Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1863

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1863

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1863

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1863

Chapter 1863 Funding

Caspian turned away to make a few calls and the entire matter was arranged promptly.

“Larry, we can depart immediately,” Caspian reported as he patted Larry’s shoulder.

“Let’s go, then.” Larry strode out of his office without a backward glance.

Along the way, Larry sat in the back seat with his eyes glued to the scenery outside the window. A smile would play occasionally on his lips. Caspian did not know what he was smiling about. But he was sure that Larry had planned for something huge to happen.

Finally, they arrived outside the school.

When they reached the headmaster’s office, Larry knocked on the door politely.

“Please come in!” came the headmaster’s voice. When he caught sight of his visitors, he scrambled to his feet to receive them.

“Greetings, Mr. Norton,” the headmaster said. “There was no need for you to personally come all this way. I could have gone over to meet with you.”

“Hello, headmaster. I heard that you intend to construct a library for the school, am I right?” Larry clarified his visit with a smile.

“That’s right. The children love reading. As such, a library is most essential,” the headmaster explained.

Before Larry and Caspian met with the headmaster, they had taken a walk around the school grounds.

It was indeed very run down. Not only was it lacking basketball hoops, but it also didn’t have the basic equipment for physical exercises.

“To tell you the truth, headmaster, I’m a businessman. I may not know as much as you do in regards to the education industry, but I think that education is essential for the growth of a child. Hence, the environment in which they receive said education is of the utmost importance. If you’re willing, I would like to provide the funding for a library and some equipment for sports…” Larry said in all seriousness as he faced the headmaster.

Caspian was stunned.

He did not, for a moment, imagined that Larry would fund a school in a tiny village. He also had no idea what the reason for Larry’s decision was.

“Mr. Norton, I am extremely grateful for your generosity. But do forgive me for asking, what makes you choose this school in particular to give the funds to?”

The headmaster was more than willing to accept Larry’s help, but he would like to ascertain Larry’s reasons for doing so.

“Because there is someone in your village whose help I need,” Larry answered simply.

Hearing that, Caspian finally understood his boss’ intentions.

“Well… Mr. Norton, the thing is, even though I am the headmaster, a decision like this would have to be discussed by all the teachers. Thus, I still need…” The headmaster trailed off with a small smile.

“I wouldn’t expect otherwise.” Larry nodded with understanding.

The headmaster was satisfied as he gazed at the man before him. He had thought that the people who would be willing to provide funding for the school would be some rough and uncouth businessmen. It

was unexpected that this one turned out to be such a gentleman.

After several moments of small talk, Larry excused himself.

“Mr. Norton!” A voice rang out as Larry and Caspian were walking out.

Larry turned around and saw that it was Delilah’s grandson.

“Hello! Why are you here?” Larry asked as he knelt down to face the boy.

“I just got off school. But why are you here, Mr. Norton?” Lucius asked innocently.

Larry wasn’t sure why but there was a sense of familiarity about the boy.

“I’m just here on some business,” Larry replied as he patted Lucius’s head.

“Mr. Norton, our headmaster said that someone wants to build us a library. Could it be you?” Lucius asked in a small voice.

Larry nodded with a smile.

Caspian stood behind them, astonished as he witnessed their interaction. He had never seen Larry being this patient with a child who he did not know well. Perhaps this is fate.

“Your name is Lucius, is it not? Do you think I’m a bad guy?” Larry asked suddenly.

Lucius scratched his head in confusion at the question.

“I don’t think you are,” he answered in a low voice.

Larry pinched the boy’s cheek affectionately and smiled with satisfaction.

“Then, would it be alright if I worked together with your grandma?” Larry asked deliberately.


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