Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1993

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1993

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1993

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 1993

Larry had an affair? Nancy couldn’t believe it. In her mind, she was sure that Larry was not interested in anyone but Joan, let alone Gabriella. Is there a misunderstanding?

“Joan, don’t be rash. We don’t know for sure if the baby Gabriella is carrying belongs to Larry. So, let’s not make any hasty decisions,” Nancy quickly advised.

Ever since she had a child, Nancy had become a lot calmer and to a certain extent, gentler.

“If the child isn’t his, why is Gabriella being so persistent? Furthermore, both of them were together that night.”

What’s wrong with Larry? Given what happened, how does he expect me to solve it for him? Nancy looked conflicted. novelbin

However, Gabriella has been known to be insidious. She must have set up an elaborate scheme.

“Joan, you should wait a little longer. I’m sure the truth will be revealed soon.” Nancy held onto Joan’s hands tightly.

What’s the use? Am I to wait for Gabriella to come and hurt me? Or perhaps for her to hurt Lucius and Ms. Young?

I can’t allow any other innocents to be hurt further. Isn’t Ms. Brooks the best example?

Joan’s eyes flashed with an icy chill.

This marriage must end!

“I’m not waiting. I can’t afford to do it.” Just as she spoke, Joan stood up.

“Nancy, if talking about this is the reason you invited me out, then let me be frank with you. There is no room for negotiation. Anyway, I still have work to do and have to leave first.” Joan turned and left.

Suddenly, her eyes were reddened.

Nancy took out her phone immediately and made a call.

“Hello, Jory? There’s something I need your help with…”

On the journey back, tears welled up in Joan’s eyes. Passersby who saw her looked at her as if she was crazy.

“Sigh, did that lady just break up with his boyfriend?”

“I don’t know. She looks really sad.”

“Sigh. What a pity…”

At that moment, she was oblivious to the comments being made around her. The only thing that filled her mind was Larry’s image and the divorce.

Ring! Ring!

“Hello, Joan? Are you alright? Where are you now?” Dustin sounded haggard.

“I’m fine. I’m on my way back now.”

However, little did she know that he was somewhere behind, watching her quietly.

“What? You want me to investigate Gabriella?” Jory looked at Nancy in disbelief.

Since when did she take an interest in Gabriella? In his mind, Gabriella wasn’t a person to be trifled with.

“Jory, Joan is going to divorce Larry and I heard Gabriella is carrying Larry’s baby. But, I don’t believe…” Nancy explained.

But what does this have anything to do with me? At that moment, Jory’s gaze darkened. He had never wanted to interfere with the personal lives of others, especially that of Larry, who was Dustin’s love rival.

“Nancy, let’s just mind our own business. As for the problems of others, they will sort it out themselves.” Jory hugged Nancy tightly.

However, Joan and Larry aren’t just ordinary friends.

“If you won’t investigate, I will.” Just as she spoke, Nancy stood up and left.

“Fine, fine, I’ll do it. Don’t be angry. It’s bad for the baby.” Jory was left with no choice.

After being pregnant, her temper had toned down significantly compared to last time. Nevertheless, whenever it flared, no one was able to stop her still.

Ring! Ring!

While Gabriella was reading some magazines in the living room, the man beside her handed her phone to her.

Why is he calling? Gabriella furrowed her eyebrows in curiosity.

Ever since he returned the Norton Corporation subsidiary that she painstakingly acquired, she had never stayed in contact with the man. But right then, he was calling her on his own accord.

What does he want? Gabriella sneered.

“Hello, Mr. Synder, how are you?” Gabriella greeted him in a curious tone.


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