Never Late, Never Away

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2317

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2317

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2317

Never Late, Never Away Chapter 2317

“Pretty good. I like her a lot,” Caiden answered, putting his arm around her shoulder deliberately.

“Uh-huh. I think she’s good, too. After all, I am the one who has spent more time with her compared to you.” Larry took a sip of wine, as cool as a cucumber.

What is he trying to say? Joan looked at him frostily as a wave of sadness swept through her.

“Hey, Mr. Owens. I have something to ask you. May I have a word with you?” Jessica cut them off before they could continue the conversation about Joan and tried to pull Caiden away.

But Caiden did not care about Jessica at all and rejected her immediately. “What’s the matter? We can talk here.”

Ugh, why is this man so tactless? Can’t he see that there is something wrong between Joan and Larry? Or did he do that on purpose?

“It’d be better to talk elsewhere,” Jessica insisted.

“There’s no need for that. We can chat here. If not, you can ask Larry instead. He is the all-knowing boss of Norton Corporation; I believe he can help you with anything you have in mind. Besides, how could I leave my lovely partner here and walk away with you?” Caiden smiled smugly and stroked Joan’s hair.

As soon as she felt his hand on her, she ducked her head swiftly and kept a distance away from him.

Caiden merely smiled in response and continued to provoke Larry. “Why, Mr. Norton? Are you not happy with your partner? I see you keep staring at my partner.”

That son of a b*tch! He did that on purpose! Rage boiled in Jessica as she clenched her fists.

She understood that as a man, Larry could not do anything to Caiden at the moment. But she was different; she could do many things that a man could not do.

All of sudden, she ran to Caiden and threw herself on him, momentarily staggering him.

“Hey! What are you doing? Get away from me! This is inappropriate. Other people might see us.” Caiden darted a glance nervously and tried to push her away from him.

Yes! This is exactly what I want. I want him to panic and let him have a taste of my power.

Smirking, Jessica pounded on his chest lightly and acted coquettishly. “Mr. Owens, how could you do this to me?”

Standing on the side, Larry wanted to laugh at the scene in front of him. He knew Jessica had done it for his sake.

Struggling to break free of her, Caiden snapped, “Hey, leave me alone! You and I aren’t even close!”

However, no matter what he did, Jessica clung to him and refused to let him go. As she clutched Caiden’s arm tightly with both of her hands, she used her right leg to kick Larry, motioning him to take Joan away, but Larry did not budge at all.

What in the world is Larry thinking? Jessica furrowed her brows deeply in displeasure.

Left with no choice, she finally yelled, “Hey, Larry! Just get her away, will you? Can’t you see that I’m struggling here?”

Only then did Larry pull Joan out of the banquet hall.

As he dragged her down the corridor, Joan tried to pry his hand away. “Larry, let me go! What are you doing?”

She was willing to go with him but his tight grip on her wrist was hurting her.

In spite of her protest, he did not even turn to look at her and dragged her all the way to the restroom.


As soon as he slammed the door shut, he pinned her against the door and went straight for a kiss.

He then pried her lips open and shoved his tongue inside, taking her breath away. As he continued to lock her within his arms, he slid his right hand underneath her gown, eagerly caressing every inch of her skin. Finally, when Larry landed his hand on a sensitive part of her body, she sank her teeth onto his lower lip.

He immediately drew back in pain and glowered at her. Joan took a few deep breaths and tried to calm herself down but to no avail.

“What the heck do you want from me?” she lashed out.

Larry let out a scoff. “Caiden must have done to you what I just did just now. Am I right?”

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