Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1537

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1537

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1537

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1537

Thus, such danger wasn’t something the desperadoes would simply risk.

“How much do you want?” Carl asked through gritted teeth, prepared to be paying them a king’s ransom.

“Who’s your target?” the person on the phone questioned.

“Larry Norton, but Joan Watts is fine, too,” Carl snarled while clenching his jaw.

“Okay, then. The price for Larry Norton ranges between five million to ten million, while Joan Watts will cost you between two million to five million. As for who exactly you want us to eliminate, you should consider it carefully.”

“What?” Carl almost jumped out of his skin. “Why is it so expensive? Don’t simply rip me off just because I’m asking you guys for a favor! If you guys don’t work out, I can also go to someone else!” he hissed through gritted teeth.

Hah! They’re asking for such an exorbitant amount that I can’t afford to pay it even if I rob the bank!

“This will be the price no matter who you go to. Even ten million is a pittance to me when you’re going against the president of Norton Corporation and his fiancée. Considering Norton Corporation’s influence in Marsingfill, we won’t be able to stay here anymore even if the police don’t find us!

“If we were found out by Norton Corporation, we would end up a hundred times worse than if we were arrested by the police. You can take your time and consider it carefully. Perhaps we’ll be even happier if you go and have someone else do it!”

After saying that, the assassin hung up the phone.

As Carl listened to the disconnect tone on the other end, he felt exceedingly conflicted.

That assassin is right. If I want to make a move against Larry Norton and Joan Watts, I must pay a hefty price. However, I simply don’t have that much money now. If I were still the heir to the family business, I’d be able to produce five million easily by utilizing some connections, much less two million.

But the thing is, I’m no longer the heir! On top of that, Dad has frozen my primary bank card out of fear that I’ll act recklessly. So, it’s already a feat if I can fork out half a million. No, I need someone else to bear the cost with me. Furthermore, two minds will definitely be better than one in planning this assassination.

Thus, he thought of a person who detested Larry and Joan to the bone, just like him—Gabriella.

If I pull Gabriella into the boat with me, my financial burden will be reduced significantly. Besides, the Ward family’s connections extend further than mine, so this matter can be done more imperviously.

Most importantly, if she agrees to this, she’ll undoubtedly be bound to me. And it’s different this time, for once the matter comes to light, she might even lose her life. Therefore, she’ll definitely choose to be with me for the sake of her life!

Having made up his mind, he then resolutely contacted Gabriella. Gabriella didn’t even bother picking up his call in the beginning, but she later truly couldn’t stand his persistent harassment calls, so she finally answered it.

“Gabriella, it’s me, Carl.”

The first thing Carl did was to introduce himself as though afraid that she wouldn’t know that it was him.

“I naturally know who you are!” Gabriella huffed.

If it weren’t for you, why else would I be avoiding picking up calls?

“Why on earth did you keep calling me? Just spit it out if you’ve got something to say!” she demanded impatiently.

After all, she found it a waste of time to even say a single word to him.

“I have a very important matter to discuss with you, one that’s definitely of interest to you.”

Carl’s voice was unhurried.

“Well? Cut the crap!”

Gabriella was so incensed at him leaving her hanging despite knowing full well that she was impatient that she blurted a crude word.

“Be patient and listen to me.”

Carl didn’t take her wrath and censure to heart. Instead, he slowly told her his ultimate goal.

“I want to find someone to bump off Larry Norton or Joan Watts. Even if I don’t kill them, I want them to pay in blood!”

His voice was vicious, making it clear as day that he harbored bone-deep hatred toward Larry and Joan.


Shock seized Gabriella, and her jaw dropped.

Carl’s words were like a sledgehammer that hit her right in the chest, leaving her overwhelmed for a long time.

Although she had long since loathed both Larry and Joan to the marrow, she had never thought of doing such a thing.


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