Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2271

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2271

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2271

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2271

“All of you, knuckle down! Don’t waste time on the irrelevant party.” Out of a sudden, a department leader announced loudly from afar.

“Of course! Why would we be affected by some jerk?”

“Absolutely! Someone is way out of his place, but not us.”

Everyone there chimed in one after another, obviously satirizing Larry.

At that instant, Larry realized why they treated him in such a manner. They must have read the news about my scandal. Damn! Don’t they know that I am a victim as well?

“Actually… Let me explain things to you all. About what you saw on the news, it was merely an accident…” Larry started to defend himself.

“Yeah, right. When you can’t find Joan, it naturally becomes an accident.”

“Such a convenient accident, isn’t it? Sounds to me more like a lousy excuse.”

Those staffs kept chattering away.

What excuse? Nothing happened between Jessica and me. I am innocent! In the end, Larry could only sigh at this helpless situation.

Undoubtedly every single of them sided with Joan, but he would not have expected to cast her a cold glance anything different than that.

Nonetheless, shouldn’t true friends try to help Joan fix her marriage? What kind of friends are these people?

“Why did you show up around here? Is there anything you need?” At the instant, Dustin’s voice startled Larry from behind.

Finally! He’s here! The latter cast him a cold furious glance.

“Where did you hide Joan?”

Who does he think he is to accuse me like this? He’s the one who didn’t appreciate her in the first place. Doesn’t he have any shame? Dustin smiled at him frigidly.

“First of all, I did not hide her anywhere. Secondly, shouldn’t you know where your own wife is?” Dustin responded indifferently.

He must be feeling like a cat on hot bricks right now. That’s what I want. I want him to panic. I want him to be unable to find her forever!

“Dustin, I knew she was with you recently. Please tell me where she is.” Larry threw away his ego and began begging.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know the answer to your question. You should ask someone else.” Dustin turned to leave at that.

“Dustin!” Larry could no longer hold his emotions. “If you don’t tell me right now, I will sue you for kidnapping!”

This is preposterous! Dustin did not halt his feet, as he had no intention to waste time with this man.

“That’s enough. You should leave. Joan won’t want to see you either.”

“Yeah! Why would she forgive someone who cheated on her?”

“So what if you’re handsome? You’re just an asshole after all.”

At the moment, the provocations from the staff started to suffocate Larry.

“Do any of you know where Joan is? Could you please tell me? I really need to see her now.” The man refused to give up.

“No. Just leave. Joan hasn’t shown up here since she moved out of her house. You won’t be able to get any clues from us,” one of the senior employees suddenly stated.

Fine. Forget it.

Larry reluctantly turned around and started walking out.

Hold on a second! If I follow Dustin, I might be able to find Joan. The man nodded subconsciously at this spontaneous idea of his.

That’s it. This should be the best way.

“Yes. Follow him closely. Report to me once you find anything.” Larry hung up his phone upon giving his subordinate that order.

Such an irony. How did I end up like this? Larry let out a self-deprecating smile.

Joan, is this really over between us? He wandered towards the balcony and gazed at the horizon with his decadent eyes.

Love is such a vulnerable thing… So is marriage. People always say marriage is the graveyard of love, but I disagree completely. Our marriage has always been great and stable. If not for that accidental kiss, Joan and I would still be together happily.

Larry massaged his forehead, feeling a headache brewing at the back of his head.


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