escape, so she has given up the fight.

“Hmph! Yvette Tanner, huh? Just you wait. When I’ve gotten the video clip, I’ll destroy you and that sister of yours. I’ll definitely find a few strapping men to torture you!” Jaxon snarled ruthlessly.

If it weren’t for them, I, Jaxon Dane, would be enjoying myself somewhere out there right now! That incident had a great impact on him. In fact, it made him so paranoid that even at home, he would check whether there was a camera near the television before he got intimate with his wife. Worse still, he didn’t even dare do it outside anymore.

Just when Jaxon was feeling relieved, Fabian received a phone call.

“Hello, Mr. Norton. I’ve already gotten the information on Yvette Tanner’s flight ticket as per your instructions.” At that, the person on the other end of the phone paused for a moment before continuing, “It’s a flight to A Nation from Zippendale Airport at nine-forty this morning, and it’s a first-class ticket at that.”

Hearing that, Fabian glanced at the watch on his wrist before nodding. Yup, this is it!


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