Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1986

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1986

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1986

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1986

The girls from the village were all extremely loyal. Hence, they would definitely keep their mouths shut. After all, they were constantly visiting Freya at the hospital. Hence, their actions would not raise any suspicions.

“Don’t worry, Joan. We know what to do.”

“That’s right. We must bring the culprit to justice,” the girls chorused.

To prevent the news from being leaked, Joan arranged for Freya’s ward to be changed. Leveraging on Dustin’s connections, Freya was moved to a luxurious VIP room on the top floor.

“Ms. Watts, I don’t know what else to say other than thank you.” Freya’s mom held her hand tightly.

Joan’s gaze darkened in response. In truth, she was partly responsible for what happened to Freya.

“Mrs. Brooks, don’t worry. This place is safe. If you need anything, I’m just a phone call away. Also, if anyone asks, it’s better that you tell them Freya has gone back to her hometown to recuperate. Or else, I fear…”

“I understand. Don’t worry,” Freya’s mom replied resolutely.

Everyone knew how important this was to Joan. Hence, they didn’t want her efforts to be in vain.

Ring! Ring!

“Hello? Joan, are you alright? I heard that you’re in the hospital.” Dustin sounded concerned.

“Oh, I’m fine. I’ll explain when I’m back.” Joan ended the call right away.

Before that, the police had discovered that there was more to the case than it met the eye. However, it was subsequently suppressed by someone influential.

Nevertheless, there were still some honest policemen who would pursue the truth and bring the perpetrator to justice.

“Don’t worry. This is our duty anyway. As long as she is in the hospital, we will guarantee her safety.”

Now that everything was in place, all that was left was for Freya to recover.

Joan could not allow her to be hurt again. Clenching her fists, a cold glint flashed in her eye.

“Again? They must be really free to visit the hospital every so often. I don’t even know what’s so wonderful about Ms. Brooks. She obviously has a terrible temper and yet, many of them still care about her,” Gabriella grumbled in the living room.

“I heard they were going to bid farewell to the vegetable…”

Suddenly, Gabriella’s gaze became alert.

“What happened?” she asked coldly.

“Oh, the vegetable’s mom has run out of money. Hence, she has decided to take her back to her hometown to recuperate. Given that they aren’t rich, they would likely have spent all their savings after such a long stay in the hospital.

Is that all there is to it?

“Go to the hospital and verify it. Pretend to be a relative while doing so. Also, remember to dress less conspicuously,” Gabriella instructed.

“Hi, Ms. Watts. She has a visitor today that claims to be a relative,” the doctor reported carefully.

“I’ll be right over.” Joan got up at once.

At the hospital, the doctors and nurses were all busy while the corridor was filled with patients. They all had helpless looks on their faces.

“When did he come?” Joan asked the doctor with a serious expression.

“He just left a short while ago. You can check the security footage.” The doctor led her to the security control room.

The police and doctor she was in contact with were people whom she could trust. Hence, she believed that they wouldn’t leak the matter out.

After watching the screen for a long time, she was sure she didn’t know the person as she couldn’t recognize who it was.

It seems she has found someone new. A cold glint flashed across Joan’s eyes.

Gabriella’s modus operandi is to only use someone once.

She really is a sly one indeed. Clenching her fists, Joan’s gaze turned icy cold.

Someone new will most likely appear next time.

“Alright, doctor. Thanks for all that you’ve done.” Joan patted him on the shoulder.


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