Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2244

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2244

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2244

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2244

Larry shook his head and sighed. What was wrong with me back then? Did I lose all my brain cells at that time? Why did I hire him?

“What I was trying to say was—is there anything urgent for you to rush to my office?” Larry queried.

Oh. He’s talking about that. Man, that scared me.

With a relieved sigh, the assistant then swiftly schooled his features.

“The largest foreign manufacturer that’s cooperating with us said that they’ll be coming here next week. I wanted to inform you about it so that you can make arrangements for it,” the assistant uttered.

Why is he coming here? For a vacation? Or is he here to check out the company. For a brief moment, Larry was lost in his thoughts.

“Yes, I have to make preparations for it. You can leave now.” Larry waved dismissively.

What does that mean? Is he asking me to continue working, or is he asking me to leave Norton Corporation? The assistant shuddered as a lost look crawled onto his face.

“Mr. Norton, what do you mean by ‘leave’?” he quietly asked. If Mr. Norton really fires me because of this, I don’t even know what I can do.

That’s a weird question. Isn’t the word “leave” quite simple to understand?

Larry frowned at the other man.

“What kind of ‘leave’ would you like then?” he asked the assistant instead. After all, whatever conclusion his assistant reached had barely any impact on him.

“Okay! I’m going back to work now. Please call me when you need me.” With that said, the assistant darted out of the room as if he feared Larry would change his mind in the next second.

“What’s wrong? Why do you look unhappy? I can see it on your face,” Caspian, who was lying on the hospital bed, carefully asked Jessica.

What else could it be? I can’t believe Larry did that to me!

Jessica was pouting as she peeled an orange, looking displeased.

“Nothing. Here. Have an orange.” At that, she threw it at Caspian.

Caspian only glanced at her before he sighed. She must have lost her temper at Larry again. No one else in this world can affect her in this way other than Larry.

“How are things? Do you need any help with the funeral?” Caspian continued.

Right then, sorrow flashed past Jessica’s eyes. It had been some time since she returned, but she had yet to deal with her parents’ funeral.

“No. I’ll be informing my relatives tomorrow, and the funeral will be on the day after the next,” came her quiet response.

To Jessica, the funeral was only a way to say goodbye to her parents.

“Are you sure you’re fine by yourself? Why don’t I help you?” Caspian worriedly suggested.

He was unsure of what her reply would be. Caspian genuinely wanted to help her, but he was afraid that she would feel awkward about it. Even if she did not want to accept him, he wanted to lend her a helping hand as a friend.

“It’s okay. Don’t worry. I can do this myself. I’ll be fine,” Jessica rejected.

That was what she wanted to discuss with Larry when she went to Norton Corporation in the afternoon. However, to her ill luck, she encountered Joan, and the couple flaunted their love in her face. There was no way she would not feel upset after that.

“Why don’t you ask Larry to go with you? I’m sure he’ll help you,” Caspian suggested.

“No. I don’t need his help,” Jessica firmly rejected.

Huh? What’s going on? Doesn’t her world revolve around Larry? Why is she acting so strange today?

“Did you have a fight with Larry?”

Fight? What fight? What right do I have to fight with that man? He only has Joan in his heart and mind. He doesn’t even remember I exist.

“He’s busy, so I don’t want to trouble him.”

Busy? With what? The company’s affairs? I haven’t even heard him talk about it recently.

After a while of chatting, Jessica left.

The weather was fine, but somehow, Caspian felt a sorrowful cloud growing in his chest. Finally, he could not help but make a call.

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